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Everything posted by tw2ntyse7en

  1. Its not a flame war, we're having an arguement. Dal - I don't have beef with you, I have beef with your idea that these types of restaurants are detrimental to Houston. I also wanted you to give me some examples of past restaurants or businesses that you considered "schlock", that are comparible to Raising Cane's and have actually been detrimental to Houston. Ps - You're right, I am country, but that doesn't mean I'm not classy. I would be the last one you'd pick out of a redneck line-up. I would also be the last one you'd ever have a simple conversation with. Don't mistake my blunt honesty for uneducation.
  2. Oh, and one last thought: Shlock or not, this restaurant will bring another 30+ permanent jobs to Houston.
  3. The point behind my "screwy logic" is that instead of just taking his money and buying into the big franchise monsters - he went out and created something new & original. Somehow you looked right past that and just assumed that this restaurant is going to lower the value of the neighborhood. Not everyone has the capital to open a 3 star restaurant. Landrys & the Pappa's family didn't start off with fine dining - they ended up with them. Another example would to put down Al Copeland for his chain of Popeyes. But if it wasn't for his chain of Popeyes he could have never open his Copeland's Steakhouses & Copeland's Cheesecake Bistros. I understand that you're skeptical, but what exactly would you put your stamp of approval on thats being built here in Houston? Also, by saying that this restaurant is going to detract from the city rather than add to it, would you rather that he not brought his business here at all? I'm baffled as your statements make you sound like you only approve of fine gourmet dining establishments for this city. Thats kinda' snobbish don't you think? I guess you don't have to rely on fast food like the rest of us. For myself and my wife, who both work 80+ hours each weekly, we just don't have time at 8-9pm to cook dinner or spend $40.00 dollars nightly on gourmet food. But please, tell me what its like. In the mean time, I'll have my trashy, simple-minded, country-ass at the nearest drive-thru trying to catch a meal. Also, please enlighten me with some more examples of Houston "schlock".
  4. Sysco tenders are the best. I've often thought about a way to bulk order them for myself. There was this italian deli in Lake Charles that made a chicken marinara with those chicken tenders that was just to kill for. Well, I figured out the marinara - but still no tenders. That and of course those Tillamook beefjerky stands in mini-marts with the fresh Teriyaki sticks. I've also thought about seeing if I could have a stand put up in my apartment!
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