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713 To 214

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Everything posted by 713 To 214

  1. I see Dallas (DFW Metro as well) heading in the direction of becoming a city of numerous neighborhood wherein mixed-use developments will be the standard. Some of the neighborhoods will be eclectic, some will be high-end. These neighborhoods will be connected by rail. DART will continue to be the catalyst, as we've been observing for the past decade. As for Uptown, sure you have places like the Azure, The Ritz, Ashton, Residences at Za Za, and upcoming St. Anne's Court. However, there's still West Villiage and a number of other properties that aren't priced in the stratosphere, either.
  2. I knew your legal research skills would finally pay off for you in this thread. Good job, counselor!
  3. Dude, you go first. . .and why would you drag Jerry Jones into this?
  4. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity. . .you're so predictable. Read this post very carefully! I know people are laughing at the Dallas City Representatives, Dallas Police Officials, and the Dallas Mavericks organization for planning a victory parade. . too soon. I agree that they should be criticized (at least for making their plans public). But you are smart enough to know that you can't blame every citizen of Dallas for the mistakes of a few. Whether Mark Cuban is a "cry baby owner" is disputable. I tend to look at him as a man with an investment in a business, and a man who is not afraid to speak up when he thinks his business is being treated unfairly. Additionally, he'll actually try to do something about whatever problem he perceives is affecting his business. In this case, it's NBA officiating. . .and if you follow NBA basketball, you know that many of Cuban's recommendations to the league have been implemented. In my mind, that indicates that he's not just "crying" over something trivial, but rather, his complaints have merit. He might not go about voicing his complaints the way you want him to. You might not like the fact that he sits in the stands, instead of the luxury suite. . .but that's Cuban's MO. . .his mantra is "I am the ultimate fan!!" It has worked for him so far! Ticket sales are outstanding, the Mavericks reached the finals, 6 years after his purchase of the team, and fan support couldn't be higher. Throw in his track record of becoming a self made billionaire, and I think you have no room, whatesoever, to question how Cuban voices his displeasure with NBA officiating Now, would you care to comment on this?
  5. Let's see, here. . .1st you make the following statement in your post: Then, I ask the following reasonable question in response to your statement: In the same post, I concede that the Mavericks' free throw shooting is what got them into trouble. Additionally, I denounced any assertion that Mark Cuban's criticisms of NBA officiating, warranted any retaliation in the form of bogu foul calling. . . .then you respond with: Get real! I pointed you in the direction of an ESPN editorial writer who not only predicted the outcome based upon officiating, but he also shared a sample of a number of emails, from people all around the country (I noticed none were from Houston), who agreed with thim regarding the calls that Wade received. Beleive it or not, if/when you can step away from your monitor and venture outside of the realm of HAIF, you will find that reasonable people can admit that the Mavericks have themselves to blame for their loss, but the officials were making questionable/bogus calls that dictated the outcome of some games, as well. The two, IMHO, aren't mutually exclusive.
  6. Somehow. . .I doubt any of them care, one way or the other, about your support.
  7. I'm interetsted to know what source(s) you would cite, or which "basketball fans (outside of Dallas)" you polled to come to that determination. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to obtain actual comments from actual fans (outside of Dallas) who might disagree with your statement. As a matter of fact, read the entire page for more insight. I think the Mavericks should have done a better job of making free throws down the stretch. However, there's no denying that the refs played an uneccessary role in the Mavs' demise. . .and it's not an excuse for them to make bougus calls against the Mavericks in retalitation for Mark Cuban's criticisms of NBA officiating. Mr. Stern, NBA Owners, players, and fans should expect more than that.
  8. Placing a higheer price on sports than education.
  9. What the Clinton Administration was doing! Bush ROYALY f*$% up US foreign policy. Not only that, but, he went back on his own words, many times, regarding how US diplomacy should be handled. All you anonymous-message-board cowboys. . .give me a break!!!
  10. It's not that hard to believe. Consider that New Orleans has the following: - Xavier University of LA; - Tulane University; - Loyola University; - Dillard University; - Southern University of New Orleans; - University of New Orleans; - plus a number of community colleges; - a smaller metropolitan population than Houston's; - significantly lower immigrant population than Houston's.
  11. That's what you've stated. However, I'm sure you'll post in this thread again, along with more insults for those who disagree with, or don't understand, your point of view.
  12. True to form!!! Can you just explain yourself a little better? . . without the insults?
  13. I'd go one step further and say one of the fanciest in any of the Sunbelt Cities! It sure is an exciting time to live in Dallas, right now. . .especially if you're rich or "well off."
  14. I'm going to make a controversial statement here. After living in the city, off and on for the past 25 years, I don't find the statistic hard to believe.
  15. Go Mavericks!!! Bring another World Championship to the Great State of Texas, baby!
  16. With combined posts totaling over 7,300, some might say that Redscare and Midtowncoog are the ones who need to get a life. However, Redscare takes the cake with a whopping average of 10.12 posts per day. Hey, wait! I actually stopped to compute that information. . .i need to get a life!
  17. Those who believe the glass is half full will more than likely state that it's one less terrorist leader we have to deal with. Those who believe the glass is half empty will more than likely state "So what!" The insurgency in Iraq is already well under way, and the civil war is underway, too.
  18. Nice pic of W Hotel, The Terrace, and Residences of Victory. Click here.
  19. Moderators of HAIF. . .I have to ask a very serious question. How long are the personal attacks by this guy and others going to be tolerated?
  20. Hopefully something better will replace the mall. To me, it's a golden opportunity to put something more functional there. Something that will keep residents and visitors, alike, in that area 24-7.
  21. Hey, the top of the W Hotel changes colors , now Photos by maconahey Click here, too. Glass Floor of "Ghost Bar" being installed. Photo by maconahey
  22. Believe me. . .there is no conspiracy amongst HAIF posters living in Dallas to somehow covertly make Houstonians feel less than they should. The way you perceive things sounds like a personal problem to me, bro.
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