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713 To 214

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Everything posted by 713 To 214

  1. As a point of information/correction, you might want to go to the following web page: http://www.northparkcenter.com/storedirectory_alpha.php . . .and before you feel compelled to post another silly, illegitimate rebuttal regarding exclusivity of retail shopping in Texas, please visit the Dallas Galleria site as well. I'm sure it will help you become better informed. NOTE: To those who would like to accuse me of somehow bashing Houston with this post, or otherwise creating a flame war, please re-read the above comment (it doesn't mention Houston at all). I AM CLEARLY DOING TWO THINGS 1. POINTING OUT THAT houstonfella POSTED ERRONEOUS INFORMATION, IN PART, AND ATTEMPTED TO PASS IT OFF AS FACT. (Aside from its not being on point with this thread's topic, his post, as well as any other that provides non-factual information, does nothing to enhance the discussion). 2. Additionally, I am providing houstonfella, as well as all who care to explore the facts, with suggestion, including links on how to obtain the proper information. If you feel slighted because of that, IMHO, it's a personal problem.
  2. When you're stuck with lemons. . .make lemonade, huh? I think you proved my point. Tell you what Trae, I'll make a deal with you. You keep having pride in the mediocrity of HOSTING Championships. . .I'll keep having pride in WINNING championships!
  3. Save the crap!!! You're only fooling yourself with your statements. Vince Young was a major reason, if not THE reason, the Titans won that game. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but THAT'S why the Titans drafted him. . .TO WIN GAMES!!! I don't know why the Texans drafted Mario Williams. It couldn't have been to win games. Maybe they just wanted to be different. Answer these two questions for me: 1. Which one of the Texans' 2 wins can you say Mario Williams was a major contributor towards? 2. When, in your theater of the mind, will Vince Young be deemed a better pick than Mario Williams? . . . don't worry, I'll wait.
  4. O.K., without calling any names, and for future reference. . .whenever someone posts something directly in response to something I posted, and I don't post something in response to his/her post, it's because I found his/her post to be so unintelligent, uninteresting, or otherwise unimportant that I decided not to waste my time responding, but rather let that person's unintelligent, uninteresting, or otherwise unimportant comment speak for itself. Now, to keep this on the subject. . .Someone please provide me with the DT Houston and DT Dallas residency numbers so that we can put this falicy to rest. I have some of my own. However, I would just love to compare.
  5. You see RedScare. . . that's what I'm talking about! Your idea of getting out more is "trolling" on other forums. . .albeit, while you're still in front of the computer monitor. My message was for you to go and experience people FACE to FACE. Give your computer a rest. I know you will feel compelled to respond to this post. . .but don't! Go seek human interaction at a social gathering.
  6. Well, as for my life revolving around a football game . . .I'd like to state that you're the one who knows what city the Titans-Texans game was played, in addition to Vince Young's stats. However, as far as obsessions go, I will state that with over 4700 posts on this message board, within about a year and a half's time. . .far above and beyond, second place midtowncoog's number of posts, and about at least 1,000 posts above even the moderators. . .I'd say that your life does revolve around your computer and HAIF. My suggestion to you is you should get out more. Hey, I have a great idea. . .buy a ticket (online of course) for you and your lady friend (I'm assuming that you have one) and go check out the Texans' next home game.
  7. You stated it yourself. . .a BILLION dollars in stadium BONDS!?! That statistic, my friend, speaks for itself. Now back to the Texans, and the people of Houston who do things that defy logic. How did it feel when the Texans lost to the Titans? How did it feel when the team that used to be yours, but moved away, beat you in your "world class" retractable roof stadium, with one of the very first rounders you passed on. . .Vince Young. . . . .the homegrown Houstonian/UT & National allstar, who stated time and time again, that he wanted to come and play for Houston. I know how the rest of the country felt about Houston when they saw the highlights of that game. ;-)
  8. World class suburb?!!!......lol You know what? Sadly, some of the people who voted for the thing actually believe that. You know, when you're so desperate for legitimization (like Houston/Arlington was/is) you'll do things that defy logic to be noticed by others. It's like when one kid sees another getting "too much" attention. He/she will intentionally injure his/herself if it brings them the attention they want at the time.
  9. Redscare, Redscare. . .when will you learn? You want to be like 713 you gotta wait your turn! Rather than get into circular, tangential arguments with you, I find it much more humorous to see if you can defend yourself. So, assuming your statement is true, what's your point? I can't wait for your response.
  10. Thanks for the statistic. My money was on YOU to come up with the info the whole time. You know, it's too bad Bud Adams up and moved the team to Tennessee and renamed it the Titans, because the City of Houston wouldn't build him a new stadium. It's the reason I think the City said yes to every other stadium request after that (Reliant, Enron. . .oops Minute Maid, Toyota), no matter what the cost. . . never wanting to feel that embarrassing feeling of being abandoned/spurned by yet another professional sports franchise. After all, we all know how much Houstonians (falsely) believe that having a professional sports franchise, or a professional sports stadium, for that matter, somehow bestows upon them the "world class" city status that Houstonians so desperately long for.
  11. HOW 'BOUT DEM COWBOYS?!!!!!!!!!!!! o.k., in an effort to keep my post on topic. . .did the Oilers ever played on Thanksgiving day? BUT, before you answer. . . HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS?!!!!!!!!!
  12. In much of the DFW Metroplex, DT Dallas IS the new place to be. . .whether you realize it or not. . . whether you want to admit it or not. . .whether you understand it or not! Speaking from the perspective of a former Downtown Improvement District (DID) Board member, I can tell you that the development you're seeing in and around Downtown has been carefully scripted, and is on point to deliver what was intended. . .a vibrant downtown area that is ever expanding into the area currently known as Uptown. Don't be a fool and think that this is all happening haphazardly. Don't think that minds smarter than yours have not thought many years ahead of the curve to anticipate the relocations and the current DT office vacancy rates (which is why there are many older office buildings being converted to multiuse/residential/hotel and why many leases are being negotiated as we speak to replace those vacating tenants). Get your head out of your ass. Do you really think that the Caltrava Bridges/Trinity River project, DART Rail expansion (including an upcomming DT subway), Woodall Rodgers Deck Park, Arts District Expansion, Pegasus Project, and all of the private development they are spawning (including Victory, Hunt HQ, One Arts Plaza) is happening at the same time because it's a coincidence? I haven't even mentioned the DT Parks Master Plan. In short. . .of course Victory will have an impact on DT Dallas. . .and a very positive one. It further solidifies that 3 square mile area (DT Dallas, Uptown, Deep Ellum, & Cedars) as the new place to be. With some of the highest rents in the area, (aside from the Arts District) only the most prestigious, image-aware firms will locate there. This will only cause a wave of less prestigious firms to move into the spaces vacated by the prestigious, image-aware firms. Will the Pavillions have a greater impact on DT Houston? I don't know. However, with the recent announcement of the residential component's cancellation (a major blow b/c this is something DT Houston sorely needs), I really don't see it, by itself, making that big of a difference. DT Houston's problem is that it doesn't have enough people LIVING there. Until the residential component reaches a critical mass, DT Houston is going to be relatively dead during non-business hours. . .no matter how much more retail and office components are built.
  13. This is the most intelligent post I've read in the last three pages of this thread.
  14. IMHO - The park is a much needed addition to DT Houston (largely because it's better than the number of parking lots it replaces); - The name sucks! ; - It's far from "world class" (whatever your definition of the term); - It will be underutilized until Houston does something to correct it's woeful residential numbers, downtown (Fingers tower is a start, though);
  15. I think my username is pretty self explanatory!
  16. 1. Why you would need clarification on a straight-forward question, escapes me. The question speaks for itself. I didn't ask you about your opinions regarding the Sierra Club. 2. I don't bark. However, if I did, how could you have possibly determined that from the question I posed? 3. Now, will you give me your response?
  17. So are you, or, are you not, for increased regulation, enforcement, prosecution, and punishment of polluters in the Greater Houston Area?
  18. I'm so proud of y'all. You've actually managed to discuss skyscrapers for a majority of this thread. Keep it up! BTW, I love Williams Tower in Houston because of its freestanding nature, and its visibility from many parts of the City, miles and miles away. JP Morgan Chase Building (Keyhole building) is my favorite in Dallas.
  19. I like ports. . .they go great with my cigars! :-)
  20. As a frequent flyer of Southwest, and a person who, just last week, flew JetBlue from Hobby to New York, I totally agree with your statement.
  21. In terms of maturity level displayed, there is definetly a gap between the two forums!
  22. I'm sure that was the intent behind the release of this information. I don't think its a coincidence that METRO drops this bomb after Culbersome makes his decision on the Richmond Alignment.
  23. What's with the fascination, and ultimate celebration of "new pages?" btw, I think this will be a very cool project for dt. I'm glad to hear that more contracts have been signed, which would signal that the Pavillions project is more solidly financed than it appears. . .now if we could just get more people to reside dt.
  24. I am in Dallas! . .right now. But I'm coming down for this. That's right. . .all you haters get ready to see 713 in the flesh. If you don't know who I am when you see me, I'll be the guy who's plastered at the bar with a gang of eye candy surrounding him!
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