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Posts posted by PasadenaTexan

  1. Wow. If only your hypocrisy applied to Native Americans. Or do they just not count?

    Forgive my freedom of free speech in my form of typing, you spoke of my ethnic heritage. My grandmother on my fathers'

    side of our family was full blood American Indian, my Mothers' side was Scotish & German. My father decided to leave my

    mother with five children to raise by herself so he could start another family with his hispanic mistress back in 1958. Due to

    my father running away from his responsibilities I was not allowed to imbrace my grandmothers' heritage. There fore I must

    imbrace the heritage of PROUD TEXAN & PROUD AMERICAN.

  2. Why have so many of you never spoken of the Magnificent Mansions of River Oaks and surrounding Suburbs. One Christmas Lighting drive years ago I was driving through River Oaks and came across a Beautiful Home being built along a Street there I assume was along the Bayou. The Home in question was on a very long lot and was French inspired five or more garage and servants quarters over them. Visited in later years to see a finished Mansion, very well appointed and Elegant. Anyone else in here love the Homes of the Movers and Shakers of Houston? Don't get me wrong Imma Hoggs Mansion is beautifull as are many of the of Oaks neighbors. Old Money in Houston has moved into highrises and new money or baby boomers are building everywhere else. Share photos of your Choice Mansions or Homes of Houston worth a mention.I hope to get by there once more with a camera to show you all a Mansion in River Oaks I fell in Love with.

    I went over to mapquest and I found the Mansion I referred to on Wllowick Rd. @ Knollwood, the ariel view is awe inspiring the pool is massive and the home sits on several acres. also I saw a very well manicured lawn surrounding a home right in front of the River Oaks Country Club.Know the Mansion?

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  3. Our Matching Pasadena, Texas Capitan Theater is involved in a Restoration Fund Drive Motion as of Late due to semi Long time Resident Mrs Nona Phillips. I am concerned about what the theater will be used for and how future Preservation & renovations will be funded. The outside has been fully restored but also changed, Our vertical signage reads " PASADENA" as your's reads GRANADA.

  4. You'll notice that the copper dome has already acquired a (chemically induced) <a href="http://web2.ccpl.org/prvEmplo

    yees/HTML/scienceproject/OnlineExhibits/ncw/GreenPatinaFinish.html" target="_blank">patina</a>.

    Heck, they could have saved themselves the trouble; its proximity to the Pierce Elevated would facilitate the process in no time :D .

    but as you look at the front of the cathedral, you see downtown, not the pierce elevated. the windows looked like stained glass so when you're inside, the outside view shouldn't be a problem.

    Seeing it almost finished, I am a little less unapproving as I was at first. A Little more Oldworld Style would have made me like it more , but since I am not Catholic I guess my Vote means nothing. I would have built on a bigger parcel of land with some Original 100 year+ old Oaks and used more natural Texas Granite as was used for Our State Capital Building, that one has massive Style going for it. I would love to visit it around Christmas time for a Mass or Classical Christmas Concert.

  5. Spanish Speaking Majority of Texas..... English Anyone?

    Our Architectural Style has turned toward the Chosen style South of the Border. Much of this is disturbing to me, mainly because so Much of what once was Texas is steadly being transformed into Mexico North. Don't get me wrong I love Southwestern/Spanish influenced Design , I can do without the Bright Lime green or Neon Purple, Hot Pink and other outlandish combinations of Colors preferred south of the Rio Grand River. No other Race of people have ever in the History of these United States have been catered to to such an extreme. "White children were never forced to learn Spanish, it was an Elective Choice, Chinese Children were never given Bilingual Teachers for every class, German Children were never allowed to march on City Hall during School and not Punished, Japanese Children were never Allowed to be Transported by school bus from in front of their Home to school and back to the Front of their Homes after School." I am unable to Afford Health Insurance and at my age they say I am crazy for not having any, I have never been to a Free Clinic once the need has never presented it's self. For one Race or ethnic group to move into an area and force it to change to their desired wants and needs over those of the Folks that Born and Raised there is just Wrong on so many levels. We as Texan of these United States appear to be the Second Class Citizens Now in what Once was Our Home State and Towns. Some might feel it is Justly deserved , I think not I have no desire to move away from Pasadena,Texas, I will learn a little Spanish to be Sociable but I Will Be Damned If I Will Let A Bunch of NON North AMERICANS dictate that I Need to Learn Spanish so I can better Comunicate with Them. Melting Pot or No Melting Pot I was Born here and will Die Fighting for my Non Free FREEDOMS Here. So until God Gives Up on Texas I will Speak English as my First Language. Thank You Very Much

  6. My God You folks sure do Hate Pasadena,Texas around here. I have lived here for 49 years of my 50 and I love it, Crime is no where as bad as you non citizens rant about. Developement in our Southern section of town is flourishing we have not fallen pry to Urban Blight as you all seem to believe. North Pasadena is all but forgotten by developers in recent years, but there are plans in the works to revitalize Old Pasadena. Putting us Down nowadays with our once infamous nickname " Stinkadena" is so unfair. Where would big old Houston be withoput us over here in Pasadena,Deer Park,Baytown & LaPorte making all of the Oil & Gasoline Products that helped Houston get so Rich & Powerful. Come on over and see Pasadena Past your dim view from Hwy 225. Our Tall Lady the 1st Pasadena State Bank once Proudly told Harris County we had Money and Power of our Own. Don't just insult a place that is the 2nd largest city in Harris County, 156 largest in Texas. I and we in Pasadena Texas have Feelings and civic Pride as well.

  7. I Spoke last night at Our Pasadena City Council meeting about, Pasadena's lack of preservation ordinaces, and Council woman Dana Philibert also spoke of the need. As I stated since Pasadena has annexed this historic landmark into Our city the need to Preserve the West Mansion is Our Responsibility.Dana stated also that she had forwarded request of city officials that might deal with possible ordinances for preservation in Pasadena.I also spoke about my pet project saving the tall lady of Pasadena Our Skyscraper the 1st Pasadena State Bank Building. I want to protect what little architecture we have left, we are what we protect from our founding fathers and their families. Preserve the Past Protect the Future.

  8. I worked in the bldg about 6 years ago. We had the penthouse suite and it was great. Our big boss had the giant corner office and rigged up his door so that he could push a button under his desk and the door would close so he could light up his cigar. It was of course against company policy to smoke at your desk, but who was going to be brave enough to tell him. We also had the only balcony in the bldg being on the 12th floor. I thought about eating lunch out there once. Walked out and it was way too windy to sit down at the picnic table (that we hauled up the wood and built). There was a little space in the basement for a deli and I always felt sorry for the people who tried to open up an eating establishment there. They'd always close in about 1 month after opening because they had no customers. We had about a dozen 5 gallon buckets up there because every time it rained, the roof would leak in about a dozen places. In addition, the toilets were always breaking every other week. The a/c wouldn't work good in the summer and the heating wouldn't work good in the winter. Basically, the place was miserable and we couldn't get the owner to spend any money on maintenance so we left after our lease was up. I don't think anyone moved into the space after we left.

    Hello G Team what was the view like up there on the 12th Floor? I once had a bank account there when it was Mbank or Bank one but I never got past the Lobby level. How was the Inside Styled, Frank Lloyd Style fixtures or anything note worthy. Besides all the bad stuff any great Memories? Were you Freaked out during high Wind days and feel the Building Sway as a earlier post stated.

  9. yep!

    oops...that link has expired...here's the archived article:


    Yahoo The First Pasadena State Bank Building has been Saved she has a New Bright Future, that is as long as our City Fathers don't mess up it's Revitalization plans. the Company K Realty Development of Houston purchased the Tall Lady for only 1.2 Million. If any of you know this firm, Please keep me up to date with anything you might read or hear and see about the Fate of Our Skyscraper. The President of the Company K Realty Developement, Kyle D. Tauch,is quoted saying our Tall Lady is much to nice a piece of Architicture to tear down, and his Company site Boasts of success in bring ideas to be Realities. God Bless him if he keeps her standing PROUD, and God Help him if he doesn't.

  10. Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:50 pm Post subject:


    Quote from PasadenaTexas.com Forum by member ggstro

    "There was an article in the Chronicle a couple of weeks ago I believe that said that someone had bought the building and was planning on redeveloping that area with the help of the city administration. I believe Manlove also mentioned this in his state of the city address.

    So it is my understanding, that area is getting a facelift, and the building will not get torn down."

    "My Prayers have been answered if this indeed is true."

  11. Considering the price that they got, it makes no sense whatsoever to tear the thing down when the margins on a residential redevelopment are stupendously high. Barring some structural flaw of which I am not aware, you can take this comment to the bank.

    Thank You for the Postings of Support and the Great Pictures of Our Grand Lady The First Pasadena State Bank Building, in Pasadena,Texas.

    I have Lived here in Pasadena,Texas 49 years and as long as I can recall 1st PasadenaState Bank has been Our Skyline, With the exception of a few 6story hospitals or office/banks. The Grand Lady of Pasadena has been our Only Claim to architicural Fame so to speak. The Lady has fallen victim to Progression, Our City Business District has been on the move South since the Late 50's. We Started at Sterling( Hwy 225) then 1956 Southmore Ave. then 1970's Spencer Hwy. then 1990's Fairmont Parkway.

    Our Mayor feels we have no further use for the FPSB it's time has come and gone as did a larger number of other businesses on Southmore. Many folks here in town feel tearing down the Grand Lady is a nothing more than a ploy to put in another short lived Fast Food Joint. As Houstonians have seen Over and Over, for the sake of Progress a beautiful but neglected older building is torn down for what, a bigger parking lot or something that won't last as long as the building that there before. The Shamrock Hilton was a Famous World Class Hotel and it died way too soon, sad thing is nothing great has taken it's place YET.

    In a Local Papers story the FPSB was valued at 1.3 million and was aquired by a Houston Commercial Holdings Company. I have not seen any articles about a remodel only about the Demolishion Permit.

    I have Voiced often, rather than tearing it down why not move our City Hall into it, from the upper floors you can keep a good eye over the whole city. Cool part is I think as our City hall it would Rival Houston's in Height and Style. We Hope someone with a love for our Buildings style will step in and purchase her and help her with a rebirth of use, that is if the Citie Leaders don't step in and Save Her, as they should. As many of you have stated She is in deed a Grand and Beautiful Lady, maybe not a stately as she once was but still as Grand.

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