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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. ...second blank face hesitation from non-anadarko employee in development community. something is afoot with anadarko.
  2. Looks like your typical crappy big box retail layout, two layers of it. Restaurants on the street front at 336 and the bigger retailers behind. Blech.
  3. Thank you Muralpainter! So many different languages heard in The Woodlands...on a regular basis. Mostly Spanish, but at my office, I hear Japanese in the elevator quite often, and Vietnamese, Arabic, frequently in restaurants. As much as people would like to paint The Woodlands white, it is diverse; it's diversity is absent a significant African-American population. Essentially, when people try to say The Woodlands is all white, all that really means is that there is a small percentage of African-Americans represented; thankfully, that is changing. The less fake blondes we see around here the happier I'll be (no offense fake blondes, I just prefer your natural color...even if it's gray). I recently had a meal with an Anadarko employee and mentioned the buzz about tower three; there was an awkward moment before they said they heard it was a possibility. I think I read "surprise" on their face that I knew. Maybe I'm reading more into it than I should; my inner voice shouted "I KNEW IT!". I relish the moments when a split second of hesitation reveals that someone is holding their tongue, refraining from reaction. Time will tell.
  4. i spotted 432 park avenue from the tarmac at newark. it's a noticeable addition to a vast skyline.
  5. i had a layover in newark yesterday. needless to say, i have tower envy. there is a new construction that looks like it's close to central park, i'm assuming it's residential and looks to have a small footprint for it's height. very curious. i was tempted to walk out to a cab rather than catch my plane. if i hadn't been on a plane for nine hours already it might have been more tempting.
  6. bias! just another example of press manipulation to shed light on big d. best skyline in the WORLD? is that a real story? dubai is fantastic. hong kong is fantastic. shanghai. chicago.....all, ten times better than dallas. did they have a hit series for world wide recognition, no. recognition is not "the best". that's like saying the kardashians are the best characters on tv. i call BS.
  7. it seems like a horrible place for an apartment complex with elevated freeway on two sides. will it be affordable housing maybe? i certainly wouldn't plop down market rates for that locale. soundproofing seems like a necessity.
  8. I wonder if there are upgrades to the interchange coming?
  9. over 9000 named users; unique visitors who have not registered a name are much higher. editor might be able to give more specific information.
  10. welcome to the forum MarathonMan. you've already made a good impression by making your first post something that could be news to HAIF, and that's saying something.
  11. interesting idea, but let me throw it a curve: between exxon and grogan's mill where it ends, most of the land consists of protected forest/flood plain (spring creek project) and deed restricted residential (grogan's mill village). the holzwarth road extension heading north from springwoods village crosses spring creek, then sawdust and hits grogan's mill road where it becomes crystal lake lane. the potential for density on holzwarth will be between the spring creek greenway project at the north border of springwoods village and its southern end where holzwarth hits I-45 across from spring high school. my thinking is this: the spring creek greenway project between the eastern edge of tomball/magnolia all the way to southwest kingwood will have great potential for density surrounding it's natural borders especially in high traffic areas like the areas between the woodlands and springwoods village. office and dense residential areas love to back up to natural greenspace that will never be developed. the wide swath of forest between exxon and the woodlands town center is a great view from several stories up in the woodlands town center. you can begin to see where an outline of development might eventually begin to define the north and south borders of the spring creek greenway project. if you pull up a map of the spring creek greenway project and then look at google maps or even just the exxon development, you will begin to see what i'm picturing. you're right to project large amounts of development on holzwarth once connected to grogan's mill (even before); however, the density and type of development will be restricted in the woodlands and springwoods village; it will not be restricted south of springwoods village to i-45. that said, both the woodlands and springwoods village have the resources to best capitalize on proximity to the spring creek greenway project; therefore, the best potential for taller structures along holzwarth or at the greenway project's border will be with those development entities. holzwarth AT spring creek greenway project: i'm curious to see whether it remains simply a connector thoroughfare or an opportunity to capitalize on location and natural amenity. http://www.springcreekgreenway.org/Spring%20Creek%20Greenway%20Gateway%20Parks%20Map%20-%20March%202009.pdf http://www.springwoodsvillage.com/images/large/springwoodVillageIllustrativePlan7-2012.jpg https://www.google.com/maps/@30.1058332,-95.4570746,3519m/data=!3m1!1e3
  12. Good to know. I must have been focused on Navigation.
  13. maybe places like barnaby's will be open more often and maybe more restaurants will fill the empty spaces in the area. do they have a website up yet? i'd like to live in walking distance of the theater district and light rail.
  14. if this is indeed a driving factor, the east/west lines will contribute to the downtown skyline in that direction as well. currently, we feel like two different cities; one city (downtown/med center) has rail, the other city (uptown/greenway plaza) does not. ("tales of rail for two cities"?)
  15. ...someone said this is not an attractive tower? i do not think it's bad. of course, we all know a rendering can end up being more attractive than reality. fingers crossed. i want this one to look better than the rendering (which i like... i just want it to look better than good)
  16. i thought bruce godwin owned record rack in the late eighties/early nineties; he was either an owner or manager of numbers too. i bought many of my hard to find industrial and club music cds at record rack.
  17. i have to agree with the post you quoted. every once and awhile, we get a gem, something worthwhile; all of the rest is just filler. such is life. we can always hope for decent "filler" rather than those lame attempts to be original that end up looking stupid (see memorial hermann's tower at memorial city as a prime example).
  18. maybe they were talking about this book: http://www.forbes.com/sites/eamonnfingleton/2013/12/21/for-all-who-care-about-americas-future-a-stocking-stuffer-of-a-book-the-crash-of-2016/
  19. chevron didn't start as originally planned because they allocated funds for money-making endeavors rather than sunk costs; they still need the building; the resources are worth more elsewhere at the moment.
  20. BEST. IDEA. EVER. You are rockin' my socks tigereye. That works on so many levels, if it can be engineered. I wonder if the weight of the clear solar panels would be an issue?
  21. kombucha is activia for for the cool people. just kidding. i eat activia and drink kombucha on occasion and do not consider myself "cool". it's good for your gut and it tastes good. montrose is just different, not "over". all places and neighborhoods transition. the east side down navigation is ripe for a bohemian enclave. frenetic theatre, bohemeo's, moon tower, are all evidence that it could be happening. it would be great fun to see a street culture emerge that direction that is unique, uncommon, and anti-bougie. if numbers relocated (you know it's going to happen) and other "like" establishments to this area, we would again have an escape or alternative scene like montrose used to provide. the one thing missing are aging apartments, bungalows, and mansions. culture in general has changed as has technology; places like the way montrose used to be may be a thing of the past. montrose isn't over, just different.
  22. according to the folks who document these things, houston will have constructed 18,000 new units this year. if there are 10,000 more i'm sure the CRBE would like to know. http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2014/08/22/demand-for-houston-apartments-is-at-an-all-time.html?page=2 i share your enthusiasm, however. whatever the number are, the building frenzy will not soon diminish. i am curious as to how middle income people are supposed to live in the city. not everyone can afford kirby or galleria highrises. all of this increased density is great, but if all of the low to middle income workers have to commute, density is for the well-off and traffic will continue to be an issue. it will be an issue regardless, but middle income folks not having to commute helps, but that discussion is for another thread. i hope the hanover river oaks makes pedestrian connectivity a priority. if you simply drive in to your home and have little access to the street on foot, you reduce the possibility that developments like west avenue will succeed. i really like this tower. i hope it CONNECTS well with its neighborhood.
  23. sorry about that! not sure what defines a troll. i seriously do not like the design of these buildings. isn't opinion on the design of the buildings pertinent to the thread? if you disagree please explain.
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