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Posts posted by Zippy

  1. Could you please explain what this means and why it is true? Most importantly, can you cite any respected authority who agrees with you? I certainly agree that a citizen can spend his money well on plastic trinkets and TVs, but not on infrastructure for the common use and good. I think we've bought enough TVs and pink cell phones. I'd like to see us rebuild a few roads, bridges and railroads.

    Then you pay for it then.. I don't have a TV nor a pink cell phone.. I'm trying to save enough cash to send my kids to school and pay my mortgage.. but for some reason the good all caring government thinks that taking 40% of my paycheck, and giving it to people who don't do anything in their lives to better themselves, or give my money to a banker who gave a substantial donation to a candidate to keep their faulty business continuing until the next election cycle. I'm still waiting for a "Thank You" from the person in front of me at the grocery store when they check out with a Lone Star Card..

    Actually.. I do agree that roads, bridges, and railroads would be a fine investment.. Infrastructure and security is all the fed needs to help fund. Anything else, should be directed via the state.. Concentrate money and power in DC, the less accountable they are..

    EDIT: Oh, you want a "credible" reference? How many? http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/FDR-s...ssion-5409.aspx

    You can't spend your way out of a recession/depression..

    Oh, and not the elitist part. I actually rather enjoy being called that. It suggests that I look with disdain upon simplistic statements and arguments like 'out of control', and frankly, I usually do.

    No wonder you're a lawyer..

    What was presumably one of the local news stations took video of one of the costumed people shooting his mouth off. There may be something somewhere about it later tonight, but really it just wasn't very newsworthy. The organizers did a crappy job at organizing. If I had been in charge and had even a small staff working on this for a full week, there would've been a better media plan (before/during/after), the crowd would've been several times that large, and speakers would've more effectively engaged the audience with facts and logic rather than inflated platitudinous rhetoric.

    If you can do it better.. please do..

  2. Zippy.....Red is just kidding, he will be at the Rally. He will be dressed as THIS guy.



    Niche: Yeah.. I kinda felt like that as well.. Too much recruiting, not enough substance..

    However, it was a good turnout for being so disorganized.. Most people are volunteers and not paid rent-a-mob thugs like the left has.. They're new at this, I think it will get better with time.. They've got 4 or (zeus help us) 8 more years to focus.. gotta start somewhere.

  3. That you can make so many wrong assumptions from my two sentence post makes me doubt your ability to grasp the current economic crisis and the best way to confront it. Further, having listened and watched some of the "non-state run media" that you suggest, I have doubts that many of the participants in this party do either. There are no "D"s after my name, and if you have read some of my other posts, you would know that I think Democrats are just like Republicans.

    uhm.. sure..

    I do not like excess government spending, but I recognize its value during a recession. I also note the hypocrisy of the sudden outrage at deficit spending while you didn't say a word for 8 years. Spare me the lecture and your riot. I know a hypocrite when I see one.

    I didn't agree with the deficit spending for the past 8 years any more than I do now.. In fact I believe that is one reason why the R's got pummeled, because they were spending like D's.. I don't notice any of my hypocrisy.. If you could point it out in my comments that would be great. I'm for a constitutional amendment to balance the budget.. but I know that will never happen.. I believe I am and have been consistent..

    Government spending in a recession takes money away from people who work.. that does not get an economy going again.. And if you feel government can spend citizen's money better than they can, any short argument made on-line would be futile. It's a philosophical difference, and in my opinion, elitist.

    I have a suggestion for a chant at your party. It was inspired by none other than Dick Cheney, your neo-conservative hero. "DEFICITS DON'T MATTER! DEFICITS DON'T MATTER! DEFICITS DON'T MATTER!" You ought to start it up and see if anyone sees the irony.

    Nah.. There probably won't be any bra burning either.. fyi, Cheney was not much of a hero to me, thanks.. However he's better than that gaffetastic Biden who can't seem to keep his loafers out of his maw.. There's plenty of comedy to be had there..

    PS - I hope my sarcastic tone incites you to attend the party. I really like riots and want pics. :D

    I will be late there.. I have a meeting before which I cannot skip.. I'd like to give you credit to my attendance, but, I was already kinda set on it before...

    And I don't expect there to be riots.. in fact I think it will be quite dull compared to the FM type protests which occasionally happen.. But if anything interesting happens, I'll try to capture it for ya! Maybe the M-Peach art car will show up!

    Cheers! ;)

    Edit: If my attachment helps.. the past 8 years were a cakewalk! Not even sure if there can be a proper comparison..


  4. Because the ones responsible have largely been voted out of office. The new police chief has been in charge for 36 days. I am still waiting to see how they handle things. If they appear to be no better than the last regime, I'll act.

    These clowns at this 'party', on the other hand, are upset that the corrupt or incompetent (or both) FORMER regime is gone! They want the ones who fell asleep at the switch BACK! So, no, I won't be at the 'party'.

    We'll miss you..

    btw Red, you seem like a pretty intelligent guy, but thinking that if you have a D behind your name makes you as clean as the wind driven snow is folly. Just a small example is to take a look at the tax evaders who currently serve and who were nominated to the current non-corrupt administration..

    Also: A billion dollars to save a rat in Pelosi's district is not going to stimulate any economy. A train from LA to Vegas (Reid) is not going to stimulate the economy. Tattoo removal I guess would stimulate something..

    If Dear Leader takes 100% in taxes of the money from people who make over $200K, the proposed spending for this year still cannot be covered.

    For one who most likely protested the "wasteful" spending of 8 billion a month in an illegal war, 1.2 Trillion of spending in 12 days should make you a little bit upset..? Maybe?

    Congress has already spent more in 12 days then ALL of the wars the US has waged since its existence.. But if you don't care and 'want to see how things turn out'.. leave some in the pipe for me..

    I might also suggest turning off NPR and CBS news, and try out some non-state run media.

    Edit: Portion of "stimulus" which will help create government jobs:

    • $2 billion earmark for FutureGen near zero emissions powerplant in Mattoon, IL

    • $39 billion slush fund for "state fiscal stabilization" bailout

    • $5.5 billion for making federal buildings "green" (including $448 million for DHS HQ)

    • $200 million for workplace safety in USDA facilities

    • $275 million for flood prevention

    • $65 million for watershed rehabilitation

    • $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges and libraries

    • $650 million for the DTV transition coupon program

    • $307 million for constructing NIST office buildings

    • $1 billion for administrative costs and construction of NOAA office buildings

    • $100 million for constructing U.S. Marshalls office buildings

    • $300 million for constructing FBI office buildings

    • $800 million for constructing Federal Prison System buildings and facilities

    • $10 million to fight Mexican gunrunners

    • $1.3 billion for NASA (including $450 million for "science" at NASA)

    • $100 million to clean up sites used in early U.S. atomic energy program

    • $10 million for urban canals

    • $2 billion for manufacturing advanced batteries for hybrid cars

    • $1.5 billion for carbon capture projects under sec. 703 of P.L. 110-140 (though section only authorizes $1 billion for five years)

    • $300 million for hybrid and electric cars for federal employees

    • $198 million to design and furnish the DHS headquarters

    • $255 million for "priority procurements" at Coast Guard (polar ice breaker)

    • $500 million for State and local fire stations

    • $180 million for construction of Bureau of Land Management facilities

    • $500 million for wildland fire management

    • $110 million for construction for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

    • $522 million for construction for the Bureau of Indian Affairs

    • $650 million for abandoned mine sites

    • $75 million for the Smithsonian Institution

    • $1.2 billion for summer jobs for youth

    • $412 million for CDC headquarters

    • $500 million earmark for NIH facilities in Bethesda, MD

    • $160 million for "volunteers" at the Corp. for National and Community Service

    • $750 earmark for the National Computer Center in MD

    • $224 million for International Boundary and Water Commission – U.S. and Mexico

    • $850 million for Amtrak

    • $100 million for lead paint hazard reduction

  5. :( Saw the sign up a few days ago as well.. Don't take my fiesta away! Love walking there for a few more bottles of wine after already enjoying a few bottles of wine..

    Maybe mcCain's market can move in there and have an upscale coffee/sandwich shop with some specialty groceries.. Widen the isles and go basic?

    Or Central Market/Whole Foods?

    I suspect it will just rather stand vacant for a few years and breed rats and homeless.. townhomes would be better..

  6. hmm.. I worked at Sam Goody back in 90-92's? or so? 2nd floor.. There was a smaller 3rd floor which was always empty.. but if we didn't have something we'd call up there and see if they had it.. heh..

    Random Memories:

    McDonalds was one of the last to go from the 3rd level.. There was hardly anything left up there even in those days other than the department stores which had stuff on the 3rd level..

    There was an Arby's and Sbarro and the cookie place.. not much left of a food court then..

    The mall cop busted two guys in the 3rd floor restroom having "relations"..

    Our store got broken into and the safe busted into at some point.. Doubt they ever caught the guys..

    The district manager was spying on us with secret shoppers to see if we were being "helpful in pushing product.." I forget the name of that guy..

    The hot girl working at Express downstairs.. :)

    It was fun while it lasted.. sad to see it go..

  7. Oh, much lower than that. The decor is nothing fancy and the ambiance is nothing like Glass Wall/Bedford/Shade. Its on Airline which isn't even remotely on par with what you're seeing along Studewood, but this is a place where you go for the food, not the fancy artwork on the wall. It is a small place, decor is minimal, but unless you're in the hip, chic, trendy Uptown crowd, this place will appease your tastebuds.

    Spiffy.. I'll have to check it out.. I've been looking for new places to check out around the 'hood..

  8. I emailed Sheila Jackson office about this time frame. He says they are working around her schedule.

    Ah.. I wasn't aware she did anything..

    Send some minutes along.. Maybe something useful might come out of this..

  9. I just heard that the police caught the guy in our neighborhood. According to a neighbor that shares the alley on 12th Street, he was staying at his mom's house in the area where the crimes took place.

    I hope this is true. I'd feel so much better knowing that he has been caught. I feel thankful for the strong sense of community in our neighborhood -neighbors watching out for one another.

    cool.. keep us posted as the "press" doesn't usually follow up on these things..

  10. Lessons are learned better when money is involved.

    EDIT: I should amend this to say when pain is involved. One remembers that a stove is hot far longer having touched it than when a parent tells you it is hot. Speeders remember to slow down for longer when $100 was taken from their wallet than seeing a police cruiser parked on the side of the road.

    I guess I wasn't polled.. When stopped, I now know the cop is behind me.

    Tickets are an additional tax.. Pay it, continue on in life..

    No one cried for me when my cigarette tax increased to pay for emergency rooms. Why are you speeders special?

    Because cigarettes are EVIL!! heh

    Back to the robber...


  11. And, all I am trying to say is that HPD dedicates a ridiculously small percentage of the force to traffic enforcement. To make up for the size of the traffic force, HPD decided several years ago to go to a saturation style of traffic enforcement. This involves putting several officers in one area to catch more violators. Of course, this means that other parts of the city have no traffic enforcement, while some areas get saturated. Obviously, the saturation method gives the appearance that there are many more cops on the street, since posters like you are complaining about it.

    Running a speed trap is about revenue..

    If police were concerned about "safety".. they'd park in plain sight so people would remember to slow down.. When they hide, they want to catch you.

  12. tmariar- yes, that's the one. it would be perfect. the bottom picture was a weird home store of some sort when we moved here- not like a place you would shop but it had some funky stuff. the windows never made me want to go in but it didn't last long...

    as far as the old gas station, the cost to clean up the chems on that site would probably make something with a small profit margin like an ice cream shop impossible. this is what the hubby has repeatedly told me as i have repeatedly said "that would make a great ice cream shop." he also mentioned that there is just something icky about ice cream where gas used to be. lol

    I live near by this intersection and always think that it would be a great Coffee/Ice Cream combo shop..

    A while back when it had for-sale signs out, the whole corner lot with the neighbouring two houses on either side was on the market for close to 700K.. That would take A LOT of ice cream to even pay for the note on it..

    Another (small) problem is that the building itself is very small. It would most definitely need additions and if it were to be somewhat of a restaurant, it would have to be brought up to code. Also, most likely the underground gas tanks were removed some time ago, but if not, that would be additional cost. And as for seating, even with a modest addition in the back, most seating would have to be outside. While I could see some novelty with the large porch, during the summer, it would be unbearable with the heat and not be enough space to retreat inside.

    Also, location.. Is there enough foot traffic/car traffic here to either be where people want to take the trip to? 14th st isn't that busy a road like 6th, 11th, or even 20th.. Plus you'd have to consider the residents nearby..

    700K seems like quite a steep initial investment in just the property.. If I had a ton of cash to try it out, I'd be all over it.. but so far, the asking price is too steep for this kind of business..


  13. Not for long - I was using the ATM in the lobby there last weekend, and a notice popped up on the screen indicating it was closing soon and their business would be transferred to a Chase branch, presumably the one a little further down 19th. Just when I was getting used to the convenience of having a WaMu there, too. :angry:

    wow.. really? was it not just changing it's name to Chase or really closing the location?

    They just built that building too.. what will become of that?

  14. I'm happy with Eye to Eye.. I've gotten glasses and contacts via cash payment, and they don't seem particularly more expensive than anywhere else I've gone.. Now those places in wally mart would probably be cheap.. But I'd rather pay more and get better service.

    -Vietnam Restaurant on 19th is good and cheap.

    -Thai Spice is reasonable.

    -Pizza place (Colinas?) is reasonable.

    -Glass wall is about what I'd expect to pay for a high-end dinner.

    -Same with Shade.

    -Bedford's we tried out with a bottle of wine and a couple of appetizers.. Bottle for 60$ seemed quite premium, but food was on par price wize.

    -Blue bike shop seems to have decent prices

    -McCains (as stated elsewhere) was crazy expensive

    -Shilough (sp?) is good and cheap.. :)

    -Onion creek I won't go to unless I want to WAIT on food.. seriously.. does it take an hour to grill a hamburger?

    -Antidote is reasonable for snacks and a cup o' joe.

    -Berryhill's is fast, and cheap.. except their margaritas are now what.. 6.50? each? wow..

    -Buchanan's is expensive.. I only go there for the free advise.. :)

    - Oh yeah.. how could I forget 11th St Cafe.. Good deals to be had.. unless you go for the orange juice brunch..

    Can you tell the places we frequent? ;)

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