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Everything posted by houstonsemipro

  1. Have anyone seen today's game? The Texans sucks! Their defense sucks! David Carr sucks! The running game sucks! I mean damn, they look like a first year team all over again. I really do feel sorry for Carr, the guy just don't have it. They lost against the Eagles, and next week is another lost against the Colts. The Texans may be a contender again for the first round draft pick next year.
  2. The Texans have a way better O-line then last year, it's just David Carr can't get the ball off. In the News... The Texans have signed RB Ron Dayne (Broncos). He will be their goalline and 3rd down back.
  3. The Indigo Earth Project is old news. I've called the people up and they mention that the project is dead, and it been dead since damn there last year. I've post it along time ago on Indigo Earth thread.
  4. More Texans cuts... WR David Anderson DB Kevin Garrett DT Robaire Smith DB Michael Stone RB Chris Taylor The Texans claimed off waivers: DB Roc Alexander (Denver Broncos) DT Atiyyah Ellison (Carolina Panthers) DB Guss Scott (New England Patriots) WR Edell Shepherd (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
  5. The Houston Texans are worth an estimated $1.043 billion, the fourth most valuable franchise in the National Football League, according to Forbes.com. In the special report, The Business of Football, Forbes ranks the Washington Redskins as the NFL's most valuable franchise, worth $1.423 billion. The New England Patriots and Dallas Cowboys, the second and third most valuable teams, were valued at $1.176 billion and $1.173 billion, respectively. The magazine puts the Texans' value at $1.043 billion -- up 10 percent from its value of $946 million last year, when the team ranked fifth. The Minnesota Vikings were ranked as the least valuable team at $720 million. Across the NFL, football team values rose an average of about 10 percent during the past year to $898 million, 212 percent more than when Forbes began calculating team values eight years ago. Looking at it this way: Football team values have increased 11 times more than the S&P 500 since 1998. In 2005, the average NFL team posted $30.8 million in operating income -- earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization-- versus $5.3 million in 1997. The magazine estimates the Texans took in $222 million in revenue last season and earned $57.6 million before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. Robert McNair paid $700 million to buy the franchise in 1999. Link... http://houston.bizjournals.com/houston/sto...ml?surround=lfn
  6. The Houston Texans announce they have released the following players: Wide receiver Derick Armstrong Guard Mike Brisiel Defensive end John Chick Strong safety Anthony Floyd Linebacker Barrett Green Tight end Patrick Hape Cornerback Earthwind Moreland Wide receiver Donovan Morgan Linebacker Saleem Rasheed Running back Damien Rhodes Defensive tackle Devarick Scandrett Wide receiver Kendrick Starling Strong safety Ramon Walker Teams are allowed to have 75 players on their roster on Tuesday, Aug. 29. The final roster cuts are due to the NFL on Saturday, September 2, with a maximum of 53 players. Teams can establish a practice squad on Sunday, September 3.
  7. Texas would never legalize gambling in a million years. GOOD LUCK!
  8. I'm guessing Kubiak, and other coaches is not satisfied. Domanick Davis is still not healthly, and the only to is Morceny and Lundy. Antwann Smith can not handle 30 carries a game by himself. He's 34 years old for christ sake. So, Ron Dayne will fit, cause he know the system well. For Bradlee Van Pelt. I think, this my opinion. But, I think Kubiak is not comfortable with David Carr, because why the hell he still bringing in quarterbacks? As for Charlie Adams. Kubiak is still looking for a kick returner, and another wide out for a threat. Charlie Adams is both, but he has a knee injury.
  9. In the news... Kubiak and Rick Smith (newly GM) is looking at Broncos quarterback, Bradlee Van Pelt and wide reciever/kick returner, Charlie Adams. The Broncos thinking about waving those two after Sunday's night game against the Texans. Futhermore, Ron Dayne (broncos runningback) also might get cut, cause he didn't practiced for 10 days due to an injury and Texans have an eye on him as well.
  10. This my last comment for this thread, cause many people on here are jokesters and will be crying later. Remember that friend I have in D.C.? Who do you think he, or she going to warn first when something about to happen to Houston? Me! Hell, he/she tried to warn the family when 9-11 going to attack in NYC, and they act just like y'all, but when it happen that laughter turned into hurt and tears. He/she also mention that Houston is too spread out in the open, and easy for terrorist to plot. Furthermore, it's other cities they want to do damage in trying to hurt America's economy. The government already know about it, but can they stop it? No! They just could slow it down. I know it's hard to watch over 6 million people in this well-spread out city, but all I'm saying is keep your eyes open for anything that looks suspicious.
  11. Alot of y'all taking it as a joke, good. Because, don't come on here crying saying they bomb downtown, or somewhere. Furthermore, this is not a chain email. I wrote this last night when I was on the phone with my friend from D.C. So, take it as a joke. I'll be safe.
  12. Dear Houstonians, I'm writing this letter to let the Houstonians know that there's a possibility terrorist to be in our city. But, why Houston? Well, very simple. Houston has the oil & gas refineries, chemical plants, energy corridor, space (NASA), etc. Houston also plays a major role in America's economy today. I've received important info from a good friend of mine that works directly for the Government in D.C. This person have mention to me that the terrorist already in place waiting for the word to set bombs in serveral different cities in America, and one of them is... Houston, TX. I've told this person when you think it will happen? Anywhere between this year, or the 1st quarter of next year (2007). It's people that you probably see, or assoicate with everyday and you wouldn't have a clue their a terrorist. This unnamed person also mention that there will be no stopping terrorism. Don't care how much President Bush does to stop terrorist in America. America will forever be threaten by these types of people. It's alot of Americans joining the terrorist for money, or even for higher power. This person even told his/her family about the 9-11 attack before it happened, they laughed and thought it was a joke. When 9-11 happened they all cried, and thought the world was coming to an end. I'm telling y'all, as a friend, as a Houstonian, keep your eyes open. Look for suspicious people, or things that may not seem right. Tell your family, friends, neighbors, anybody that would help to stop terrorist from crippling our city, and America's economy. BE ON GUARD!
  13. HISD mention that if Kashmere, Sam Houston High and a middle school they also mention continue to perform low they will close down by the end of this year, or next year.
  14. I've been saying this over and over again. People don't cater to downtown. They rather go to uptown, or other areas in Houston that is jumping. When the Pavilions is up and running that doesn't mean alot of people will cater to it, they will check it out but not going to make it they're main destination. And for former Mayor Lee Brown statement. Houston would be further in the RED if Lee Brown didn't went to D.C. and got the funds to build the metrorail. The City Council rule out the metrorail, but Lee Brown went over their heads and to D.C.. So, think about it.
  15. With the Texans in the same division as Clots and Jaguars. It's going to be very hard to reach that 10-11 record. Texans need to focus more on beating the Clots this year, at lease beat'em once. When the Texans beat Clots, that's when they have a chance on going to the playoffs.
  16. I never heard Houston was over 700 sq miles. That's the first. Besides, those not old numbers. Wikipedia always updating their system.
  17. Houston is 620 sq miles, not 579.4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houston http://www.punjab.net/houston/
  18. The Texans debut was awsome. They looked like another team (Broncos), with David Carr and other quarterbacks rolling out passing the ball, even running more. The rookie runningback, Lundy did good, but he needs to work on his catching. You need to run and catch Lundy if you wanna be a back in the NFL. But, overall I was overwhelmed by the new system Kubiak brings to the Texans. On the another hand, they must have more runningback depth, cause how if Davis don't come back? Meaning Lundy, Taylor and Morncey have to step up. Antwann Smith? I don't know. He didn't show me enough tonight. Maybe he would make good plays next week against the Rams. The defense? They did a great job by holding the Cheifs to a scoreless first quarter. Mario Williams had a quiet night, but I'm guessing he have to get in the groove in the NfL. He'll have a better game maybe next week. My predictions still the same. 6-8 games this seasons.
  19. I agree. It's not the schools. When the last time you heard schools make students do bad things? It's want you bring into the school starting with the PARENTS!
  20. How much you wanna bet that Blockbuster will move its Headquarters? Blockbuster is losing millions of dollars (probably billions), that's why they closing down some of their nonperforming stores. I know they closed the one down by me on I-45 and Crosstimbers. I use to be a Netflix member until I've got laid off from work. That's sucks! But, I've have plans to rejoining them very soon. I was getting movies back to back everyday. I was loving it.
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