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Posts posted by TheSirDingle

  1. https://www.bizjournals.com/houston/news/2019/08/14/houston-home-sales-break-all-time-records-in-july.html

    Single Family:


    Single-family home sales in July totaled 8,953, an 11.6 percent year-over-year increase and the largest one-month volume of all time, the Houston Association of Realtors reported Aug. 14. The previous record was set in June 2018, when 8,385 single-family homes were sold. 


    All pricing segments at or above $150,000 recorded increases in single-family home sales. The largest increase was in the $500,000-$749,999 segment, which saw sales skyrocket 22 percent, followed by the $250,000-$499,999 segment, with a 16.9 percent increase.




    Sales in the townhouse and condominium segment also increased 15.8 percent, totaling 697 units, tying with the record set in June 2018. However, the average price fell 5.9 percent to $202,853, while the median price declined 1.8 percent to $163,000.

    Houston did it again. 

  2. I'm assuming the residential portion is going to be around 30-32 stories (if they're split among the 2 blocks, and going off drewery place square footage), while the office portion might be in the 25-30 story range? Also, that's a pretty sizeable amount of retail, so it might take up add a couple floors to the development. I don't know what I'm talking about, so this is just pure speculation. 

    Anyway, Midtown just keep getting better, and better. Hope this comes to fruition, it would add so much more to the neighborhood. 



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  3. 14 minutes ago, htownbro said:

    I think Austin has a a 60 plus story tower in the works but they may get a taller build since their popping them out of the ground like crazy.  Houston lacks a signature tower like some other global cities.

    *Cries in Bank of Southwest tower*. I mean you could say the old BOA tower is pretty signature, but it does lack the height when in comparison to the skyline. Maybe even Wells Fargo Plaza? It definitely has a good amount of height, but it does lack something.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Purdueenginerd said:


    Using Emporis, between 500 and 600 feet buildings, Houston has about 18 completed high rises on that website(not counting under construction and transmission towers). At a cursory level, looks like wikipedia is mostly correct albeit their table is slightly misleading.   he table should have a range, but they just put greater than or equal to. So yes, Houston has more than 18, 500 footer buildings, but between 500/600 the table is correct. 


    I see what they did, sorry just looked at the graph wrong. Also didn't know Vegas had that many big boys.


  5. 1 hour ago, downtownian said:

    Q2 downtown report is up. Highlights:


    -residential occupancy of 90.3% up from 86.8% at beginning of quarter. Increase due to strong seasonal demand. Houston average is 90.2%

    -average rent of $2.03/sf compared to Houston average of $1.18

    -Bank of America Tower is 88% leased 



    Woah, Downtown reached the average much faster than I thought. Definitely shows that there's a large demand for urban living (dense living, high rise living, what ever you wanna call it) in our core. 

    Must be some decently wealthy people going off rent/sf, wonder how this will affect retail in the future. 

    Overall loving the results. Also about to pass 11k residents, which is nice. 

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  6. So big news happening on the food side of UH.

    Firstly cougar woods is going to be renovated: 




    Secondly UH will build a food truck park in lot 21A:



    Finally after the moody towers are torn down and rebuilt, here's what the dining hall will look like: 







    Honestly an amazing rebuild of the dining hall system at UH, can't wait for it to happen. Have a lot of memories staying in moody dining for hours upon hours, just hanging out and studying with friends (also the tendies). 

    I also found a rendering of the new COT rebuild, but I can't seem to find it anymore. 

    • Like 5
  7. This looks amazing. Love what they did with the old greenhouse, and how they made the mini park; a part of the project. Gives it a whole different vibe when you go outside. Also looks like it's doing pretty good in terms of business. 

    Loving all the extra dining options that are in downtown now. I wonder how this is going to pan out in the long term?


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  8. Looks like every tower has been stated as a none hazard. There's about 7 more of these docs, but they're all the same. 



    Weirdly enough the amount of cases for the development is at 8 (the 150+ m part). Hopefully we can get a rendering, or maybe even an explanation on what this guy has planned. Seems like it's a lot bigger than we previously expected. 


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  9. 6 hours ago, CREguy13 said:

    This isn't a huge update, but thought it was worth posting. I recently heard from a source that TC fully intends to break ground on Block 98 and is getting close.  I also heard that, while in the early stages, TC is working on another highrise MF in downtown Houston.  The location is unknown.  Does anyone else have any comment on this?

    *Furiously scrounges through FAA building permits* 

    • Like 7
  10. 1 hour ago, mattyt36 said:


    I'm admittedly no demographer, but that's the first I've seen numbers presented that way.  What is the difference between the 10,964 population and a household population of 9,033?  Homeless?!

    I'm not sure, ik there aren't 1000+ homeless just in downtown. I'm sure they're not counting them in this though. Idk where that extra 1000+ people comes from, but it could be from something other than rentals. From the document I actually added up 6,665 residential units (page 12). While on page 4 they say there's only 6,086 residential units in the core. Could they not be counting non-rental units in the household category? Also what's the prisoner population in downtown?

  11. According to "Downtown at a glance: June 2019 edition" from www.downtowndistrict.org. Downtown's Core supposedly has a population of 10,964, with an estimated household population of 9,033

    The number of households is 5,283, with the average holding 1.71 occupants


    I'm assuming the household part is just apartments, and the rest of population is coming from properties like condos, and townhomes (or something else). There's also a plethora of other information inside the document, ranging anywhere from residential to transit. 


    link to document: http://www.downtowndistrict.org/static/media/uploads/attachments/downtown_at_a_glance_june_2019_final..pdf


    So far Downtown is looking on the upside, and will hopefully get to the 24/7 pedestrian center soon. It's honestly a great time to be in, and around the core. 

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  12. 3 hours ago, htownbro said:

    If built, the Med Center skyline could rival that of downtown and several other major city skylines!

    Gonna take TMC 10+ , 150+ m towers to rival Downtwon Htown. But I would say rn it's around 3rd or 4th biggest skyline in Texas. Should move up to 2nd or 3rd in the coming years, especially when some of these skyscrapers are finished. 

    But damn is it impressive how many high rises Houston has.TMC/Uptown alone, could be a medium-large cities' skyline by itself. While Downtown is just on another level of size. This doesn't even count everything else in-between. 

    • Like 4
  13. Wonder what the market is looking like now? I would say the occupancy is looking at the high 80's, maybe even low 90's now. Considering Summer is the most popular time to move in, it might even be higher. 

    Also it seems after Downtown's residential incentive, many more units are being built. Hopefully this is a sign that Downtown has a great market for residential. Going off the food hall boom, and amenities boom in general. It looks like Downtown is finally going into maximum overdrive, in terms of quality of life development. 



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