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Everything posted by houstonmacbro

  1. Oh man. The Google earth map on Univision 45 with the weather lady keep showing green. As if her map disappeared!
  2. Out lights just went out. They came back on. Guess buried power lines in subdivisions don't mean a hill of beans!
  3. A chunk of wall has fallen off the Hilton Clear Lake.
  4. Univision 45 is showing a neighborhood in Galveston (flooded already) with their supercans floating down the street.
  5. Well my sister heard it and now it is on the news: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5995957.html It's supposed to come up I-45. Damnit. I am right in the path!
  6. Brays Bayou below I-45 is expected to flood.
  7. I'm now hearing HOUSTON is under a mandatory 6p curfew. WTF!?! (Oops, can I say that here?)
  8. My partner's more comfortable in Spanish so we're tuned in to 45 (Univision) most of the time and I just read in Spanish. Sometimes I tune to 11 just for updates.
  9. Yeah, just what I need. Hot and steamy weather inside, hurricane force winds and rain outside where I can't open my window without water drenching me, and cooped up in a house. Ick.
  10. Well that's good. At least they're being evacuated too.
  11. Please don't blame this on the mayor. Personally, I think all the elected officials have acted responsibly, prudently, and timely. People have to take some resposibility in this. They got the official word yesterday and knew this was coming our way as early as Tuesday.
  12. Anyone hear anything about services for the homeless? I stopped at a traffic light earlier and there was this old homeless woman. I asked her if she knew a storm was coming. She said, "Yes, God will protect me." I asked her if she knew it was a strong hurricane coming and she just looked kinda stunned and didn't say anything else to me.
  13. Yeah, I got out of there by around 3p. I had to go pickup my car which was at the dealership getting minor maintenance reports.
  14. Not even sure what channel I am watching, but they are showing parts of Galveston that have cars already underwater. Entire streets/area already look flooded.
  15. 8a report: Okay, I we're watching this news conference with the mayor and all of these city and county officials. They're showing this pier in Galveston that has already been smashed and the storm hasn't even hit; debris from it is scattered along seawall drive. Why is water already smashing over the seawall which I think is about 15' high. Streets in Galveston are already flooding. I really think this is gonna be bad for certain areas. NOTE: Fellow Houstonians, be safe!
  16. ROTFLMAO No, you have to play yourself. You just have to figure out your role.
  17. I think this is a good time to wish safety and well-being on everyone as we head into the maelstrom.
  18. But I'd still have to be slovenly, reprobate, and impertinent. Funny huh...?
  19. So it's a toss up? Prayer might work and so might that vodka tonic?
  20. I could play the religious skeptic who scoffs at those hunkered down and locked up inside in the church (Lakewood would be too sacriligious, so we'd have to change it to a small parish-type Catholic church) praising the lord and comforting each other. Of course (as the sole black guy in this flick, and because of my impertinence, slovenly looks, and general reprobation) I'd get killed off tragically (flying timber? or something gruesome)?) in like the first 20 minutes.
  21. That was one of my favorite scenes from that movie. But that (cow) would not be happy.
  22. Now that's a church! Well sure. I am not saying prayer is a waste of effort, but ... ... I bet the people that died recently in Cuba and Haiti prayed too when Gustav and Ike were passing over. Many of them died anyhow. Same for the tsunami in Indonesia a few years back. I am just saying that prayer works when it works. It's not so good when it doesn't.
  23. Thanks Wayne! You really do love us.
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