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Everything posted by houston-development

  1. ah-hem... im not saying this to any person in particular. you need to stop listening to the sales people. it doesnt matter if they say the project is X% sold/reserved, ground breaking to occur shortly, we dont have any delays, etc. the sales people are trained to keep momentum going; even by stretching the truth or zero negativity. additionally, if a poster says that groundbreaking has taken place or that the cranes are up, yet no one else sees this happening, your credibility gets weak. a rumor is a rumor and if you have the need to post it, please do not portray it as fact. there is a difference between "i know such and such WILL happen" and "i heard this or that could happen". /rant
  2. i saw that a duplicate thread was started, so just in case it gets closed: Municipal Site Morphing Into $180M Urban Center
  3. you cannot economically justify residential at the corner of montrose and ap. i think the entire site (centerpoint & rw) totals +/- 11 acres. considering a majority (+/- 2 a) of rw is in the flood plain, your net usable will be around 9 a. the only way possible would be going vertical... i dont see that happening but who knows....
  4. again, based upon my personal conversations with people i deem reliable, the deal has been put on hold. according to some here, the foundation is being poured or cranes are up or whatever... personally, i dont know because i have not walked the site in some time... i hope it does get built but would think the redstone would be more realistic and feasable, but thats just my humble opinion.
  5. uh yeah, the TMC (baylor, meth, ut, etc) owns most of the land around the area. currently, they are purchasing additional land to the south for expansion. the parking lots one day could become buildings and/or garages. edited to add you can view the master plan here: tmc website the south campus will be south of ost and run down towards reliant park.
  6. i dont believe anything has been mentioned on this deal and i walked the property this afternoon. its located on o.s.t. between greenbriar and fannin (next to the rail). to be honest, i was blown away by the interiors for being a rental. they do not have all the c.o.s yet but do have some occupants. its the only mid-rise rental community within the area; 4-story over 2-story podium sitting on +/- 2.5 acres. rents are reasonable at $1.25 psf. pictures for your viewing/critiquing pleasure website
  7. it is a part of robinson warehouse that recently sold to ameritron, who also purchased the reliant center adjacent to the south. it has serious flood plain issues... they are marketing for retail use and ive heard prices ranging from $70 to $100 psf.
  8. the dirt to the west is a different deal: if i get the chance, ill take pictures of the different signs/construction companies. i know one is morgan but cannot recall the name of the construction company doing metropole.
  9. just got an email from bayou place: included in the email were the following pictures:
  10. you cannot compare the developers of houston pavilions to tracy suttles; that's comparing apples to oranges. while one has the experience and backing to take on a project of this magnitude, the other can barely even make his house payment. you be the judge
  11. i had an interesting lunch today. i was told orion is a no go and plans have been put on hold indefinitely. reasons range from numbers being WAY off to code violations. anyone?
  12. during the 1st year, technically (even though not enforced), you could not drink in the tailgating area prior to a noon kickoff. some legislation was passed to allow consumption at sporting events while eating/purchasing food. it will never be enforced in the tailgate area but it is inside the stadium. they make you buy a bag of peanuts with your drink
  13. hmmmm... i wonder if this thread will ever move back into the going up section on a side note, tracy has put his kirby mansion up for sale. keep in mind that just a couple of months ago, he was threatened with foreclosure.
  14. link here's my $0.02 in order to build condos, one must have sufficent reservations and pre-sales prior to groundbreaking (whatever the lender requires). however on an apartment deal, you don't need the sales, you only need a lender for a construction loan. if the market is there, he could then convert the deal into condos. :insert "i told you so" here:
  15. is that the one that has the historical preservation sign (or something comparable) on it?
  16. financing is done. they would have not been able to close the deal without it. so yes, they will begin construction sometime soon. 2 months max.
  17. i would think twice about doing small condos. while the price points may generate interest, when it comes time to buy, they are going to say they want more room for possible expansion (ie married, have a kid, get a roommate, have a study, etc.) one can convince some of them that you will be giving up space for location, for a majority of buyers, it doesn't fly too well in houston. just my $0.02
  18. one would assume, based upon the current site work, that the parking garage is a stand-alone structure and the apartments will be 4 storyes.
  19. wow, lsr is now asking for opinions? guess the manaco humbled them
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