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Posts posted by KinkaidAlum

  1. I have work that takes me to LA a lot. The Mendocino Farms on Santa Monica BLVD in West Hollywood is great. Really fresh sandwiches with funky ingredients. It's a great spot.

  2. I was born on Candlewood right off of Tanglewood Blvd. I didn't read the deed restrictions as a kid but I'd be very surprised if the deed restrictions haven't been ignored over the years. I remember people being pissed when the first two story house was built but now the monster mcmansions are everywhere and there are very identifiable third stories "hiding" as gables or pitched roofs. I get that this will be much taller and multi-family but just saying. Today's Tanglewood looks NOTHING like the original version.

    • Like 4
  3. During daylight hours there is really nowhere in Houston I feel unsafe. Baltimore is a different animal. I've had uber drivers refuse to take me to certain parts of town in Baltimore. Some of it was also unfamiliarity and the differences in the built out environment, but Baltimore is one of the few places I've turned a corner and been afraid. So much abandonment and abject poverty. It's really sad.

    • Like 5
  4. Any more news on the home robbery? I find it odd that gang banging guys with only drug convictions in their past were able to pull off a major art heist and not trip an alarm or be spotted on any camera... on River Oaks Blvd at Del Monte where everything is on camera.


    Something smells off...

    • Like 3
  5. Nope.


    f Amazon. As a small business owner it pisses me off as more and more of the multi billion dollar companies actually end up getting returns and paying NOTHING. It's about time the people wake up to what has been happening.



    • Like 2
  6. 5 hours ago, Some one said:

    Sorry to bring this up now, but this has been bothering me for a while. I'm sure Mr. Gattis is a nice guy, but I can't stand his op-eds on public transportation. They all boil down to nothing but "rail bad, highway good, self-driving car future." The notion that we should stop building rail because self-driving cars are the future is kind of laughable in of itself. Sorry, but I can't buy the whole "self-driving cars and ubers will make traffic better" thing. Nevermind the fact that there's been studies that shows that Uber and Lyft have been shown to make traffic worse, but self-driving cars are something that likely won't come in about 15-20 years (maybe even later, considering the malfuctions that have been happening as of late). Why would we abandon rail expansions for something that isn't even a guarentee. Plus, he seems to forget about the fact that self-driving trains are a thing (heck, some transit agencies already have them). Wouldn't it be better to have self-driving trains than cars?


    Follow the money. He's got ties to Joel Kotkin and the Manhattan Institute. Gattis' new think-tank does as well. That means funding from sources like the Koch Brothers and other dark money groups. 

    • Like 3
  7. It ain't a secret any more. Roger that?


    What did Mitch know and when did he know it? Mueller is about to blow a hole in many on the Right. Roger is just another piece of the Russian puzzle. Mitch has ties to dirty NRA money that may or may not have been laundered from Russians. Is that maybe why he's an obstructionist?



  8. Our nations is F'ed. Checks and balances are not working. Things are going to get dire quickly for millions of people. For the people at the very bottom who rely on essential services, things already are. 


    Call Mitch. This is on him IMHO. He took an oath and he's violating it. The question is, why? I think it isn't just for the conservative judges he's ramming through. There's a dirty secret that might be exposed soon and he's not just protecting Trump, he's protecting the GOP and potentially himself from exposure. This hostage situation (that's what it is) is on him.



    • Like 2
  9. Rumblings of a big expansion of the Hilton on campus. It currently has 84 rooms. Expansion will add 68 rooms and 8 suites in a "new tower." Not sure if this will be added on to the current building (vertical expansion) or a new "tower" but if it is a vertical expansion, this might become the tallest on campus or at least rival the Moody twins.

    • Like 6
  10. I've been in LA for work for two months now and I have grown to hate these things. People leave them everywhere and the company (BIRD) is pretty lax with retrieval. For every responsible rider who is considerate of others there appears to be 10 others who are idiotic and selfish and another 10 who are completely clueless (usually tourists in Hollywood). I'm surprised there aren't more really bad accidents as I've seen folks fall of the devices and into coming traffic. Yesterday, I saw a guy going about 30 on the sidewalk (illegally) while filming himself flying down Gowen. Walkers were diving out of the way. Not a fan. 

    • Like 2
  11. moo.


    He didn't say anything about perceived quality. He insinuated there was just one 4 year public institution in the Houston metro area. And it is largely the State's fault (and Jim Crow) that TSU is not highly desirable to most undergrads. And it is the state's fault that despite 25 million or so residents we only have two schools that are "acceptable" to most undergrads. Opening a potential UT Houston branch does nothing to alleviate that problem. Working to elevate the status of existing schools would. 


    Additionally, Arizona State is NOT the flagship of the state. The University of Arizona is the flagship and it is in Tucson. 


    Going further, DC has a public institution (UDC) and Virginia offers George Mason as well.


    Lastly, if you don't think students commute between SHSU and Conroe, the Woodlands, Atascocita, Spring, etc.. every day then you're sorely mistaken. 


    If you want a 4 year public education within an hour drive of the Houston metro you have a ton of options. We don't need another one. We need to improve the existing ones. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Houston19514 said:


    Los Angeles (Cal State-LA and UCLA), and I think Chicago, but drawing the line at city limits is artificial and pointless. (I would venture to guess that an insignificant number of students choose their school based on in what city limits it happens to fall.)


    A far more important question:  How many of the top 10 metros (other than Houston) do not have two or more public 4-year universities from two or more different state systems (or the equivalent, because not everyone has university "systems" the way Texas does)?


    Are you saying Houston only has one public 4-year university? Good god, there are two in the Third Ward alone. Cough Cough. One of them was created to keep UTAustin lily white. 


    Additionally, there are BA opportunities at TWU-Houston, A&M- Galveston, Sam Houston State, Prairie View A&M, and UTH. And that's just off the top of my head. 

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