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Posts posted by KinkaidAlum

  1. It's even more simple than that. In the same press conference, Trump claimed Obama did not do enough to stop or punish Russia for interfering with our election. Then, about ten minutes later, he threw our entire intelligence community under the bus and said nobody really knows who did it and that it may or may not have been Russia. 


    You cannot have it both ways. It is one or the other. So, blind followers, which is it; love of Trump or hate of Obama?


    You might enjoy being gaslighted but I do not. 



  2. The Wall Street Journal, not known to be a liberal rag my any means, dropped a HUGE bomb last Friday. The investigation is ongoing. Those demanding evidence right now either do not know how investigations work or they've fallen victim because they are easily manipulated. 


  3. 15 minutes ago, blue92 said:

    The original Antone's was on the corner of S. Main  and OST in the old Sinclair service station back in the 60s I used to ride my bike up there and buy sandwiches for the family. 


    You are right. I was just calling it an Original Antone's because the majority of the ones in existence now are not part of the "original" chain.

  4. Someone bumped this thread by liking a post of mine. It's fun to read now.


    Anyone here willing to admit that Trump hasn't been great or that they'd still prefer him over Hillary? Anyone willing to admit that Trump will likely serve jail time before Hillary?


    The Russia thing existed for a long time before the election, but, y'all, her emails!



    • Like 2
  5. I don't think we're looking at the same pictures. This already looks dated and drab and it isn't even open yet. That bathroom is simply a hot mess with the mixture of colors and materials, and no, the black Hollywood glam chandelier isn't still in style. The kitchen looks like apartment grade garbage from 10 years ago. HANOVER's rental properties are so much fresher and clean than this. I guess since most of the buyers in these properties won't ever live in them it doesn't really matter. 

    • Like 4
  6. Are you in the restaurant business? I am. I'm a partner in a group with 9 locations and two more on the way. Each of our locations is different. Trust me, if there was a way for us to have a place be profitable enough to be open only M-F during work hours, we'd do it. Have you ever thought of that? Chipotle makes money in that location. If they didn't, it would have closed. They tried different hours and it wasn't worth it so they went back to what worked. Why do more than you need only to eat into profits?


    Downtown is more of a special events market or bar market when it comes to food service. It's why the majority of steak houses have done well or the restaurants tied-in to the hotels. It's why Batanga (with their killer patio) kills it and the restaurants with full service bars and themes also do well. 


    We opened a Katy location 2 years ago. It was our first venture into the suburbs. We opened with hours more similar to our inner loop locations but quickly realized the Katy market was family oriented. Within 5 months we started closing at 9 instead of 12-2 am because we could save enough money on staffing, insurance, and alcohol purchases to make the balances work. Our Heights location continues to stay open until 2 am because it is worth it there. 


    It really is that simple. Markets are different and it is the business' responsibility to figure what works. Chipotle/the franchisee has figured out what works for them at the Rice. Kudos to them. 

    • Like 4
  7. I went to see Morrissey in Dallas. I'm completely jealous that the Majestic Theatre still stands and has been turned into a great smaller concert venue. Yeah, we've got whatever it's called now in Bayou Place and the HOB but this is different. I stayed at The Joule and walked to and from the venue. Passing by the old Neiman Marcus also made me jelly. Downtown looked great (well, the 6 blocks I explored before heading out to Deep Ellum to visit my friend's new brick and mortar Easy Slider joint. She's killing it after years in the food truck biz. 


    I chose going to the Dallas show for this type of experience after Morrissey's concert in Houston was moved from White Oak to freaking Sugar Land. 


    Dallas has a lot of great things going on. So does Houston. Grow up or get off of this thread, native onion. 

    • Like 3
  8. What really gets me is the City wants people to live downtown. There are incentives for development and tax credits for people who purchase. And then they allow this to go up and literally ruin the views from The Bayou Lofts. The view wasn't great to begin with but now they get a garage which might be obnoxiously lit at night like a few of them seem to be. Good luck selling a unit looking this direction. 

    • Like 1
  9. It's not wrong. Trump's proposed budget slashes research and development spending. Unless the grown ups in both parties of the Senate act, then it could be a disaster, especially for large research institutions/hospitals. The waiting game is very real. Throw in the mess with healthcare and you've got a disaster lurking. Adding tens of millions to the insured rolls was a bonanza for hospitals. The threat of 24-30 million people losing their insurance is a nightmare. 

    • Like 6
  10. I know of one energy company moving downtown later in the 4th quarter of this year. My friend that works there is so excited. They used to be downtown about 8 years ago but moved out to the BFEnergy Corridor. She's told me the feedback from the employees was universally negative about their experience (traffic, no commuting options, and lack of lunch options because everything requires a car other than food truck Wednesdays). Sadly, it's not a big firm but hoping there's some push back from workers. 

    • Like 4
  11. Houston Heights was founded in 1891.

    It was incorporated in 1896.


    Ford's Model T came in 1908. 10,000 were sold that year. No, not in Houston. Globally. 


    But, yeah, the auto is what gave rise to The Heights. 


    Now, Montrose was officially platted in 1911 so the auto might have had more to do with its growth but the initial developer HIGHLIGHTED the street car service along it's main boulevard. But, why pay attention to the actual first advertisements of the development?

    • Like 4
  12. I'm also not talking about people merging at the very end when they are directed to merge. I am talking about people who force their way over hundreds of feet past the point where they were supposed to have merged forcing people who have already merged or allowed others to merge to slam on their breaks. That is why there's traffic on 59 North at the spot for 8+ hours each afternoon and on weekends. 

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