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Posts posted by ricco67

  1. This isn't even a coherent response. Nobody takes him seriously? Or, you and your circle of Fox News fan friends don't take him seriously? Sure, his approval ratings have dipped since he entered office, but there hasn't been a president in history this hasn't happened to in this same amount of time that I can think of. I'd like to see some evidence for every complaint you've raised in your second paragraph. Not that I think there is any, I just want you to be forced to reevaluate your diatribe due to the overwhelming lack of evidence. The fact you can't think of a single thing he's done or said that you agree with is more than enough to dismiss your opinion as the muttered ramblings of a malcontent. Precisely what do you disagree with? And why?

    I agree, it was a total rant.

    Really had to lower my ratings to "strongly disapprove" because of his "discussions" for future discussions with Iran. Another president taking the bait.

    The decent into the dollar didn't begin with President Obama, it started about 6 or 7 yrs ago, and it'll take at least that long for it to make a comeback...IF things start happening right now.

  2. Don't know jack, but I if you pick #1 or #2, please keep track (with plenty of photos) of the project. It would be fun to see.

    I met one guy who did it and he said that they feel more "comfortable" in the original part of the house (Which was raised) and he was glad he did it.

    Of course, he didn't get into all the details about how long it took or anything, we were too busy drinking beers. the only thing that he said about it is his wife wanted to keep the original part.

    You know, If momma is happy...

  3. Well, I've only been a couple times, but neither time was the place teeming with the Pub Fiction overflow crowd. I guess I just don't understand why anything about the place is "wannabe" in your book. I think people go to Feast because the food is genuinely great, and it's at a good price. The place is very low key, and not exactly a mecca for yuppie douchebags, unless those yuppie douchebags just so happen to have discerning paletes. Perhaps your definition of wannabe is different than mine. Maybe you mean, "Those people wannabe eatin' some good food so they go to Feast. Yep, they wannabe eatin' some good ol' food."

    I don't understand Musicman's objection to it. I've known a number of people that have gone and have enjoyed the food. I'm quite adventurous enough to go there, but I would keep an open mind as I scan the menu (which changes) for anything that would seem promising.

    888 is okay, but it's not the end all to chinese food in the Houston Area.

  4. Yes, starting at the Lockwood station. There's a blank slate to work with on one corner, at least. The city park is right there, (which needs to be refurbed, especially the play areas and the pool). I see a great opportunity to make Eastwood Park into something much nicer. If you anchor the station with the park, and then retail on the other corners of Lockwood and Harrisburg, you could have a sigificant improvemnt in public space and retail all in the same location.

    I am preparing myself for extreme mockery-- but if there were any way to acquire some of the property on the west side of the park, I think it would be totally cool to build a mini golf course and a small game arcade, with food stands too. The east end is so family-oriented anyway, always big groups cooking out and doing birthdays and stuff there at the park already. We should be careful to stay true to the neighborhood, in addition to the inevitable wine bar and farmer's market wish-list that the minority yuppie population will want.

    I'd also like to see the Astros team with METRO for a big 'east end neighbors' promotion. Lots of baseball fans over there, and with the rail, a new, direct shot to MMP. Who knows, by 2012 the Astros might even claw their way back to being a .500 team.

    In the short term, I don't think anything major will happen except for a few townhomes and apartment complexes in the area within 5 or so years.

    What I hope after 10yrs is that some smart developer will develop a few blocks near the stations that would resemble the Post apartments near the stations with ground level retail (Bars, Quickie mart, and other goods and services), but not be quite as expensive.

    The homes might "change" a bit after that. The older homes might eventually give out to more dense development, but that may not be in my lifetime.

  5. And actually, I think that her sexuality may win some straight male voters away from Locke and Brown. She likes licking carpet...I like licking carpet. We have something in common, there. And common ground is important.

    There is something to be said about licking bare floors....just not in that David Hasselhoff way.

  6. Boy, when the size of the font used overshadows the content of the post I have to believe that some folks have to much time on their hands... Well my eyes are getting older so tiny fonts are not my bag, I wonder how many comments I will get about the font size now.. LOL


    A little suggestion then, when you're about to post; REDUCE the font a bit for us with delicate eyes. :)


    I knew the font was a bit huge when I could read your response from the kitchen. I take it you're overly excited about this?

    Otherwise, I agree.

    • Haha 1
  8. If its straight counter service I never tip. If someone comes around doing drinks I'll usually leave a dollar or two, not 20%. Table service where the server was at least satisfactory deserves 20% in my opinion, and exemplary service can get more. I have no problem with zeroing out the tip if I got bad service from the server. If its terrible food but good service I usually make a judgment call and try not to take it out on the server.

    I wish more people thought that way.

    Recently I went out with a group of friends, one (a notorious complainer) whined about her meal, made the comment of no tip.

    The server did an outstanding job dealing with a couple of my (overly demanding) friends and I left behind a generous tip and was chided for doing so.

    When the whiner asked why I left such a tip, I gave my reasons of not blaming the server for the bad food.

    Considering her daughter waits tables while attending college, it didn't sit too well with me.

    Sorry, it's a sore point for me.

  9. From Chuck Lorre Product cards. I thought I'd share because it was just too funny.

    Carl The Rooster

    The day Car was made henhouse rooster had to be the proudest day of his life. Oh, how he strutted and preened outside the little hut where all the chickens lived. From the corner of his eye, he could see them nervously peeking out to see the new cock of the walk. You could hardy blame him for smiling so smugly. He knew that from that moment on, if a chicken wanted extra feed, well, she had to ask Carl. Same thing for pecking privileges in the yard. An of course, when it came time to lay eggs, the premium spots nearest the warming lamps were handed out y you-know-who. Yep, life was good for ol' Carl. Up at dawn, a loud clearing of the throat, a largely ceremonial patrol of the perimeter and then, an afternoon and evening of dolling out favors to the chicken. And the best part about it was he never had to actually ask for anything in return. He would simply tell each chicken to decide for herself what, if anything, she should give him to ensure his continued friendship. But let me tell you, it's no accident he named his rooster hut, "Casa Quid Pro Quo.' Yep, Carl had it knocked. At least until he was forced out of his job by a class-action paternity suit that was entirely without merit and probably politically motivated by bitter, eggless chickens.

    I saw this at the end of Big Bang Theory and died.

    How I wish I could write like him. LOL.

  10. Well Annise Parker has made it official, In tough times NO FUNDING FOR MUSEUMS! So I think I can be safe in saying her priorities are not positive regarding the formation of a Museum for Houston's history and culture... Yet another pundit working towards the continuing fragmentation of our society........

    I also heard about the stadium part, and now I'm eagerly awaiting on her position on Houston in the long term.

    Now that I think public safety is important, it makes me ponder if perhaps Brown might be better.

    Now if someone can revive the Mayoral race thread....

  11. I've always blown off the "2012" thing for years.

    The only thing that got my attention was a mention in a show that was about 4 or 5 years old that mentioned a black hole that could go gamma(?), it was highlighted on "The Universe" and mentioned that, theoretically, it should shoot a burst in our general direction.

    Given the distance involved, which I think was mentioned at about 200 Million Light Years, if it was more than a few degrees off that it could miss our solar system entirely.

    Now, if it HITS even remotely close to our solar system and takes out a planet or two, I'm sure it would make our existence rather short and exciting.

  12. Here's what I don't get. The oldest of these kids is what, 22? They're shooting at people with BB guns, not AK-47s. Is there actually a single victim hurt by these so-called attacks? In order for an assault to be a felony aggravated charge, there must be a weapon (check - sorta, if you're a bird I guess) and the intent to do bodily harm (ehhh... I doubt it). I'm pretty sure these are just kids caught up in what's essentially a prank and nothing more. It ain't as if they're auditioning for the villain role in the next Batman movie. It's a shame these kids aren't let off with a stern warning and a slap on the wrist. No harm, no foul. A $30k bond is outrageous for a BB prank.

    You might think differently if YOU were the one that got hit.

    I just liked how some people were quick to proclaim that "stuff like that" doesn't happen in the area and immediately wanted increased patrols.

    All they had to do was look within.

    • Like 2
  13. If you're relying on the cops to do more than help generate city and county revenue by writing tickets, you'll end up disappointed. Looking after each other is the only way to stop criminals.

    It's a depressing thing that you're that cynical about police.

    Perhaps next time you get robbed or into a traffic accident, just suck it up and get over it instead of calling the cops.

    Then again, shooting them might be good too, if you're fast enough.

    • Like 1
  14. Los Angeles has a corridor that goes all the way from the port to the west side of town, this corridor is underground, but uncovered.

    Houston should take a look at this, and choose a few of the freight lines that are heavily trafficked in heavily populated areas and consider this.

    Not only do the trains get to go like 55mph through residential areas, and cars don't have to stop. I'm sure they've considered this as a possibility though.

    They could do something like that, but they'd have to shut down that section and reroute while the digging is done, then there is a matter of potential flooding. With a little contingency planning I'm sure they can work around the matter, along with some healthy pumps. The Railroad is fanatical about construction speed, so I would imagine the whole thing can be done relatively quickly once the engineering is done.

    Rerouting would involve cutting it off from near Washington @ I-10 to Main street @ Holmes Rd, which is a healthy reroute through the east side and THAT route is already clogged. From what I've been able to see, the nearest turn to the north is in RICHMOND up to Katy, and I gave up from there. Once I saw that, I realize why the railroad would NEVER give up that stretch of roadway.

    • Like 1
  15. I was in the area last night and I decided to drive a portion of the route from Lockwood to scott and I couldn't see any signs of ongoing construction except for utility work and a little widening.

    Since when was there a CVS at Harrisburg and Lockwood? I had to do a double-take when I spotted it.

  16. I've had Chicago Pizza in Chicago a few years ago. Eh.

    I've had New York Pizza last year. Eh.

    I've enjoyed Deep dish AND thin crust pizza, I just think it's all in the ingredients and how it's made and a matter of personal preference.

    Sorta like how people will get into fist fights over who has the best BBQ in Houston.

    California Pizza SUCKS.

    Should I bring in guns and knives into this little debate?

  17. A midrise would probable do quite well, particularly if it had a retail on the first floor. As it currently stands, qwuite a few people in the 'Trose. Walk or ride their scooters/bikes to DK and other establishments in the areas to get what they need and rarely go further than Shepherd for day to day stuff.

    As I have said (many times) in other threads; I would not be urprised if they shut that part of Westiemer and make it accessable to busses, bikes, and scooters.

  18. After 12 years in Houston and 7 1/2 years flipping houses here, we are moving out of state. Keep up the good work HAIF'ers!


    It's been surreal, Flip, and you've been a fun read.

    What city are you moving to?

    Don't forget to use one of Ed's other sites if you can. ;)

  19. While, I don't know about the political approach, it would have made more sense if the Mayor White was up for re-election. The none of the Candidates have really made a comment or is benefiting from it.

    The only ones that I rooting for this seems to be an HPD Union that wants two man patrols.

    No, I still think it's more about opportunistic money hunt under the guise of "For Change" for the safety of officers.

  20. I'm surprised no one mentioned this:

    During an episode of the "Big Bang Theory", they showed a view of Westheimer heading AWAY from Williams Tower to where "Sheldon" lived.

    Who knew "Sheldon" lived in the West Side? LOL!

    Makes me wonder if Jim Parsons, a Houston Native, had anything to do with the selection.

  21. [rant]

    I just heard on KTRK, that the widow of a Police Officer who was shot by an illegal immigrant has filed a lawsuit against the city.

    From what I have gathered, she's blaming HPD (of which she is a current employed by) for the death of her husband because they currently don't have the means to check on a person's immigrant status.

    For those that don't remember or aren't familiar with this, the officer was shot after putting a suspect in his backseat by a gun that was missed by an initial search.

    While everyone involved (Officer is black, the widow hispanic, the Suspect Mexican) is a minority, I think this is simply deflecting the blame for the officer's death on illegal immigration and not the Late officer's inability to find a gun on the suspect.

    Regardless of the personal race or immigration status, if you fail to find a gun of someone you're putting into the backseat of your car then you have an equal chance of dying.

    Supposedly, this lawsuit "Isn't about the money", but it's really sounding like it is to me and it just irritates me to hell to blame everyone but the officer not finding the gun in the first place.


    Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. :)

    -4 for me in advance from those that may not agree. :ph34r:

  22. I went ahead and delete my previous vote on the approval vote to "Somewhat" disapprove.

    The issue with pulling the missile defense system from europe is a major mistake, along with some other issues he isn't handling very well. At least, in my opinion he's screwing up on foreign policy and he's starting to backtrack on the war. Major mistake.

    For those that might be remotely interested, I HAD a "Somewhat approve", but the health care plan is total crap as it is, but I DO believe in universal healthcare.

    That's my belief without the partisan BS rants that I've seen.

    EDIT: I think everyone should change their vote accordingly, even those that previous strongly disapproved or approved of his performance and it would be interesting where the polls are now.

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