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Everything posted by Reporter

  1. Need medical help?... Only if you start taking advice from anyone who posts on this website.
  2. I live in Dallas. Where are you talking about? Because for every one example you may have of a "connected" neighborhood, I can give you a dozen examples of one's that are not.
  3. Not around Park Lane and Greenville Ave. Its a death trap for pedestrians just like the 99% of DFW that is not located in that 1 square mile known as uptown.
  4. Nothing. Certainly, there is no greater cause in this world than to defend people who have spent their entire lives surrounded in total luxury. It's very gratifying to see the 1% get the ass kissing they paid for.
  5. Mother nature will tone down the bright beige in a few years. But don't worry, there will always be another new building to piss on.
  6. Boo. Hoo. They're breaking my heart. Appeal on Behalf of Extremely Rich People 'THERE NOW FOLLOWS AN APPEAL ON BEHALF OF EXTREMELY RICH PEOPLE WHO HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THEM' Sir Pratt: (at a large leather-topped desk with an elaborate table lamp) Hello. I'd like to talk to you tonight about a minority group of people who have no mental or physical handicaps and, who, through no fault of their own, have never been deprived, and consequently are forced to live in conditions of extreme luxury. This often ignored minority, is very rarely brought to the attention of the general public. The average man in the street scarcely gives a second thought to these extremely well-off people. He, quite simply, fails to appreciate the pressures vast quantities of money just do not bring. Have you at home, ever had to cope with this problem... (cut to a rich young yachting type surrounded by girls in bikinis) or this... (cut to a rich woman loading her chauffeur with all kinds of expensive parcels) or even this... (cut to a still of Centre Point) I know it's only human to say, 'Oh this will never happen to me', and of course, it won't. I'm asking you, please, please, send no contributions, however large, to me.
  7. Sink 610. Build a park over it from Woodway to 69. All our problems are solved. Make the people in River Oaks and the people who wished they lived in River Oaks pay for it.
  8. So, block 42 is getting a 42 story or 46 story building and block 58 is getting a 48 story building with a 35 story parking garage? Someone is getting their twisty pinnacles, parking garages, blocks and stories mixed up.
  9. It's perfect in every way except that they did everything wrong.
  10. RodeoWorld. We put you in the middle of shit.®
  11. And NYC could get hit by a giant tsunami! I'm not saying that I think diversity is bad or that Houston wouldn't be a better place with a brighter future if it was less oil dependent. I'm just saying that I've been hearing that Houston has no future unless it changes it ways for my entire lifetime and the glass towers are still rising and the people keep moving in for some reason. Anyway, I'm not losing any sleep over it because if things get too bad, Houston can always annex Austin or something.
  12. That's right. The last 100 years of having an un-diversified economy has been very unhealthy for Houston. If we don't diversify soon it will only be a matter of time before everyone moves away and they take all the high-rise towers with them.
  13. Change it. It sounds like it was written by someone who lives in another city and has an inferiority complex.
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