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Posts posted by LTAWACS

  1. It's not that they can't buy any food, but that the selection nearby is primarily prepackaged and more expensive due to it being sold at the corner store instead of a larger grocery chain. The theory is that folks that can't afford transport end up eating whatever's available within walking distance which can be less healthy and more expensive. It's one of the fad theories on why the poor and less educated have higher obesity rates.

    Well duh?! Because they're poor and less educated.

    On a more serious note. I agree it's a fad theory which leads me to question why it is even being entertained by people at large.

  2. A travesty. I think it would have been quite the stir had they built this in midtown.

    They would have claimed most of midtown. We might even have had to change the name from midtown to simply: Exxon City, Houston.

    Now THAT would've been awesome. Seeing one company claim all of midtown Houston. With all those buildings? Awesome.

  3. They were out of fresh garlic last night. Wth?

    The blueberries had no price on them or their spot on the shelf. I asked the produce guy how much they cost. He said "I think they're like 3.99". I stood there looking at him. He stood there looking at me. Until it finally dawned on him that he should probably go look it up.

    I'll never go here again. Ugh.

  4. I think most of us are hoping so, but as we have seen time after time, things don't tend to go according to plan.

    I know. I hope that this bucks the trend of construction grinding to a halt just as the economy pulls the rug out from under projects suvh as this.

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