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Posts posted by amashgo

  1. is anyone else not sad that a historic building was torn down for a freaking parking garage for the near future. This tower wont be built for years


    Nope. It may delayed, but progress is being made. As someone in the industry, if it helps keep jobs and gives more work to go around, good.


    And to sum up in general how I personally feel about saving historic buildings because they're historic : 




    Just because you're historic for one reason or another doesn't mean we should keep you and impede progress and growth. Ahem, looking at you astrodome.


    With all of that said, if a building is historic and it can be rehabbed and actually be used or re purposed for a socially responsible reason, keep it. If its collecting mold and rats and is beyond help, get rid of it.



    ..... and let the arguments begin (based on what I've seen, my opinion is probably not very popular). Everyone remember, we're all entitled to our opinions. 

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  2. Had I won, I'm sure a wad of cash would have been the right thing to come along. hahaha.


    Maybe. Not only is the lot lucrative, but assuming a tower gets built (assume a +/-100-150mil project) I don't know that they'd want to give it up because they own Linbeck and thats a good size job to have in the books, especially if it hits when they have staff coming off of another project and have no where to send them.

  3. We started the canopy this past Saturday. I have a time lapse of some of it going up but even compressed from my phone says it's too big, I'll work it out later if anyone is actually interested.

    As for skin, just the mason and steel erector at the moment. They've actually gotten a lot done you just can't see it because it's inside and BOH.

    Stay tuned next week. Houst is being erected.

    Happy Friday

  4. So you're saying that Houston had alleys downtown, and the city allowed people to build into them? I'm skeptical.


    Oh no, sorry for the confusion. Thats just what happened in this particular instance. Like I said there is at least a 3 ft gap between our building and the Citizens building. By the bar (the commoner) and the State National Building it gets down to inches or less (hence my comment about building over their property lines). 


    Are alleys a requirement though - clearly thats not the case with this new building butting up against the old ones.  

  5. Every gas plant and refinery construction site I've gone to require steel toed boots for all visitors that step outside the office. The commercial and residential construction sites I have been to have not required them (although it's been 15 years since I've been to one of those).

    I was referring to commercial. Oil and gas is way more stringent on safety.

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