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Everything posted by amashgo

  1. Yeah, thats horrible misinformation. I'm surprised the one 3/3 unit came in at $9,400 a month. When that was talked about during development they were talking between $7-$8k/month. Guess they think they can fill it. In their defense it is the only unit like that and its got a damn nice view and tons of private patio space.
  2. @H-TownChris2 Its called a safety or debris net. Same difference.
  3. Don't expect anything more than a garage for the moment. The word is mum on anything else.
  4. It works out damn near the same though... August of 2016 is a week away
  5. Worse things could be built. And why not? Do a full block with a CFA drive though and then put a second level of retail and then parking and then they can top it off with whatever kind of building they want.
  6. I feel like there is no chance an 8/16 start date is going to happen... They got Hines involved and its out for bid right now. I can't remember when they said it was due it, but those things are going to take more than two weeks from now to shake out.
  7. Perhaps I should have gone with woof in response to the garage post. I'm sure it'll be hideous. I will say though, I would love a chic-fil-a over here. Barnabys is horribly expensive, Fusion Taco sucks and is expensive, Hearsay & Batanga are also expensive. I'm tired of eating at Market Square Bar & Grill. Walking to the garage to drive somewhere is a pain. There needs to be more options down here :/ Especially cause summer is hot AF and that kills any motivation to walk to the tunnels.
  8. I do know but can't share at this time. An above ground structure is all I can give you.
  9. Or there is the a la Skanska route. Build a garage and wait for the tenant to come along.
  10. The pool will be spectacular.... still doesn't change that the building is ugly.
  11. I don't think they know. I've heard people from Hines call it both ways. I *think* it's like heiress because I've heard that more often.
  12. It will get at bare minimum a coat of paint. There have been serious talks about a mural. Got a chance a few months ago to meet the guy who did the "Creation of Adam" mural. He was lunching with the architect, so it seemed serious. I certainly hope they do something.
  13. Early on a floor was cut out and the roof elements changed (lowered) a bit. Not sure how long it took for all that to get updated, but thats likely why.
  14. I don't have insider info on anything it as directly spurred, but it seems like there is a fair amount of construction in the area (main st.) there are two hotels going up (I think they're both hotels) and then I think of a rather decent sized venue in one of our suburbs that their substantial completion is in part driven by the SB because one of the sports juggernaut sponsors wants to use it as home base while they're here. Dangling a carrot like that helps move things forward quicker than it may otherwise have gone.
  15. Yes, but that stadium also brings a crap load of business to the city and surrounding areas, which boosts the economy, and so on which I would hope you find a halfway decent use of your taxes. A major event like the superbowl comes to mind..... and with something like the superbowl, it has spurred a lot of projects in the Houston/metro area. As a HAIFer I would also think that some of the stuff going up interests you. And you're telling me you've never been to NRG for a rodeo, game, event or anything ever?
  16. Haha, thats another tailgating lot on Sundays And since my taxes are paying for it to sit there, I'd say in some way shape or form it is financially impeding progress somewhere else.
  17. After we finish the pour today, it will indeed conclude the garage (hallefreakingluhia!). Nice flat tower slabs, here we come!
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