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Everything posted by Montrose1100

  1. Your taking your point to a different level. Me, being a homosexual, I respect christian views. However, I do not bevieve I should refuse service to any christian or anyone else who thinks I should "Burn in Hell". That would be wrong. So your whole post is irrevelant. If the tables were turned, then even I would think that refusing them service because they are christian is bullshit.
  2. Thank you for that insightful and important contribution.
  3. 150 feet? why? what about the current projects? How will they be affected?
  4. So we're passing up Destin (as far as residential condo towers)?
  5. Do you remember your past? Does UTMB ring any bells?
  6. If you move to LA, would you delicate flower about the earthquakes? How about the Hurricanes here? What if you moved next to a school, would you think the same way over the school-zone speed limit?
  7. Do you not know what architecture is? "A good architect should know and study the environment in which he is in".
  8. You both (by both I mean you and & niche) are right & wrong at the same time. If you don't mind me doing so, here is how I see the argument being played. Like an army, a worker can achieve with a group that which cannot be achieved individually. Like an artist, a worker can achieve by being individual that which cannot be achieved in a group. Just a circle, going around and around.
  9. I want to see it! (Next HAIF meet?). edit: Darn, nevermind. About the "dying in 7 days" thing... Have you ever seen the movie The Ring? Well, in the movie, if you 'watch the tape', you die in 1 week. And if someone takes a picture of you inbetween the viewing and your death, your face is displaced, warped, disoriented, etc. - So I was just kidding about that, since it looks like a normal building watched the evil tape.
  10. "Size" as in population, or square miles? A city, is a city... is a city. If you observe these rail lines and the population density along them, I'm sure Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin have similar populations and density along rail lines, however the only variable is that Houston may have more. When you compare size in square miles, then no, I doubt Anchorage & Jacksonville have these problems. So in that sense, Houston is "unique". When you compare in Population 'size', are you talking about city population, or the metro population? Because the only 2 cities close in city population are Chicago and Philadelphia. And I don't think you can line all 3 up, since I think we can all agree Houston is not similar to either. If your asking about metro population, then you have Dallas, Atlanta, Miami, Philadelphia, Boston, and Detroit.
  11. Who said our "architectural prominence" ever died? Or was it even there to begin with? When books, people, movies, or t.v. shows talk about architecture, Houston is not mentioned as much as we'd all like to think. Probibly the most mentioned is Bank of America Tower, then Pennzoil Place, and every once in a while the Williams (Transco) Tower is thrown in there. All 3, designed by Philip Johnson. And usually his AT&T Building overshawdows all his other work.
  12. You could have just posted all of these together, looking @ 50 pictures per thread would have been ok, unless you have dial up.
  13. It is more concentrated & detailed. Although it could eventually overshawdow the listing on HAI.
  14. I think minimum wage should go up just because of inflation. I'm not saying $11.00 an hour, but it can't stay @ $5.15 forever... The "Put yourself in their shoes" makes it complex. (Here comes the Hypocrite train~!) Top executivess are greedy. They want as much money for them as possible. And by god if you have to squeeze every last cent out of the poor janitors & other workers' pay checks, then you do it. More money in your account. And why not? If the janitor bitches, you hire another one. You can do whatever you want, its your business, it should be run exactly as you want it to. If I was making that much money, your damn right I would only pay them $5.15 an hour. If I were the Janitor, I would demand for far much more money, $5.15 is 100% bull. This is actually just a raw issue, and it shouldn't be complex.
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