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Everything posted by wilcal

  1. Ohhhhhh. I thought you were in one of the townhomes with a tree in the backyard bordering to the west where the tree is boxed in on all 3 sides already.
  2. No way a grocery is going anywhere with the increase in curbside/delivery groceries and a continuing to grow rapidly population in midtown/downtown.
  3. I think it's also fair to note that you built your house (or the previous resident did) as tall as the blueberry tree preventing any sunlight from reaching in during the first half of the day. Granted, if the 20 story building was to your east that wouldn't matter, but owning a lot doesn't mean you get guaranteed unfettered sunlight coverage for your backyard. The renderings posted above did have a glass veneer on the parking structure, so I would hope that stays!
  4. We would certainly hope, but I wouldn't hold your thousand dollarsing breath.
  5. This is the only thing I saw on the CIP map: https://i.imgur.com/3I9FleF.png
  6. Wow, that kind of sucks. I get combining D and E, but removing parking at E? Really? Adding baggage for domestic passengers at E is a smart move though.
  7. I'm not sure if I was clear re-reading my post. The developer isn't asking for a parking variance. Planning Commission asked them to bring the parking down closer to the minimum in exchange for their setback variance request.
  8. As an FYI, I think that they have already "struck" a deal to get their variances based on the revisions of these plans. The only big change I can see is that the footprint is now larger (no surface parking like in original plans) and a reduction in the number of parking spots/levels.
  9. It would be 1/4 of the "green ring" around downtown. The idea is to build hike/bike trails that would have as few as 10 street crossings to go all of the way around downtown. They would also build a park on the east side of 59 that the pierce park would dump into.
  10. I was at the East End meeting and asked about this (and posted a page or two back). At this point, they don't know if they are going to keep it elevated or not. They are planning on doing commercial development below and even "around it" if the right client came about. You could have buildings almost integrated into/around it.
  11. We've had a few other nearby homeowners come by and I at least applaud your light-hearted understanding of the situation. The part that I've quoted above is kind of interesting to me. I'm not a lawyer or an arborist, so I have no idea what the ramifications are for your tree, but what changes would you even be happy with on a project like this? You've said that you don't want to look at a 20 story building, but wouldn't anything more than a few stories provide the same result? And is 100 additional apartments/condos going to affect traffic that much? I'm thinking that the additional retail would provide more walkable options for everyone, so might end up with it balancing out a bit. You have to think that the car washes won't be too long for life either.
  12. Weren't the Montrose HPD storefront hours kind of ridiculous? Like 10-4 or something like that? All for knocking that strip center down and going denser.
  13. I think that my favorite design feature is that instead of putting speakers on the train they put them on the ceiling right above the train. The result is a two mile long circle of speakers mounted to the ceiling that play the muzak of the day.
  14. Wooooooow. That's good stuff. 33% reduction in parking and 33% increase in residential space? Quite a difference. Edit: unit/parking breakdowns: 6,000 sqft retail: 24 parking spaces 100 total residential units 59 1 bedroom @ 1.33 units = 79 spaces 28 2 bedroom @ 1.66 units = 47 spaces 13 3 bedroom @ 2.00 = 26 spaces Total 176 required. Providing 180 spaces That would be 180 spaces / 6 floors of parking = 30 spots per level
  15. Sarnoff article is out: https://www.chron.com/business/real-estate/article/Montrose-tower-to-rise-20-stories-at-former-13217603.php?utm_campaign=twitter-desktop&utm_source=CMS Sharing Button&utm_medium=social One bit of new info I believe:
  16. I was in Austin this weekend as well, but didn't get to try them out. I was surprised that the ones I did see that were parked, were all parked in good spots. Maybe scooterpocalypse is overblown?
  17. I think that it looks pretty good all things considered! Parking podium not ideal, but bring on the density.
  18. Yeah, I don't really get that either. Was talking with a random guy who bike commutes down Polk from somewhere in the East End and he said traffic can be pretty bad. Tons of buses.
  19. I had heard talk of Kinder Foundation being on board. The first speaker said that they wouldn't ask for any money until plans are finalized. The downtown district are the ones currently paying for these renderings, so I'd imagine they have a good idea what is feasible. They did say that the entire green loop/everything on the map could feasibly take 20 years though.
  20. Polk will still connect. Elevated bike/pedestrian only bridge has been added to the proposal. It'll be clear when the new renderings are on the planning site.
  21. I'll probably be able to go to the West/South one if any HAIFers want to say hi. There was a pretty good crowd last night of about 100 people. Most were supportive and excited. I was standing next to one guy when he found out that TXDOT would need his property though and he was bummed. They did a 10-minute intro, 20-minute overview of the entire project, and then you could wander around and talk to experts/give feedback on different portions. Everyone was very knowledgable.
  22. City of Houston Planning Department. They have two more scheduled. This one focused on the EaDo portion. North side is next Tuesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/public-open-house-nhhip-vision-opportunities-for-the-north-side-tickets-49158298795?aff=erelexpmlt West/South side is Thurs after next: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/public-open-house-nhhip-vision-opportunities-for-the-west-side-tickets-49158359978?aff=erelexpmlt
  23. Ooo, a cap park between Tuam and Elgin would be great. My concerns are that the bike lanes on the 3rd ward bridges look great, but what are they going to connect to? I think the bike plan doesn't provide for any serious connectiviy (which is crap). I also didn't like the extreme focus on biking but only within the green loop. I feel that there's no easy way to go east/west into downtown. Anybody that is in the third or eado and wants to go to MMP/Market Square Park/etc is gonna have to deal with some awkwardness. The proposal evidently means sharrows on Capital/Texas where the light rail runs. Just a death trap dealing with traffic in that area on a bike with suburbanites trying to handle being in downtown.
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