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Everything posted by mojeaux131

  1. Er...anyway, as a huge dinosaur nerd, I hope they have really high-quality sculptures and animatronics. It JUST SO happens there's a world-class company that does this, right in Texas! Check it out! I hope they use this company. Well, if they can't get Stan Winston to do it, that is. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...ry.2c5b346.html http://www.billingsproductions.com/ Also, they should have dromaeosaurs. Lots and lots of dromaeosaurs. Toe-clawin', pack huntin', action extravaganza. Oh yeah.
  2. Thanks! It was incredible. I mean, the scale of some of those sculptures...and I have no idea how they made the blue ice house. No idea. Shoot, I have no idea how they made the giant snow sculptures/stages. It was soooo much fun though, especially the Bailey's ice bar.
  3. Well, the beer is named after the city. I think Sapporo is the fifth-largest city in Japan, and it's the largest city on the big northern island of Hokkaido.
  4. I visited the novia over Winter Break. It was my first time to D.C. For those who haven't been, I highly recommend visiting the Library of Congress.
  5. Some photos from the Sapporo Yuki Matsuri (Snow Festival) up in Hokkaido. I'd never seen so much snow and ice in my life. Hard to believe this whole thing started with some high school students making snow sculptures in the park in the 50s.
  6. It looks to me like the love child of the Royalton http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/Buildi..._River_Oaks.php and Wells Fargo Plaza.
  7. Two things: The Woodlands is nice, but it's certainly not as diverse as you'd want (judging from your posts); and out of curiosity, what is Bajan? I think Sugarland is your best bet for that ratio.
  8. What a fantastic idea this is! As far as Houston music goes, I humbly submit this: http://news.houstonpress.com/2007-09-27/news/the-h-town-20/ It's a list of "Houston's Very Best Songs Ever" from the Houston Press. It was written by the great John Nova Lomax and my UH classmate and music scholar, Chris Gray. Maybe there are some good ideas there, eh? p.s. Bob Schneider puts on a great show. We saw him at the Engine Room once and he made fun of my friend for talking on his cell phone during the show. Hilarious.
  9. Always snappin' shots, even without a camera. Awesome. Actually I think your cell takes better pictures than my crappy H-P digicam. In the left background, that would be Mosaic, right?
  10. Well, for starters, it's always a good idea to develop agricultural technology and knowledge, especially now that we're beginning to understand the problems inherent in our current overdependence on chemical pesticides and petroleum-based fertilizers. Speaking of the Gulf Coast, there is a "dead zone" in the Gulf that's currently about the size of New Jersey. Fertilizer runoff from farming in the heartland has created massive algal blooms that remove oxygen from the water and doom other forms of marine life. So yes, the development of alternative forms of farming is quite necessary, especially when one considers the growing "Eat Local" movement. Don't worry, I'm sure someone can find a way to deem it "profitable" once we start rightfully and responsibly begin taking externalities (like the dead zone, food allergies, and pollution) into account. But I digress... Anyway, bio-Dome, eh?
  11. I'm so glad it's finally going up! I've been going crazy over here worrying about the project stalling. Let's be honest, this is one of the coolest-looking new buildings going up in Houston, if not the coolest. Man, what a relief! I've been waiting since 2005 to see some significant progress made on this. Aw, it's gonna look so sweet when it's done. AWESOME!!!!!!
  12. I say turn it into one of those indoor "farms of the future". The top could be redone to light light in (that's how it was originally), and there could still be lots of room to hold farmer's markets outside, or the remaining room inside could be used for maintenance of the system and/or housing for the workers. Or does the overall design render this impossible? Imagine the former stands remade into terraces with all sorts of crops growing. It could even be used for academic research in the development of said farms. It just seems like such a terrible waste to knock the thing down.
  13. Pathetic. So it's okay to name the academy after a woman, but it's not okay for a woman to be in a "position of authority over boys". You're right, HtownWxBoy. It certainly does smack of Saudi-style sexism. How embarrassing for Kansas, especially after that b.s. with the evolution "hearings" in 2005. For those of you who are unaware, the Flying Spaghetti Monster finally chose to defeat those ignorant folks. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/02/13/...ion-History.php All things are possible through His Noodly Appendage. RAmen...
  14. What a timely and intelligent statement. Welcome to the forum, O Enlightened One.
  15. Your prediction came true very quickly, didn`t it?
  16. All right, if a lot of them are stupid, why don't we assemble a better one in this thread? To start with: You know you're from Houston when you... 1. Know what to expect when entering 45 South from Allen Parkway. 2. Associate cartoon rabbits with liquor stores. 3. Know which pizza joint coincides with the beginning of Westheimer.
  17. I really wish those boneheads in the legislature would wake up and get over their little crushes on UT and A&M. It's ludicrous for a state with over 22 million people to limit itself to only two flagship universities. Reason #348 the legislature SUCKS.
  18. mojeaux131


    I HATE earthquakes. At least you can see a hurricane (and to a lesser degree, a tornado) coming and try to get away from it. No way that's happening in an earthquake. Gawd, they suck.
  19. Number 53 is my favorite. I learned not to say it that way from watching Law and Order. There was a great list like this for Houston that I saw on MySpace. It included gems like "You know how to pronounce 'Kuykendahl'."
  20. Yes, sometimes sudden, ridiculous nipple emergence and the ensuing, insipid media frenzy can be preferable to a nice event with national exposure occurring in one's hometown. Why not Nelly Furtado or Jessica Simpson at least? If Houston does host in the next few years, I wonder what ridiculous things people will say and write. I recall in 2004 a Boston Herald article that said Houston had only two kinds of food: "Tex and Mex". Clever, eh?
  21. It would be nice to have a Super Bowl in Houston that wasn't eclipsed by the emergence of someone's nipple.
  22. Comedian Lewis Black referred to that as the "end of the universe".
  23. So, there aren't substantial connections between developers and the city, eh? It's all about the free market, right? Delicious.
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