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Everything posted by adr

  1. Updates on the map I put together. Morningside Thai is now open, but only for lunch. They have a cafeteria model, but no interior signage yet indicating what comes with a meal, how much it costs, etc. I imagine they will work out the kinks soon. For Lease signs have gone back up in the two club spaces on the 100 block of Main, as well as the Sweeny Building at 301 Main. Big new rumor from an insider - Benjy's apparently picked up the space where Mia Bella formerly resided. That would be cool.
  2. Well, the Chronicle site certainly checks all their boxes about walkability, etc.
  3. We do! Six on draft and an assortment of bottles and cans, with a focus on local brews.
  4. The Houston Watch Co. 913 Franklin St. http://www.houstonwatchcompany.com/
  5. Nine stories of parking and new groundfloor retail replacing those sketchy TOC Bar surface lots one block from my bar I want to kiss this developer on the mouth.
  6. If you look close If I had a better camera you could see Frank's Aris Pizza Tower starting to peak out on the left and the Capital Tower garage at the base of the Esperson.
  7. I was at Reserve 101 and Dirt Bar last night after walking over from the ballpark. Talk about a great date, all the construction along the way to talk about. I have to say, location wise, Marlowe is spot on. I stood outside Dirt smoking and watched all the upcoming shows scroll through the marquee at House of Blues and thought how cool would it be to live across from a successful Green Street and Shopping District. Nice enough looking building for me to want to live in. I think Randall Davis made a smart move on this one.
  8. I was in a small (less than ten fellow business owners) meeting with a higher-up at the Downtown District recently. I felt like he (gender is the only clue on his identity I am going to reveal) made an artful distinction between Downtown and Midtown's Homeless Population and Street Population. The Homeless, in his description were the folks for whatever the circumstance found themselves without steady, safe and or reliable places to live. The Street Population, on the other hand, he described as (not his words - he is far more eloquent) the loafers, small cons, panhandlers, kush-smokers, etc who, rather than use the day to take advantage of services like Healthcare for the Homeless center, or job training, or employment assistance, or whatever, just seem to be doing nothing but cruise by and get their next score. Are some of these people addicts and mentally ill that need help? Absolutely. And the Joint Processing Center (has it's own thread) with it's mental health and addiction diversion program is going to do real good by helping connect the most pitiable among us with services they need without simply throwing them into the Harris County lock-up. It's not The Homeless that really degrade the quality of life in Downtown (and Midtown struggles with this in the same order of magnitude). It's those perfectly capable jackasses just hassling you every time you walk through between the dollar stores on Main. It's the Street Population. I don't know what the solution to those creeps are, but I do believe that places like the Healthcare for the Homeless are completely separate from that problem. And I laud the historic and ongoing Houston ethos of non-profits stepping in to take care of the least among us.
  9. Except for powerwashing the outside. Surely they are going to do that, right? Anyone? They can borrow mine.
  10. I am guessing the plywood hole is where the pedestrian bridge to Commerce will go.
  11. The District looks to be close to opening. Furniture and signage is in place. This is in the Chase garage building, across the street from the Rice and the new Hines tower at 609 Main. Still much work to be done inside Morningside Thai, but they are busting their asses and working on it late. Window decals are up.
  12. Moar? View from Roma's Pizza Peaking out between Hotel Icon and the Islamic D'Wah Center Shown here with Frank's Pizza "Aris" tower in the Foreground. This view will likely only last another few weeks or so.
  13. It looks like I will be able to retain a sliver of a view of the Esperson, but my view of the Rice Hotel sign and the Gulf Building is going to go away. Price of progress (I also now lost my view of the Lyric Center due to Market Square Tower, which I will miss because from my view it looked like it/they were turning their nose down at Penzoil).
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