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Everything posted by houstontexasjack

  1. Yes, Southwest. My bad. I crossed the streams while internally thinking “just east of the Jack in the Box,” lol.
  2. Rice bought the parcel at the southeast corner of Wheeler and San Jacinto last May, as it turns out. The PPS Pacesetter location at that site is now closed.
  3. The common areas look nice. I’d need to see other renderings for the upper floors before passing judgment. The parking garage.....eeeeeesh. One wonders if it’s a sort of design retaliation for the Palazzo residents’ opposition to the project and the variance request.
  4. I think Joe Russo gets a lot of credit (deservedly) for pushing forward with the first highrise in Midtown. I agree, however, that a Q1 2021 groundbreaking on a project involving hotel as a significant component looks *very* optimistic under the current circumstances.
  5. I am keeping my eye on Two Hermann Place and Phase II of Caydon’s development. Nitya Capital’s post last month indicated they were looking for another $5MM in equity for Two Hermann Place. If they couldn’t find it before March, I doubt it breaks ground. Caydon’s second phase is supposed to be anchored by a hotel, which is one of the last things I’d expect anyone would want to fund right now.
  6. When I think of this development, I hear the name “East River” sung to the rhythm of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Green River.”
  7. Looks like there’s a greenspace proposal for a park next to this site that would take the place of the portion of Spur 527 currently being demolished. I’d think that’d make this site more attractive for this project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MnIu3acL-PwYxH565hOtX9EDuWFUy7q-/view
  8. The site is becoming Porsche of River Oaks. Stahlman Lumber closed yesterday (2-28-2020). Saw the sign on the drive home today.
  9. At this latitude, I think it’d have to be at least 16,000 feet to be snow-capped year-round.
  10. The Art Supply construction is coming along on Almeda. I share your hopes for this @HoustonIsHome. Turkey Leg Hut has done wonders to make the area livelier and show its potential, although it still has some work to do to address some of the negative externalities caused by its success. With respect to the topic at hand and that Rice study, I'm curious as to how Prof. Egan developed his model. Anecdotally, having worked in Uptown, Downtown, and now Midtown, I'd rank Uptown a distant third in terms of the "spontaneous interactions" I've had at lunch or walking about. The area is geared toward car traffic and is an absolute nightmare to navigate at lunch. I find that the ability to use the light-rail like a tram, which I've done to visit Downtown for lunch, is far more conducive to getting to an area to run into others I know.
  11. Request for variance signs are down. Soil samples are being taken today:
  12. “Icken said the city has twice previously orchestrated community benefits agreements, both related to the city’s tax abatement. The plan to negotiate an agreement with the Rice Management Co. is unique in that the school has not asked for public assistance with the development of the Ion, Icken said. The hope is that residents in surrounding under-served communities, like the Third Ward, will benefit in some way“ I hardly see this as a cave by Rice. An agreement that is “to be negotiated” is a playground. At a minimum, there’s a healthy opportunity to extract nondisparagement provisions. I also think, from the quote above, Rice could negotiate support for items it might want, such as abandonment of right-of-way on which the public would get a say, as part of any agreement. Support for the TOD ordinance—all that’s in play. This gives Rice a chance to get some good faith PR.
  13. There’s nothing but a black screen at this site: https://www.powerdesigninc.us/project/hanover-buffalo-bayou/ Hanover’s kept renderings under lock and key thus far.
  14. It looks like a suit to foreclose a mechanic’s lien. Dispute between a contractor and a developer over payments to the contractor. $6 million or so in dispute.
  15. Didn’t think the foundation had been poured to the north. Just the garage on Block 43.
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