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Posts posted by Avossos

  1. I like this building(s). I think it is a good concept. That has value even if the market cools a bit. I hope this still is on track.

    In terms of swtsig... I appreciate his insight. I don't really appreciate the way he chooses to communicate. But I'm an adult... No sense getting mad at an Internet personality.

    As a young person, I prefer to wait and see how the market responds to everything. I have a hard time buying into a doom situation. In general, I feel strongly the city will continue to make positive steps forward and grow / add density / urbanize.

  2. I wonder if they could move the house to another lot? They also need to do some serious road infrastructure if they are going to drop more multi-family/mixed-use.

    They can, but moving it costs a lot. And the land where it would go isn't free... There was hop it could be moved to old sixth Ward. I really hope that happens, but the developers may not care at all...

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  3. It would look WAY out of place in midtown. I don't know that I'd want this along Post Oak either. It has a very downtown/corporate look to it. 


    I just wonder if this building will be the capstone to this building boom---much like Heritage Plaza was in 1989. The last signature tower if you will before everything folds up due to collapsing oil prices.


    The only tower, you mean? Hillcorp doesnt count.


    The last signature tower in this building boom ? It's the first and only signature tower to be built in this building boom . . .


    Not quite - You've got Hillcorp / Capitol Tower / 800 Bell Reno / Chevron possibly... They have not 'overbuilt' downtown like the 80s.

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  4. If you've been marketing a 600,000 SF building for 7 years, and meanwhile Hines has developed two million square footers a stone throw away, people on the internet are going to say things. I understand about the lease falling through, but people on the internet are going to say things.

    This is exactly my point... And it kills me that they had the 2nd groundbreaking.

    They can handle their money how they want. Just would have liked to see this go up.

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  5. This building is the more frustrating buildings. How can they compete with 609 main? Are they just waiting for Capitol Tower to get built so they really have a lot of competition??

    They won't get a tenant to sign. Not without construction started. Hines built BG place as spec. Didn't sit there long without renters. Also that building was built in economic tough times. Anyway... 2 groundbreakings and no construction... Lame

  6. It's fascinating looking at the history of this project in the most recent cycle we are in. The construction documents were completed, they registered for LEED certificates, the financing was in order..... but it appears they waited too long yet again. The drop in oil prices have severely hurt this project. The plan was to move forward speculatively but they will no longer move forward unless a tenant is signed. They don't want to be stuck with a nearly empty tower even if they have the money in place. Construction was imminent over the summer months but the mindset of "wait and see" took over along with some internal related issues. I won't say this project is dead... there definitely is commitment behind it and I'm still willing to put my salary on the line that it will eventually be built but it may take some time. This information is several weeks old and I don't have a most recent update but I doubt they have secured a tenant since then. Oil prices aren't forecast to stabilize until mid-2015 at the earliest but there could be a non-oil related company that takes advantage of this tower.

    All I will say is a tenant rather sign with a new tower that is under construction than one that May or may not happen. The logger they wait to start this, the more they are screwing themselves. Same philosophy goes with many other things, including midstream.

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