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Everything posted by BigFootsSocks

  1. This could've been a pretty decent building but since we know what the OG looked like no one is going to ever like this one. At least we'll all be disappointed together <3
  2. Ayyy don't act like you didn't wanna just show off the Porsche
  3. I've been lied to..therefore I will jump to the reasonable conclusion that this is shelved
  4. I expect it to be all gone by the end of the day because they said they'll start today so that means I deserve progress
  5. Apparently for our states's (really, our nation's) first attempt at HSR we need to immediately be up to the standards that Europe has with their immense and well developed system. Because if we don't, it's not that we're simply failures, it's because we're Texas LOL we h8 gvmt and ride horses to work! Man what a great ironic title I'm high af
  6. http://m.bizjournals.com/dallas/news/2015/01/16/high-speed-rail-to-the-airport-nope-this-is-texas.html?page=all&r=full For those wondering why they aren't going airport to airport. According to Eckels it's an additional $1 billion.
  7. I know right?!!! For real.... Damn I wish I was that smart:/ anyone wanna talk about biology or chemistry? I can sound smart with those... Also Purdue what does that mean? lol
  8. So awesome that he's doing it in Texas So awesome that he's doing it in Texas
  9. "What do you mean when you say 'zoning'?" "We don't know either!"
  10. No, you see, it's because the rest of the world are a bunch of goddamn commies, and this country is going down the drain thanks to King dictator Barack Obumner. /s
  11. With all the recent reports of other oil companies going through layoffs and hiring freezes, I'm sure the employees of Chevron would much rather stay at their outdated towers and keep their jobs than have Chevron divide money to this. That's not a good answer to a good question though. I tried.
  12. These developers can't predict the future; they can't know 100% that their projects will go up. If there were a fine for not completing a project then none of the developers would go for it.
  13. So what would they do with the tower? Let it sit empty until they're ready to redevelop?
  14. Ok yeah that's what I kind of meant. As of now it's a toll road to get from one highway to another across a vast 26 mile stretch of vacant land. There's just no need for them. Also, TXDOT documents are not set in stone and are merely a reflection of what would be nice to have. Those are just Plan&Profile sheets that they have up.
  15. The lack of frontage roads on Segment E doesn't really necessitate any depressed or raised frontage roads. It's a toll road and they dIsnt build the roads to be used for free.
  16. Bruh, chill out, everyone is entitled to their opinion don't get so butthurt
  17. It's definitely been hyped af if you've read any of the posts. No one said those exact words but it sounded like the second coming of Christ from the rumors. I can understand the disappointment.
  18. Yeah I really wish Americans won't judge future high speed rail options on the California line because neither of those two cities are places I ever want to travel.
  19. You also have to realize that at full speed you will only hear these trains for at most a few seconds. Cmon IT you're better at arguing than this.
  20. >going 2-14 last year >8-9 with an entirely new coaching staff and 5 quarterbacks Bruh, it's a miracle we didn't do worse Sucks about that Dez catch tho. That was ridiculous
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