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  1. Since when do Houstonians drive the speed limit? 😄
  2. I don't understand why they are neglecting Westheimer. It's one of our more popular areas. The City should be prioritizing this area, especially with all the on-going development happening.
  3. I'm surprised at the comment regarding Moon Tower Inn. Hot dogs are definitely very good and you can choose your own toppings, let the house choose for you, or no toppings. Burgers are okay, but not that bad, but I wouldn't recommend for their burgers. Tacos were a disappointment. Hot dogs is where is at with Moon Tower Inn. It's too bad they don't have their deviled eggs anymore, those were really good.
  4. Maybe for one of the developments? Utilities and Paving plans are bidding the 3rd week of June I believe. Hopefully that means that by end of July, we will see a ton more activity out here to set the infrastructure needed for Phase I.
  5. FYI - Seeing that plans are up for bid on utility and street construction for Phase 1 of East River. Definitely breaking ground soon.
  6. Although I believe this schedule is too aggressive, I did pass by this morning (it's my every morning commute) and I noticed they had taken the fences down and did see some wood out there. Could be possible that they will start formwork soon and they needed to remove the fence to start delivering more materials and such.
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