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Posts posted by j_cuevas713

  1. Green Street sounds cookie cutter, like a subdivision's street name. Dallas should remain the name of the street. Dallas also has a fancy glitzy feel to it that would help retail rather than hurt it.

    If it were a numerically named street like 1st/34th/2nd, I could see the desire to rename it.

    I guess I was never really a fan of the pavilions changing names to Green Street. Sounds so forced.

    If you like the name Green Street, would you care to elaborate why? I would like to understand your opinion a little better.

    There's not much to elaborate about. The name of the street follows the name of what's being built around it. I mean if there are other ideas, I'm all for it. IMO I feel like a name change would work for this shopping area. It's something the city can promote to out of towners and help establish a focal point in the city to shop and visit. I guess I can agree that Green St. does sound a bit forced. Any other ideas?

  2. Sounds a bit juvenile and petty to me....


    EDIT: To add to this. This is like the equivalent to someone not going to go see a Marvel movie because they a DC fan or Marvel not seeing a DC film because they are a Marvel fan. Ewww Playstation? I only play Nintendo games thank you. Yuck Nintendo? I only play Playstation games! Star Wars fans can not ever interact with Star Trek fans nor can they ever work together or have characters in their universes because....reasons? The only time I felt this way about any kind of faction was when I was a little kid....because thats exactly what this renaming because its named "dallas st" is. Its a little kids argument. (further this isn't aimed at you, but those who would want to change said name for said reason.)

    I have no idea what any of that has to do with renaming the street, BUT what I was trying to get across was maybe a clever name for the street since this is where our retail district will be. Green Street sounds good to me.

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