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barracuda last won the day on July 20 2011

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  1. I find it amusing that people continue to exit Studewood only to be forced right back onto I-10.

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    2. Highway6


      We aren't going to agree since you choose to negate compounded time, but that is the whole underlying premise. 1 single car in front of you can cost you a 1-2 minute light cycle. 50 cars can cost you 2-3 light cycles in heavy traffic and every light cycle means the possibility of more cars turning into the path between you and your destination. Every Car Passed Counts. Come over to the dark side...

    3. MOpens


      I am willing to recognize the effect of compounded time, but I refuse to give it as much credit as you are.

    4. barracuda


      I was looking at it from the perspective of folks who exit during periods of light traffic on I-10, but using it to pass other cars during rush hour is another story. Having commuted on I-10 before and during reconstruction, I admittedly developed a pattern for this tactic out of frustration. An hour to go 20 miles on a freeway every day will make you do such things.

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