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Everything posted by Pleak

  1. I've seen several articles mentioning that Houston has the highest average air fares in the nation for the last several years. And since Continental/United owns 80% or so of IAH flights - this has to be one of their most profitable hubs. If they are forced to cut prices - they will still run the planes because they will still be profitable - just not as profitable as before. Basically Houston has been subsidizing flights in other places. IAH might lose some puddle-jumper flights - like to Shreveport, Corpus Christi, etc. but basically United is crying because their gravy train in Houston is threatened. And they know they have no one to blame but themselves.
  2. Maybe they can move it to New Caney and combine it with Earthquest. Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs
  3. ^^This. And for the Texans - it costs them next to nothing, and it's a great PR move.
  4. It makes the hookers that ply the conventions better looking. Kinda like the fuzzy glow in the pictures from the 40's.
  5. Well, that would definately fulfill a certain group of HAIFers desires for a neon-glowing downtown..... It should be the final piece to make Houston truly world-class.
  6. Hey I bet that's where this comes from! http://www.amazon.com/ThinkGeek-Canned-Unicorn-Meat/dp/B004CRYE2C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335476033&sr=8-1
  7. I was not using my "clout" as anything - just point out the inane-ness of your smarmy remarks about people who sit in the back of the room. And other people grow up to be trolls on the internet.
  8. I would think they already knew they could make money on this. But due to it's location and value to the city - they could afford to wait until the city threw out sweeteners to make it even more profitable.
  9. So which is it? Are the people in the back of the room losers who are destined to flip burgers or your many friends who went on in in life to bigger and better things? As you post this from the anonymity of the breakroom at Burger King.
  10. I always sat in the back of the room and hated and made fun of those people that sat on the front row sucking up. Slept thru 1/2 my classes and stirred up crap in the 1/2 I was awake in. Never flipped a burger in my life (for pay - my grill don't count) and never thought outside the box either - that expression makes me puke since the people spouting it usually have nothing useful to add to the conversation so they start talking about the 30,000 -foot view and deliverables since reality confuses them too much. Now while I'm not in the 1%, I am making good money - guess I'm comfortably upper middle class - probably better off than most of the front row residents. Nice stereotyping.
  11. I hope it doesn't turn into a Gulfgate or Meyerland Plaza redux - but it appears to be heading that way due to the constant downgrading.
  12. So is anything happening on this site? It's just interesting that this was the one project that gave everybody hope during the downturn that things were still going to happen. Now that things have turned a corner here in Houston and buildings are going up left and right - this project seems to have hit a wall.
  13. I think all the suburbs around Houston should levy a tax on the outbound use of the freeways through their city. After all, Houston is so gloriously self-sufficient, if you must go to Dallas or San Antonio, either pay the toll or since you have not just one, but two airports in the city limits - you should fly. Also, all train tracks inbound carrying freight to all the Houston stores should be taxed as the people of Houston are getting subsidized freight costs on all their Schwinn bikes, Urban Outfitter clothes and Pabst beer. And lets not forget taxing the electric lines. One of the largest power plants in the country - W.A Parrish sits in the middle of Sugar Land. They have at to deal with all of the pollution, coal trains, noise, etc daily in order to generate something like 30% of the energy used in the Houston/Fort Bend area. So they are subsidizing a huge portion of the people in Houston that turn of their lights and plug in their iPads everyday. I think that is patently unfair and Houston should pay for it!
  14. Kinda of off topic, but post #21 is one of the reasons I finally broke down and joined HAIF. Lots of information that I am interested in and would not have the time or connections to find. Such as: Downtown - 40 million+ sq ft Med Center - 33.8 million sq ft Galleria - 32 million sq ft What I found interesting was I knew the Medical Center was big - but did not know how big and that it will almost rival downtown in Sq. footage in a few years. With the number of buildings being built there, I totally believe it can catch up to downtown. And I really had no idea there was that much sq. footage in the Galleria submarket. Basically Houston has three downtowns (which I already knew) that are not that far apart in size.
  15. I like the fact that the market has improved enough (especially in the Energy Corridor) to allow for spec buildings to be built again.
  16. Short blub on this at the Houston Business Journal. "There are well over a dozen office buildings under construction on the Exxon campus, Harvey told the audience. That number does not include support buildings, such as a data center and visitors center, he said." Also said it would be three more years till it was done. Other than that, not a lot of new info. http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/blog/breaking-ground/2012/04/harvey-builders-thwarts-attempt-to.html
  17. And is there some sort of weird auto-correct feature I don't know about? - I definately did not type "moo".
  18. moo - I seriously doubt these numbers. These are Southwest's projections which should be taken with a grain of salt as much as United's. I do think it will help - now there will be some price competition on trips to Mexico/Carribbean for United. Houston has some of the highest air fares in the country. This is a start.
  19. And Popular Mechanics told me I'd have a personal jetpack by the year 2000 that I'm still waiting for. These kinds of predictions are a dime a dozen and aren't worth half that. A lot of office jobs COULD be done at home for the past 10 years - but they haven't and probably won't. Bosses don't won't to give up control and they don't trust their employees - the old adage - when the cat's away..... The bosses are all afraid the employees will spend all their time on Haif or something if they are not watching over their shoulders.
  20. Yes. We all love 50+ story gleaming skyscrapers. But they are filled with useless paper-pushers. (I know - I am one) This is 1000 acres of distribution and light manufacturing right next to the airport. Developed by Hines - should be reasonably well done. And will lead to a bunch of jobs. These are the kinds of jobs Houston needs in order to support the new office towers we all so desparately want. Get a couple of big plants/distribution centers built here on this site - you will need a bunch of paper-pushers to support it and those are who fills those shiny new skyscrapers. So I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. Good use of outlying land that will never see anything else except strip malls or apartments that far out.
  21. OK - the Sports Authority should spend $1 and play Mega Millions. $640 million would turn the Dome into something nice.
  22. Freebirds opened a couple of weeks ago. And Panera was about a month ago. More burritos are always a good thing.
  23. I really, really, really like the idea of the dome framework around a garden/park area. But the centerpiece should be the sculpture of the oil derrick/space shuttle/Jeff Bagwell that was floating around here a while back.
  24. Cool pics. Here are some neat details about the banjos being demolished. Facts about this project: • Bridge is 280 feet in length, 18 feet in width and 16 feet tall • Structure was originally built in 1968 • The connector weighs about 1.7 million pounds • Crews will cut the concrete structure and remove it in sections. http://www.fly2houston.com/0/3919291/0/83280D83283/
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