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New Orleans Returnees Getting Back Out

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A survey released in November found that 32 percent of city residents polled may leave within two years. University of New Orleans political scientist Susan Howell, who did the survey, said more will give up if the recovery does not pick up speed.

In fact, figures from the nation's top three moving companies suggest more people left the area than moved into it last year.


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There was a report last night that many jazz musicians are leaving town because the little dive joints that once featured jazz now play R&R because it is favored by customers. Even street jazz musicians are becoming a rarity there.

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This doesn't look good for NO. I'm very disapointed, i thought the city was starting to get back on its feet.

a friend who's 60 is a houston resident now but grew up in nola and he went back for christmas and was almost in tears. stores on canal are closed, most of the city is still in ruins, piles of trash, etc. he said he was amazed that some residents are rebuilding right next to a house that is still as it was after the flood. he mentioned that he thought that some of the areas should be permanently barred from future building because of the problems they had. he also mentioned that news frequently repeats that tourists should stay in the quarter or not venture far.

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I've got to disagree. It was and is a failed city, but so was Houston in 1987.

Wherever there is cheap real estate and lots of vacant office space, firms will gradually move in to fill the void.

Really? i guess we failed when we sucked it up in '87-89 and held on to properties we were told as undesirable. Well. Alison was a nasty storm and flooded a couple of my properties on Little White Oak, but they were repaired and still produce income far and beyond the damage Alison produced. I't's s all about a large dose of reason coupled with a dash of patience.

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Rememebr Kanye West's statement. He said it best . ;)

Oh Please ! How many lots has Kanye gone down there with construction crews and cleared, with his millions of dollars he made off of those same people he claims Bush hates ? NONE cheif, NONE !

You have all these folks that haven't had a job in years lose their homes. THEN, when given an opportunity to actually have a job cleaning up the City, in order to rebuild their homes, they say "HELL, NAH!". Why ? Because it is tough work, but pays very well, yet these same people just want to sit around and delicate flower and moan about Govt. instead of being part of the solution, they continue to be part of the problem, and FEMA extensions can't go on forever. Where does it end ? Tier, how much money do you think it would take for you to be able to put your life back together, if you didn't have a job ? Even if you did have a job, and we are talkin' Wal-mart jobs, how fast do you think you would try to go find another within that company ?

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When did picking up local trash become a federal responsibility?

That job, and blame for the nonperformance of same, must be laid at the doorstep of Mayor "School Bus" Nagin.

The people of New Orleans re-elected Nagin on his promise to rebuild the city. He can't even get the sanitation department out to pick up the trash. And I'll ask again: why are you blaming Washington for that?

Edited by FilioScotia
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You have all these folks that haven't had a job in years lose their homes. THEN, when given an opportunity to actually have a job cleaning up the City, in order to rebuild their homes, they say "HELL, NAH!". Why ? Because it is tough work, but pays very well, yet these same people just want to sit around and delicate flower and moan about Govt. instead of being part of the solution, they continue to be part of the problem, and FEMA extensions can't go on forever. Where does it end ? Tier, how much money do you think it would take for you to be able to put your life back together, if you didn't have a job ? Even if you did have a job, and we are talkin' Wal-mart jobs, how fast do you think you would try to go find another within that company ?

I'm sure our mayor will find them a place to live :wacko:

That job, and blame for the nonperformance of same, must be laid at the doorstep of Mayor "School Bus" Nagin.

The people of New Orleans re-elected Nagin on his promise to rebuild the city. He can't even get the sanitation department out to pick up the trash. And I'll ask again: why are you blaming Washington for that?

so true filio

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All the NO crooks are back in New Orleans for obvious reasons.

If you were a drug dealer, would you rather deal in a city with a real police force and a real court system? Or would you deal in a city with corrupt cops and a joke of a court system?

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The trashy properties exist because owners still had rights to them for about a year, and in which time they were supposed to clean them up. NO no longer has its hands tied from taking these owners to task. However it is a slow process because most city departments are understaffed. They probably do need help from Washington and FEMA to add staffers.

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