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Why Southwest Houston?

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Not even sure where to start but why can't SW Houston ever gets its act together? Seems at least 5 nights out of the week there is all kinds of murders, shootings and robberies to start. No joke, just turn on that TV or radio and every time the reporter starts with "theres been another shooting, car-jacking, etc" my mind starts the "Guess where" and subliminally it says SW Houston and bam! Thats exactly what the reporter finishes saying.

Its like turning the roulette wheel and it always lands on SW Houston. Houstonians could start a betting game ie: horse, greyhound races? Get into the mortuary business?

Blame the apartments??? or just coincidence?

Below is the latest & the greatest report:

HOUSTON -- Four men were arrested after a chase that began when officers heard gunshots at a southwest Houston apartment complex late Wednesday.

Houston police said officers heard about 10 gunshots at an apartment complex on Ranchester Drive near Town Park Drive at about 11:45 p.m.

Officers tried to pull over a sport utility vehicle believed to be involved in the shooting

"The vehicle refused to stop," Sgt. R. A. Besselman said. "Officers began pursuing the vehicle."

Police followed the men onto the Southwest Freeway. One of the four men inside tossed out a gun near Bissonnet Street, police said.

Two back seat passengers jumped out of the vehicle about 20 minutes into the 34-minute pursuit, officials said. They were later arrested.

The chase went back onto side streets and officers used spike strips to slow the vehicle down.

"Eventually he (the driver) did stop the vehicle voluntarily," Besselman said. "We were able to take him into custody without further incident."

Police said the driver may be charged with evading arrest.

Edited by Vertigo58
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Part of the problem is that people have become way too comfortable in just saying Southwest Houston, when they need to be more specific. Is it Fondren Southwest? Sharpstown? Meyerland? Where? That alone would give people a better feel for the trouble spots and it might heighten awareness on what problems are specific to those areas.

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Part of the problem is that people have become way too comfortable in just saying Southwest Houston, when they need to be more specific. Is it Fondren Southwest? Sharpstown? Meyerland? Where? That alone would give people a better feel for the trouble spots and it might heighten awareness on what problems are specific to those areas.

Its more than that. On the news they give the label to everything west of DT and south of I-10 so in addition to those they include places like Montrose & Memorial.

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I had noticed it seems like the Briar Forest area has been getting more problems lately. There has been a couple of car jackings, one that resulted in a murder over there between Dairy-Ashford & Eldridge. Add that to the murder of that guy at the car wash a few months ago at Wilcrest and Dairy-Ashford. I don't know if it is just a temporary thing, or if it is indicative of the Westchase/Briar Forest area having slid recently. I haven't been out there in ages.


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Unfortunately, as far as Westchase goes, the intersection of Briar Forest @ Wilcrest has seen a very significant increase in crime, especially east of Wilcrest. It has also seen some of the apartment complexes in that area take on some of the low maintenance, ghettofabulous qualities that have affected some complexes in Fondren Southwest and Sharpstown over the last twenty years.

The good news is that further west along Briarforest, at Kirkwood, it seems as if property owners are trying to nip the potential problem in the bud before it gains any more momentum. A couple of complexes are undergoing renovations, which might affective not only the quality of the property longterm but the quality of its tenants as well. We'll see, though.

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Unfortunately, as far as Westchase goes, the intersection of Briar Forest @ Wilcrest has seen a very significant increase in crime, especially east of Wilcrest. It has also seen some of the apartment complexes in that area take on some of the low maintenance, ghettofabulous qualities that have affected some complexes in Fondren Southwest and Sharpstown over the last twenty years.

The good news is that further west along Briarforest, at Kirkwood, it seems as if property owners are trying to nip the potential problem in the bud before it gains any more momentum. A couple of complexes are undergoing renovations, which might affective not only the quality of the property longterm but the quality of its tenants as well. We'll see, though.

Correct you are,

Scary that we are in an office building nearby and we have had many car thefts and the building itself has had people gain entrance and stealing office computers, etc. good thing they are on film. Which shows how brazen they are. There are so many people just meandering/lurking around outside. It just seems so unusual. No bus stop nearby? Person would have to be oblivious to not notice them waiting for opportunity I imagine. Undisputed truth people, come see for your selves. :mellow:

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Part of the problem is that people have become way too comfortable in just saying Southwest Houston, when they need to be more specific. Is it Fondren Southwest? Sharpstown? Meyerland? Where? That alone would give people a better feel for the trouble spots and it might heighten awareness on what problems are specific to those areas.

Then what? :rolleyes:

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There are so many people just meandering/lurking around outside. It just seems so unusual. No bus stop nearby? Person would have to be oblivious to not notice them waiting for opportunity I imagine. Undisputed truth people, come see for your selves. :mellow:

I bet these people are from New Orleans, since many of the apartment complexes in that area absorbed evacuees. When I lived in New Orleans, you would see hundreds of people just loitering whenever you drove around the city. That's all they do - just sit around. Why do anything productive when the government will support you?

I think Westchase will decline, mostly due to those apartments.

Edited by Dan the Man
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Correct you are,

Scary that we are in an office building nearby and we have had many car thefts and the building itself has had people gain entrance and stealing office computers, etc. good thing they are on film. Which shows how brazen they are. There are so many people just meandering/lurking around outside. It just seems so unusual. No bus stop nearby? Person would have to be oblivious to not notice them waiting for opportunity I imagine. Undisputed truth people, come see for your selves. :mellow:

Exactly where (or close) do you work? My husband works out there - I never hear anything about it.

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Correct you are,

Scary that we are in an office building nearby and we have had many car thefts and the building itself has had people gain entrance and stealing office computers, etc. good thing they are on film. Which shows how brazen they are. There are so many people just meandering/lurking around outside. It just seems so unusual. No bus stop nearby? Person would have to be oblivious to not notice them waiting for opportunity I imagine. Undisputed truth people, come see for your selves. :mellow:

The realtor's of these properties normally send notices to employees as a "heads up" public won't see these. This is one of 3 from the last 2 months.

Off the record, on the QT and very hush, hush...

Good afternoon:

One of the tenants on the first floor at ...... had a break-in Wednesday evening/Thursday morning. It appears that the suspects jimmied open their back door and forced their way in. This door is on a separate access system and is not monitored by Building Management. The suspects entered the suite and pried open at least two locked doors and removed a plasma TV and several computer hard drives.

As many of you know several other buildings in the Westchase District that have experienced break-ins and criminal activity. Please ensure you keep all valuables, especially lap tops and other easily removable items safely locked away. Many of these crimes are typical 'smash and grab' incidents. We will implement all safety measures possible in order to ensure the building stays secure. If you see anyone acting suspiciously on the property or in the building, please call building management and/or 911. Many times intuition is a reliable tool so please don't ignore any misgivings you may have. Thank you.

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That case where the man was followed home for his vehicle and then murdered happened in my neighborhood. It was odd to think someone was being killed when I was just sitting around my house. I don't think there's ever been a murder in the neighborhood before.

As far as that area of Briar Forrest and Kirkwood and Wilcrest, that's always been a little dicey. It's an odd blend of really nice houses and some dumpy apartments. It's really been like that as long as I can remember. Most of the area is upscale, but a few of the apartment complexes are large and low rent. Recently there was a guy shot to death at a car wash in front of his wife, I believe it was on Wilcrest and Briar Forrest. He made the mistake of being there at 6 in the morning though, when there were no witnesses around. Generally I think the area is safe, but you just have to be mindful.

Concerning Westiside, I don't think it will go ghetto. I think a lot of the people who live near Lee have the option of going to Lee, Lamar or Westside. I believe close to half the students are white and there are about a quarter each of black and hispanic. It's supposed to be a highly ranked school.

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I may work in the same building as you!!

Or very close.

I had my computer stolen two weekends in a row.

Along with three other computers in our office. :blink:

Strange coincidence. I work at an office building at Richmond and Briar Park. We had a break-in about two months ago, 3 laptops and 3 19" LCD monitors were taken. We got the added bonus of one of the thieves taking a dump in one of our trashcans. The cops response was kind of funny when asked to take the "evidence" with him for DNA testing. He was like " uuuhhhhh, we don't do that".

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IMO, I think SW Houston is in much better shape than North Houston, they are on more times than SW Houston. :P

Latest and the greatest, the list goes on all!

Anyone know a good Exorcist?

Local and federal officials are calling these arrests, which happened at a southwest Houston apartment over the weekend, significant. All six men arrested were considered a big threat to the Houston community.

First on the list was Albin Adalin Zelaya-Zelaya, 26, from Honduras. He's a suspected member of the violent gang known as MS-13. Zelaya is wanted in Honduras for several murders, including the beheading of his ex in-laws. He's also wanted in connection to the massacre of 37 people onboard a bus in Honduras. Locally, Zelaya is wanted on burglary charges.

The five other men are considered equally dangerous. Authorities say that all of the six men are in this country illegally.

"These five are associated with Zelaya, who is an MS-13 gang member," said John Gaudioso with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency. "At this point, we are not sure what criminal activity they may be doing. So we are still looking into that."

Authorities released the photo of all six suspects today because they suspect they are believed to be involved locally with other crimes in this area, including kidnapping attempted of illegal aliens.

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Why SW Houston? Because it is a dump and attracts the poor and violent. The crime in that area of town is so out of hand. We need to demand more police presence there (perhaps for starters HPD could pull some of the cops off the street near my house that are just pulling over people going a few miles over the speed limit).

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Why SW Houston? Because it is a dump and attracts the poor and violent. The crime in that area of town is so out of hand. We need to demand more police presence there (perhaps for starters HPD could pull some of the cops off the street near my house that are just pulling over people going a few miles over the speed limit).

Amen on that one. HPD sits over at Westpark/Gessner vicinity every day now approx 4PM doing the same 2 miles over pull over buddy! Meanwhile back at the ranch (SW Houston or "Hell" as its better known) is a daily Armegeddon. In other similar SW threads state that even cops are afraid to cruise the areas. Notice you seldom even see animals around? The birds flying over probably look down and say screw this place keep going! Surprised there aren't any road side bombs.

It is beginning to look just like a Los Angeles more & more each day. Gangs, crowds, graffitti, dope, hookers, arrests, etc. Smog is next. So much for an "International city". Kinda depressing when the children even through gang signs at you as you just drive home. Maybe I should start wearing a bandana and carry an Uzi.

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First on the list was Albin Adalin Zelaya-Zelaya, 26, from Honduras. He's a suspected member of the violent gang known as MS-13. Zelaya is wanted in Honduras for several murders, including the beheading of his ex in-laws. He's also wanted in connection to the massacre of 37 people onboard a bus in Honduras. Locally, Zelaya is wanted on burglary charges.

This guy is a mass murderer that makes Charles Manson look like the pope......and he lived in our city..........how many more of his clones are roaming around? And this is just a story that will get little press after today. This should be national news. Where are the Dems attacking Bush for having such a soft border? :mellow:

The five other men are considered equally dangerous. Authorities say that all of the six men are in this country illegally.

They're just doing jobs that American gangs refuse to do. :closedeyes:

Southwest Houston is a mess partly due to our past and present border policies and now we get stuck with the murderous mop up.

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Wonderful article in Texas monthly.

And this is why, if I find a bunch of youths wearing certain colors, I should duck behind the counter at whatever store I am in :)

Everyone needs to see that Texas Monthly article! Especially state leaders. I was so tempted to kick in my monitor!

Actually I am kind of glad I am not a naive unsuspecting person anyway. When I am in a business then someone walks in and appears to look like that I keep my guard up. Not so much afraid but just cautious especially if they come in 2 & worse 3 or more. People really need to watch shows like AMW & Dateline and news. I simply don't want to be rubbed out because of merely being a witness to a crime. These cowards usually only act out in groups. The other day some civic leader had the gall to say that the US created the gang lifestyle and illegals are forced to take up this way of life? That they are really moral religious people but WE forced this on them? Poor little ganstas.

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Uhm, Vertigo, actually, the guy was right.

This IS an American phenomenon.

Newly-arrived immigrants may deteriorate after being exposed to the wrong aspects of American culture. Notice how the people who tend to go in the gangs are the sons and daughters of immigrants (including illegals) - And not the immigrants themselves.

The fact that the illegals are here is NOT the problem - The problem has to do with the environment that the Southwest Houston kids live in. The environment with little social cohesion and the lack of protection from authority figures leads to the formation of a desire to join gangs from kids.

Everyone needs to see that Texas Monthly article! Especially state leaders. I was so tempted to kick in my monitor!

Actually I am kind of glad I am not a naive unsuspecting person anyway. When I am in a business then someone walks in and appears to look like that I keep my guard up. Not so much afraid but just cautious especially if they come in 2 & worse 3 or more. People really need to watch shows like AMW & Dateline and news. I simply don't want to be rubbed out because of merely being a witness to a crime. These cowards usually only act out in groups. The other day some civic leader had the gall to say that the US created the gang lifestyle and illegals are forced to take up this way of life? That they are really moral religious people but WE forced this on them? Poor little ganstas.

Edited by VicMan
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