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Memo -what?


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Is this supposed to be some kind of a joke or something?

Why is this even in the Houston Chronicle?

This nonsensical drivel belongs... frankly, I don't know where, but what the heck is the Chronicle thinking? Is this their way of appearing to be "hip"?


(found on the Houston Press website)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Kyrie O'Connor was brought in earlier this year as a Houston Chronicle editor to rejuvenate the paper's tired features section. So far that's meant a lot of "breaking news" featurettes, such as laugh-free Top Ten career suggestions for whoever just got booted off a reality show.

As a Zeitgeist Queen, she's also offering a daily "cultural blog" on the paper's Web site. The only words that can describe its bizarreness are her own; here are some actual selections from the past few weeks of the blog, minus the links to whatever sites she's found:

"I'm sorry about the Iran earthquake. But if you want to avoid earthquakes, don't go to Iran

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