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A Dangerous Drive By


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Man, just driving on I-45 in all the traffic and taking the pictures was dangerous enough for me. What do you want, explosions? Riots? :lol:

And as for a chauffeur, Can't afford one.


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Why not take the photos while you have someone else drive?

People who talk on cell phones while driving aren't the only ones doing something dangerous.

People who talk on cell phones while driving aren't the only ones doing something dangerous.

But I agree that you took some good pictures.

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a suggestion from a well seasoned veteran of DWTP; roll down the window, sick your camera outside of the car, and snap like theres no tomorrow. so what if you take 20 pictures of the same scene, at least a couple should come out well centered.

disclaimer - this message does not condone hands-free driving while not looking at the road :ph34r:

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a suggestion from a well seasoned veteran of DWTP; roll down the window, sick your camera outside of the car, and snap like theres no tomorrow. so what if you take 20 pictures of the same scene, at least a couple should come out well centered.

disclaimer - this message does not condone hands-free driving while not looking at the road :ph34r:

Yeah, the windshield/glass can make a difference. Also, you have to shoot out of the windshield, zoom or hold the camera up to it (not too close) so the dash isn't visible. I sometimes unscrew my antenna when I do drive-bys. lol

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