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So how's 'The War' REALLY Going ... I mean, really?


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Tue Feb 20 2007 16:21:32 ET

In the wake of the U.S. House of Representatives passing a resolution that amounts to a vote of no confidence in the Bush administration's policies in Iraq, a new national survey by Alexandria, VA-based Public Opinion Strategies (POS) shows the American people may have some different ideas from their elected leaders on this issue.

The survey was conducted nationwide February 5-7 among a bi-partisan, cross-section of 800 registered voters. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percent. The survey was commissioned by The Moriah Group, a Chattanooga-based strategic communications and public affairs firm.

The survey shows Americans want to win in Iraq, and that they understand Iraq is the central point in the war against terrorism and they can support a U.S. strategy aimed at achieving victory, said Neil Newhouse, a partner in POS. The idea of pulling back from Iraq is not where the majority of Americans are.

*for more click on link above*

I dont know much about others but in my neighborhood and in my family theres a concensus that we should win and come home. Pulling away from this one with our heads between our tails will only serve to invite more and even larger attacks. The current plan being used there is in need of a major overhaul. That can be done by letting the military leadership do what it is trained to do, fight wars and win. Theres way too much outside input in the operations there and theres way too much cooperation in the meeting/board/planning/war rooms of the Pentagon and CentCom.

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Of course we should win at everything we set out to do, but pardon me for being skeptical of the lines 'Iraq is the central point in the war against terrorism' and 'Pulling away...will only serve to invite more and even larger attacks'. Both are unsubstantiated; the first one thought to be substantiated has turn out otherwise.

Edited by webdude
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but pardon me for being skeptical of the lines 'Iraq is the central point in the war against terrorism' and 'Pulling away...will only serve to invite more and even larger attacks'. Both are unsubstantiated; the first one thought to be substantiated has turn out otherwise.

Enemies and would be enemies pay very close attention to the actions of the US military, the US gov. and the reactions of the US people. Its a very powerful motivator to enemies and would be enemies of the US to see the worlds most powerful nation whining and running. Weakness and useless dialogue doesnt stop an enemy or would be enemy, it only strenghthens them. They will engage in dialogue, on the false premise of bringing an end to hostilities, while secretly mounting larger attacks. An enemy or would be enemy will think very long and hard about attacking our forces if they knew the response would be swift,overwhelming, indiscriminent and highly deadly! This has been proven time and time again in the past to work. I say lets stop engaging in limp wrist behaviors and return to policies that work! It worries my soul to hear of US forces being killed when i know there are things we can do immediately to bring an end to it. The leadership is a bit too limp wrist to engage in necessary measures that will stop this crap. Too afraid of how things will look for the TV cameras :(

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Let's see: A poll reported on Drudge conducted by

a national Republican political and public affairs research firm with its roots in political campaigns, its research is focused on producing information ...


and posted by one of HAIF's least reliable sources.

Yeah, that's who I'm relying on for factual information.

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