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What Were They Thinking?


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I think a more appropriate song could have been chosen. Something about third graders dabbling in social satire kind of sickens me. This is adult humor, even if it's not sexual. Imagine that.

'Offensive' is perhaps too strong a word to describe the lyrics of this song, IMO, although I can see how there's something there to offend more sensitive listeners, regardless of their race. Yes, I wish people would lighten up and get a sense of humor - and I also wish that those who practice what used to be known as 'common courtesy' wouldn't be accused of that worst of sins; political correctness. <_<

Now, if PETA protested "Jingle Bells" because it exploits animals, that would be too much. "Bells on bob-tails ring?" Don't you know the torture horses experience from having their tails bobbed?

But asking eight-year-olds to sing about racial stereotypes in a public school...nah.

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Right, 2112. The confederate battle flag was hijacked by racists. It was used by the KKK and the segregationists to make minorities live in fear. It does not belong in civil discussion.

If someone wants to display their "southern heritage," one could fly the confederate national flag or the seal of the confederacy. Both of which few people even recognize. (In fact, in one southpark episode, they had the southern national flag as the union flag -- but only history nerds saw the flaw).

One can argue that even southern heritage means racism. But, that's another discussion.

Battle Flag


National Flag




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I could go on to the example of the teacher in (again) California who has been banned from using any historical documents (such as the declaration of independence) due to the mention of God in the text.

Wait! What is this about banning historical documents? The teacher could not show the sudents the declaration of independence because it has the word god in it? That is about the stupidest and the most idiodic thing I have ever heard. I cannot believe that someone might have gotten offended over something like that. That is liberalism for you. In fact I just read the entire constitution, declaration, articles, and amendments and found the word "god" once and the word "lord" once. I just cannot understand that California is soo out of control. I know an Athiest who said that he doesn't care about all of that pledge stuff when that stuff happened. I even asked him about what he thinks about having "in god we trust" on our money and again he said it doesn't even bother him. I even asked a muslim friend who I play basketball with on weekends about the money and he said that it doesn't make a difference to him or his family because he said money is just that, money, and it was nothing to get offended by it. People are soo hypocritical now in our society. You know what they say, "Your rights end where my rights begin"

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Dear tw2ntyse7en (if that's really your name),

Thanks for asking.

The bottom line is that this nation was made up of many cultures, and we have everything from pasta and pizza, to tex-mex, to hot-dogs and music, to even cowboys, which was taken from the Mexican word "vaquero" that we can look at to understand our rich history. Our American heritage is nothing more than the summation and histories of all of our pasts.....all of them. It

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You know, you have offered some enlightening things on other threads. I think you are fundamentally a good person with some irritations that need to be addressed. You have addressed some of them allready on this particular thread. I believe that everyone should have some slack here and there, so I offer you a virtual drink here, and say "let by-gones be by-gones". Cheers. :D

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You know it is funny, all of this impeding on my rights stuff is pretty new(with in the past 10-20 years)and I am not talking about the civil rights movement either. I am talking about the silly songs from this stupid redneck song to and all the way to rap and even rock. Where people complain about them, saying it violates their rights, brain washes their children, suggests bad actions. Same thing with video games or some movies because they are too voilent or sexual. Now this obsessive compulsive need for people to find a small thing a turn it into a big deal. There are I'm sure millions of citizens new to this country that are not in any way bothered by this stuff. They go on about their happy lives and ignore it. They have for years. Now some A-hole(abrievated because somone just might get offended!) comes along because he has a thorn in his behind and complicates everyone else's lives. Now we sue people because of stupid things like the McDonalds incident with the coffee. Suing all kinds of places, because we get offended by them. People lets be a little more rational about our actions. It is majority rule, minority rights. Meaning minorities have the right not to say the pledge not the right to ban majority rule. Lets not be hasty.

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I'm not sure what I asked you, but I will reply:

I am the one that stated a few posts above: "Face it - someone came in during the middle of the night and turned off America's Melting Pot. Now all the different layers are beginning to separate..."

You think that just maybe I meant that I too think that America is a collection of many different cultures and it is what it is today do to such cultures meshing together and creating this society?

And that maybe the reason we have all the problem as a society today is because of instead of embracing culture as we've done in the past, we are seperating ourselves more than ever? Immigrants today are forming whole towns without diversity. Immigrants refuse to learn english so that they may share their culture with us. Immigrants refuse to try and initgrate their lives into ours. Immigrants build stores and restaurants and then curse when people not of their culture frequent their business. Yet I'm the "simpleton? I have "blinders"? Right..

I'm not sure what "arbitrary set" of cultures you think I'm refering to. If it's in the sense of religon (which I think it is..), then I'm only stating we need to pick a direction as a nation and go that way. The reason I spoke of Christianity, is that this is the religon that our nation was founded on and God's name is on EVERYTHING. Okay...so take his name off, or leave it on and tell all the people that don't like it to stop their whining. I personally think that we should eliminate Christianity from governament, so that all these religious extremist would no longer have an excuse to want to harm us as a nation. And if they did harm us, they would no longer have any legitimacy in their cause.

This was infact a tangent of the original topic as to which my original point was:

Political Correctness: Get over it... It's going to cause this nation great harm one day. All people do is whine. They file frivilous law-suits because they can't accept that maybe something was their fault, or even worse - no one's fault and it (the said event as to why the law-suit was originally brought) just happened. Again, let me repeat myself: America, BOO-HOO, you got your feelings hurt because someone: said, wrote, drew, or did something you don't like. GET OVER IT.

The only time I hear about racism is when someone brings it up to me. I grew up in Louisiana, a major hub of the notorious KKK. I grew up in the backwoods with neighbors that flew their flags - confederate and KKK. But today, I refuse to acknowledge the confederate flag as racist. I don't think of hating black people when I see it. I think of pickup trucks and old dirt trails, bon-fires, camping, hunting & fishing, b.b.que, gumbo and everything else with growing up in the country. Why don't I think about hating black people? Because my parents took the time to explain it to me. Something parents don't do today.

2112 - you want to talk about a "simpleton

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I also like the phrase "you failed to...." you can put anything after that, because by that point the reader is allready irritated. Other favorites include "I guess you forgot..", and, "thanks", and "I noticed you didnt.......but that you instead chose to.....". Also offending sometimes is "figures", which is fantastic because you imply so much pompous generalizations with just that one word. Also demeaning is "....I can see why you would think that...", and its cousin: "I can see why someone like YOU would think that". The last one I like to use after using the first version, because usually someone will respond with "what are you trying to say?", and then you say "what I meant was is that I can see why someone like YOU would think that, that's all".



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Deep in the heart of southwest Houston, there is a place called Westbury High School. Its' mascot was Johnny Reb. Its' drill team members were called the Rebellettes. The students attending the school identified themselves as Rebels. A tiny insignia of a Rebel could be found on every senior's class ring. The yearbook was known as The Citadel, and the school newspaper was The Rebel Yell. It was an integrated school, but apparently the students and faculty were ignorant of the evil connotations that the Confederate flag (flown on the school's flagpole right beside the American flag) held, even in the 1980's. One day, it was brought to the attention of all that what the school had been doing was in fact very evil, and all remnants and vestiges of those day were wiped clean. And everyone agreed that the new way was much better, and they all lived happily ever after.

The new and improved Westbury High School!

Mascot; Johnny Reb

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Technically just being called "white" should be offensive.

Darn tootin'.

That's why I find the term "Anglo" so offensive. I've done some research on my geneology, and lumping my Celtic ancestors with the Anglos is frankly offensive. Also, my German ancestors are requesting that my Teutonic roots be acknowleged.

And the Dutch ancestry is appalled to be lumped together with the others. Heck, one of those liberal bastards even married a Huguenot, so I'm about 1/128th French.

I enjoy reflecting on my varied ancestry, and am consumed with self-loathing. What fun! :D

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Yes, but not all "white people" are from Europe. Russians are "white" but they are spread out over the Asian continent.

There is no perfect term to describe race. There is always an exception.

White people born in Africa that immigrated to America are "African-Americans." Black people are not really colored jet black. White people are not bleached white.

Hyphenating Americans is just silly. We're all Americans. No hyphens necessary.

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Upon further investigation, I'm probably wrong about there only being 3 races- I think that's an outdated theory. Any anthropologists here?

My point is that it's hard to pigeonhole people into one race. Or even one nationality for that matter. What happens if you move to Ireland? Do you cease to be an American? Are you then an American-Irish? Your race doesn't change-just your nationality. :blink:

I love threads like this.

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