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DJ V Lawrence

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Not sure I get this one. According to this article, the main reason why Bush signed this bill now was to show that Republicans are tough on "securing the border". Is that REALLY the issue? What about the illegal immigrants already here? If there were more done to help illegal citizens become legal citizens, and they made it easier to become a citizen than to come across illegally, wouldn't that lower the number of illegal immigrants in America, and shut up the people who are upset that illegal immigrants don't have to pay the same taxes and recieve the same health care benefits as everyone else? I thought the main issue was documentation, not a fence.

What I don't understand is why it's okay to try to use this as a reason why we should vote for a political party. Yea, the Delay and Foley scandals happened, and I understand that Republicans will need to do more until November to try to keep congress, but this border is more than a political issue. It directly affects 4 states, and there's no telling what the changes will be in terms of the Rio Grande.

Does this answer and end the debate on illegal immigration, or do little with our money? And does this help Bush's approval ratings to you?

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"[Outgoing Mexican President Vicente Fox] calls the fence "shameful" and compares it to the Berlin Wall."

i see that...scary

and of course the guest worker program is stuck (somewhere) in lovely congress

and...err...you might wanna edit the title of this thread B)

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