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HCAD Property Maps

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If you have a high speed connection, the City's PW&E GIS website is far more useful.

Beware, though...the City's data is not 100% accurate. My Eastwood property (gained posession this morning) was undersized by several thousand square feet according to both HCAD and PW&E. The City evidently believes that they own all of the land underneath the sidewalks that they placed on my property...survey says: NO.

Zillow.com has a fantastic google maps-like interface, with parcel boundaries overlain.

I have a friend who lives in the Heights. HCAD thinks his lot is 9200 sqft, when in reality it's 6600. Yikes!

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Zillow.com has a fantastic google maps-like interface, with parcel boundaries overlain.

I have a friend who lives in the Heights. HCAD thinks his lot is 9200 sqft, when in reality it's 6600. Yikes!

He seriously needs to bring that to HCAD's attention. He's probably getting a high tax appraisal as a result of the error.

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