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Houston Population Projections


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Hey Houston19514, I'll have to go find the source for that percentage difference. I didn't think to write it down... I'll try to get back to you on that one. It was the result of a google search somewhere. I'll try to trace my steps...

twentyseven, I'm not all that schooled on the Houston economy. I've just read that Houston's economy is still in large part, dependant on the oil/energy sector - much the same way the DFW economy was in the 80's. I know that it is more diversified than it used to be, but from what I understand - albeit, that may very well be bad information - DFW is a more diverse economic region. Now, however, as opposed to years gone by, DFW is no longer the energy mecca it once was. Well, I say that, and then realize that the 50-story building being proposed for DF FW is being built by XTO energy - one of the oil/gay companies that is booming due to the large oil field boom just west of FW. LOL. Anyway, DFW has become a mecca for high tech, aerospace/engineering, telecomm, defense contracting, and all sorts of other varied and diverse industries that didn't used to call DFW home. The last couple of recessions barely even made a difference in DFW... things just sort of kept on trucking along as if everything was normal. The exception was that new construction might have slowed a bit. As for raw migration, I honestly don't know which city is experiencing the most influx of "aliens" from other parts of the country/world. I do know that as a native Texan/Fort Worthian, it is very rare to meet other natives of the DFW area these days. It seems like everyone in DFW is from another part of the USA, if not another nation altogether. I worked for a large telecom company a few years ago and over 50% of the employees (about 10,000 total in DFW) were from another country - India, Japan, the middle east, etc. Another good 30% were from the Northeast/New England. I loved the diversity in the corporate culture. The guy in the office across from me actually had to take off time to go home for his arranged marriage. When he came back to the US from his wedding/vacation. He had a new wife he'd never met before. I thought that was just amazing... I'd never met anyone who'd actually been in an arranged marriage before. His wife had never left her village before in her entire life - and then suddenly she was married to a man she'd known for less than 48 hours and moving to a foreign country to live with him. I had a billion questions for him about it. He was a super nice guy and humored me by answering all my "stupid American" questions. LOL

Anyway, I'm off topic.... I don't know which has a higher inbound migration rate between DFW and Houston. All I can say is that DFW is experiencing a significant influx of migration to the area from other US cities and other nations alike. I think the stats indicated that something like 600+ people a day are moving to the Dallas area. I heard that stat in passing on the news yesterday evening. In fact tonight on the news they showed footage of 1000+ people being sworn in for their US Citizenship at the Will Rogers Collesium in Fort Worth. So, I know FW has over 1000 new residents today that it didn't have yesterday. The story even said these were people who were not counted in prior FW census figures because they didn't officially live here since they weren't true citizens. I think all Southwestern US cities are experiencing a high level of migration from the NE cities.

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Hey Houston19514, I'll have to go find the source for that percentage difference. I didn't think to write it down... I'll try to get back to you on that one. It was the result of a google search somewhere. I'll try to trace my steps...

twentyseven, I'm not all that schooled on the Houston economy. I've just read that Houston's economy is still in large part, dependant on the oil/energy sector - much the same way the DFW economy was in the 80's. I know that it is more diversified than it used to be, but from what I understand - albeit, that may very well be bad information - DFW is a more diverse economic region. Now, however, as opposed to years gone by, DFW is no longer the energy mecca it once was. Well, I say that, and then realize that the 50-story building being proposed for DF FW is being built by XTO energy - one of the oil/gay companies that is booming due to the large oil field boom just west of FW. LOL. Anyway, DFW has become a mecca for high tech, aerospace/engineering, telecomm, defense contracting, and all sorts of other varied and diverse industries that didn't used to call DFW home. The last couple of recessions barely even made a difference in DFW... things just sort of kept on trucking along as if everything was normal. The exception was that new construction might have slowed a bit. As for raw migration, I honestly don't know which city is experiencing the most influx of "aliens" from other parts of the country/world. I do know that as a native Texan/Fort Worthian, it is very rare to meet other natives of the DFW area these days. It seems like everyone in DFW is from another part of the USA, if not another nation altogether. I worked for a large telecom company a few years ago and over 50% of the employees (about 10,000 total in DFW) were from another country - India, Japan, the middle east, etc. Another good 30% were from the Northeast/New England. I loved the diversity in the corporate culture. The guy in the office across from me actually had to take off time to go home for his arranged marriage. When he came back to the US from his wedding/vacation. He had a new wife he'd never met before. I thought that was just amazing... I'd never met anyone who'd actually been in an arranged marriage before. His wife had never left her village before in her entire life - and then suddenly she was married to a man she'd known for less than 48 hours and moving to a foreign country to live with him. I had a billion questions for him about it. He was a super nice guy and humored me by answering all my "stupid American" questions. LOL

Anyway, I'm off topic.... I don't know which has a higher inbound migration rate between DFW and Houston. All I can say is that DFW is experiencing a significant influx of migration to the area from other US cities and other nations alike. I think the stats indicated that something like 600+ people a day are moving to the Dallas area. I heard that stat in passing on the news yesterday evening. In fact tonight on the news they showed footage of 1000+ people being sworn in for their US Citizenship at the Will Rogers Collesium in Fort Worth. So, I know FW has over 1000 new residents today that it didn't have yesterday. The story even said these were people who were not counted in prior FW census figures because they didn't officially live here since they weren't true citizens. I think all Southwestern US cities are experiencing a high level of migration from the NE cities.

Dallas more High Tech? Yeah right. I guess you didn't heard the news. Houston is number 1 in technology, and ranked number 10 in the nation. Dallas is 27th in the nation.

What else you said? Oh, Dallas more diverse then Houston? Dude, you must be smoking weed and still high from it. Dallas is nowhere near Houston on that level. Houston has a chinatown probably bigger then subburbs in dallas, and come to think of it, Dallas don't even have a chinatown, nor a midtown. He said Dallas is more diverse then Houston :lol: Dude, go study more on houston.

People pisses me off when they don't know the full details about houston, that's how the bad image get's out about houston that they be assuming. I study Houston alot. I reads. Do you?

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Great point 27

Yes, Willy1 may not have all it imformation on Houston, nor he claimed to.

If anyone on this board has conflicting data from some one else, the best thing to do is just list your facts and STATE YOUR SOURCES. And don't do it in a offensive "so how about that punk" kind of statements.

The best way to debate something you feel compasionate about is to not let emotion rule. This works well in politics also. Ideas and facts (with sources) always beat silly emotional protests and rants.

If something is your opinion or belief, just say so. Nothing wrong with opinion. Don't take offense if someone disagrees either. Also, please read entirely the forum or the post you want to respond to. Don't just catch a few statements and quickly push out another comment.

Now back to the discussion.

One thing I do know about the Houston economy is that its dependancy on oil is quickly decreasing. This doesn't mean energy is not a big sector though. Energy companies deal with more than oil. Any actually, the biggest oil companies are the biggest researchers and investers in things like solar technologies and wind power. Hard to believe, huh. The technology is important especially for the unmanned facilities.

I remember growing up in the swamps and marshes of Louisiana and seeing there unmanned facilities when fishing. They have solar panels to power the electronics and back up battery systems that are continually being charged. There actually great for atracting fish and help wildlife also.

Anyway, Houston has branched into so many directions with its economy just like Dallas they are much stronger and can endure recessions. Just look at the Clinton Recession from 2000 and then 9/11. The economy didn't slow down one bit. The primary company in Houston that was truely hit was Continental Airlines, but they have there on problems. I have several friends the work as retail managers from boutique stores to large box retailers. They have been continually meeting their estimates and performance. Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston are two metros that know no bounds. They continually grow and stronger too.

It's a testament to the pro-business atmosphere in Texas that helps these cities maintain there positions continually improve the quality of life here.

I don't really care which city is growing faster than the other. I like the fact that they are both growing. I love the information on Fort Worth. I happy for them.

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Dallas more High Tech? Yeah right. I guess you didn't heard the news. Houston is number 1 in technology, and ranked number 10 in the nation. Dallas is 27th in the nation.

What else you said? Oh, Dallas more diverse then Houston? Dude, you must be smoking weed and still high from it. Dallas is nowhere near Houston on that level. Houston has a chinatown probably bigger then subburbs in dallas, and come to think of it, Dallas don't even have a chinatown, nor a midtown. He said Dallas is more diverse then Houston :lol: Dude, go study more on houston.

People pisses me off when they don't know the full details about houston, that's how the bad image get's out about houston that they be assuming. I study Houston alot. I reads. Do you?

kjb434 and twentyseven, thanks for standing up for me. It's nice to see that there are some friendly people in this forum. I originally fired back at houstonsemipro, but after reading your statements defending my posts I decided to delete what I had written and not lower myself to his level. (But, trust me -- y'all would have laughed your a--es off and what I had written in response to him.) Anyway, I hope no one else was offended or experienced the obvious "flash anger" that houstonsemipro experienced when he "reads" my post - or would the correct tense be "readsed"?

Anyway, thanks for making me feel welcome.

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Initially the topic of Dallas was brought up because population growth estimates in Texas metro areas. He (Wily1) added his knowlegde about Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston. Great information I might add also. This also in the other category of the Forum anyway.

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If you want to talk about Dallas, how about taking it to the Dallas board?

This is the Houston board.

Gladly... I just thought I'd add something to the Houston forum since there seems to be so much conversation about Dallas on this board already. The Houston Board has an entire topic devoted to Dallas-Fort Worth.... I would have thought that conversations about DFW and Houston would have been welcomed here. I guess not...

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. The weather in Dallas is beautiful today. Hope it's the same in Big H.

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I know. Just get tired of reading all the Big D/Houston wars. Even the DFW topic on this board makes no sense to me.

I lived in Dallas after graduation. Had a good time up there, but truly think Houston is a more livable city.

Chamber of commerce weather here today. Fixin to take light rail down to New Orleans Po-Boy!


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