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Poll: Is Tom DeLay a wuss for quitting?


Is Tom DeLay a wuss for quitting?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Tom DeLay a wuss for quitting?

    • Yes DeLay is a wussy.
    • No. DeLay is exercising his right as an American to quit.

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Actually, this is more of an issue of whether or not he wanted to quit.

The problem was that he was pressured into leaving while he is under investigation of money laundering. The problem was that he was running against the wishes of the Republican party due to the controversy he has caused recently and knew that charges might be brought to bear on him and that would cast the republican party in a bad light.

The problem was that when he ran again, he won the nomination, but when the hammer fell (so to speak) had HAD to quit (for the good of the party, of course).

The issue is will he simply conform to what the constitution law is and simply bow out and conceed the election to the Democrats, or will he fight to allow for another hand picked republican to run in his stead.

The poll should be:

"Should Delay allow Texas Law take effect and conceed the election."

"Should he fight the judge's ruling and fight to have another republican to take his place?"

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I think the poll should be about how infantile the original poster is for starting this one.

What does this have to do with politics? You have no desire to engage in a productive discussion. All you want to do is berate the Right because they are in power by slamming every one who is on the other side.

You know, I am a Liberal at Heart. But it is the crybaby, piss and moan Left that keeps me to the Right side of the voting machine.


(BTW, I stole the above from someone on here. Hope you don'y mind!)

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I think the poll should be about how infantile the original poster is for starting this one.

I agree, but it is in the Way Off Topic section. Instead of posting a complaint, why not simply ignore it? If enough people are disinterested by the topic, the poll results will show it.

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I agree, but it is in the Way Off Topic section. Instead of posting a complaint, why not simply ignore it? If enough people are disinterested by the topic, the poll results will show it.

No *&^% sherlock! I got to agree even though I was the one who posted the childish post. :-)

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