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When this story first broke, I heard that the list was of veterans discharged aftewr 1976. My discharge was in '73, so I wasn't concerned for my own security. If that is the case, I wouldn't expect to hear from them, and I hope I don't!

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Yeah I got my letter a couple of weeks after the story first broke out. What it comes down to is that almost everyone's info is out there and that who ever posseses is capable of doing all sorts of things with it. I believe that the most that the govnt will do is pay for everyone to get free credit checks for the rest of our lives.

Elected officials everywhere are ticked off too, becuase it includes them. At first it was believed that it was just a small portion of vets, then their families aswell, then now current troops and families so yeah this is pretty huge. The info isn't just SSNs but addresses, phone numbers, and other info too.

There is still a search for the missing laptop(reward offered). That the thief might not know what he has. All this because a VA employee took home his work laptop. There wasn't any rules saying he couldn't at the time( that's changed and heads are rolling)

That's all the info I know from when I was back home. Haven't really followed it lately.

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I don't think that databases should be taken out of the office, especially if it's not encrypted.

This is one of the times where I think there should be heavy penalties to discourage this and there should be a law to cover this.

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When i first heard of this story on the news, i stupidly made the assumption that it only involved current and recent military personnel. I am highly disappointed that our government allowed an environment to exist where something like this could happen. Unfreaking believable in times like these with all the hightened security in place. And as far as illegal aliens go Bastrop, there should be better vehicles in place to get a handle on that situation. I raise my brow to the extreme security measures at the airports, the nations front door, while having a relaxed feel to the borders, the nations backdoor. If a wicked jackass that wishes to do our nation harm couldnt get in through the front door, he will go to the back door. Being a frequent traveler in and out of the country i get to see the lunacy of the security measures at airports and wonder how things would be different if some of that effort were geared toward border security.

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