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The 2006 Old Spice Sweatiest City List

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Here it is, folks:

(Sorry, I copied and pasted it this way. It's a mess.)

TOP-100 SWEATIEST CITIES IN AMERICA Brought to You By the Sweat Experts at Old Spice 1. Phoenix, AZ 51. Columbus, OH 2. Las Vegas, NV 52. Kansas City, MO 3. Tucson, AZ 53. Evansville, IN 4. Dallas, TX 54. Lexington, KY 5. Corpus Christi, TX 55. Wilkes-Barre, PA 6. San Antonio, TX 56. Cincinnati, OH 7. Austin, TX 57. Harrisburg, PA 8. Shreveport, LA 58. Baltimore, MD 9. Houston, TX 59. Charleston, WV 10. Waco, TX 60. Springfield, IL 11. Miami, FL 61. Moline, IL 12. New Orleans, LA 62. New York, NY 13. Orlando, FL 63. Roanoke, VA 14. Tampa, FL 64. Indianapolis, IN 15. West Palm Beach, FL 65. Des Moines, IA 16. Honolulu, HI 66. Bristol, TN 17. El Paso, TX 67. Salt Lake City, UT 18. Memphis, TN 68. Detroit, MI 19. Fort Myers, FL 69. Sacramento, CA 20. Baton Rouge, LA 70. Chicago, IL 21. Little Rock, AR 71. Dayton, OH 22. Mobile, AL 72. Toledo, OH 23. Jacksonville, FL 73. Cleveland, OH 24. Tulsa, OK 74. Minneapolis, MN 25. Fresno, CA 75. Hartford, CT 26. Jackson, MS 76. South Bend, IN 27. Savannah, GA 77. Syracuse, NY 28. Montgomery, AL 78. Providence, RI 29. Nashville, TN 79. Pittsburgh, PA 30. Columbia, SC 80. Albany, NY 31. Oklahoma City, OK 81. Buffalo, NY 32. Raleigh, NC 82. Asheville, NC 33. St Louis, MO 83. Grand Rapids, MI 34. Birmingham, AL 84. Milwaukee, WI 35. Huntsville, AL 85. Rochester, NY 36. Richmond, VA 86. Boston, MA 37. Louisville, KY 87. Denver, CO 38. Chattanooga, TN 88. Madison, WI 39. Washington DC 89. Flint, MI 40. Wichita, KS 90. Youngstown, OH 41. Omaha, NE 91. Burlington, VT 42. Norfolk, VA 92. Los Angeles, CA 43. Springfield, MO 93. Green Bay, WI 44. Virginia Beach, VA 94. San Diego, CA 45. Atlanta, GA 95. Colorado Springs, CO 46. Greensboro, NC 96. Portland, ME 47. Charlotte, NC 97. Portland, OR 48. Philadelphia, PA 98. Spokane, WA 49. Albuquerque, NM 99. Seattle, WA 50. Knoxville, TN 100. San Francisco


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TOP-100 SWEATIEST CITIES IN AMERICA Brought to You By the Sweat Experts at Old Spice 1. Phoenix, AZ 51. Columbus, OH 2. Las Vegas, NV 52. Kansas City, MO 3. Tucson, AZ 53. Evansville, IN 4. Dallas, TX 54. Lexington, KY 5. Corpus Christi, TX 55. Wilkes-Barre, PA 6. San Antonio, TX 56. Cincinnati, OH 7. Austin, TX 57. Harrisburg, PA 8. Shreveport, LA 58. Baltimore, MD 9. Houston, TX 59. Charleston, WV 10. Waco,

Dallas is more Sweaty than Houston. I love it.

Phoenix??? 118 is not so bad. It is a dry heat right. :lol:

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Humidity gets a bad rep. It's underrated.

Let's list some of humidity's positives:

(1.) It's great for your skin. It gives the people of Houston a more youthful appearance than that of folks in dryer climates. For crack addicts, it makes no difference.

(2.) ........

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Humidity gets a bad rep. It's underrated.

Let's list some of humidity's positives:

(1.) It's great for your skin. It gives the people of Houston a more youthful appearance than that of folks in dryer climates. For crack addicts, it makes no difference.

(2.) ........

hey, another positive of humidity is.............

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