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Good News -- and BETTER News!


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So, the contract has been signed, the faxes sent, and the bill paid. Thanks to the members of the Houston Architecture Info Forum, we now have an ad pending for the next issue of Cite (#67). Look for it on newsstands at the end of June. Here is the final ad:


I think it came out pretty good. I moved all of the text to the bottom to give the picture a chance to really stand out. I also used dbigtex56's slogan, with just a slight alteration. Thanks to everyone who contributed ideas, and especially everyone who contributed money, including:

Houston Retail



Thomas Keith Dunlap




Plus, the two or three who donated anonymously.


HAIF's sister site, Chicago Architecture Info, had a really good month, and so I'm diverting the excess funds to HAIF. That means the same month we're in Cite, we're also going to have an ad in Texas Monthly! Here's the ad that will run:


I had to shorten the text because the ad is physically smaller, but I think the color will have a good impact.

Looking forward to June. Here's hoping!

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They both look good. Good Job. I've never read, nor even seen Cite before. Where can I find it?

It's carried in architecture and design bookstores nationwide. In Houston I've seen it at MFA/H, but I thik it's in some of the regular bookstores, too.

the ads look great.

why "what's going up in texas?" in the 2nd one? because its in Texas Monthly i guess?

Yeah. I thought I should alter it for the wider audience.

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