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Dwell Magazine


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I got the new Dwell Magazine yesterday and keep realizing that it's not really for me...

There's so much new modern in there and not enough looking back to mid-century modern. I know we've got Atomic Ranch and Modernism as well, but I have to wonder if I am going to keep my subscription.

And do these Dwell Modern houses even exist in Houston?

How do you go about buying one of those Pre-fab houses in Dwell and plopping it down in Houston? Can you even do that or do you have to buy land way out to have a house like that?

Just curious...


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i really like dwell. last issue they had a really nice feature about old classic homes that have been modernized. the brownstone on washington square park in new york was amazing inside. i read an article about mod enthusiasts who buy mid-century modern homes and restore them. these people where collectors of mod homes across the world and owned 3 to 6 houses. it was incredible. dwell is so professional and i think its a first class magazine from cover to cover. i'd gladly take your old copies.

dwell seems to feel like the pre-fab is a solution to the increasing cost of owning/building a home. they really believe this will be the only or better option for homeownership in the future. i tend to agree with thei thinking. really all these pre-fabs are is really cool trailer homes, so yeah you can buy on and hook it up in any trailer park in town that will rent you a space or the heights would be a good spot, plenty of double wides in the heights.

i've only read one atomic ranch and i like what i see and read. they don't seem to have the editorial prowess or rich photography that dwell delivers but i like what they are doing. i also like the ads and really just enjoy seeing all of the cool mods from around palm springs, sarasota and houston. great ads and info on sources for everything mid-century modern.


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I didn`t renew my subscription to dwell...not interested. I do like the ideas of the prefab homes though. Atomic Ranch though is a another story..I am actually excited when I receive one. For some reason I really like the paper its printed on.

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I didn`t renew my subscription to dwell...not interested. I do like the ideas of the prefab homes though. Atomic Ranch though is a another story..I am actually excited when I receive one. For some reason I really like the paper its printed on.

I'm feeling the same way. Dwell came and I haven't even made time for it. Usually I stop and at least flip through when it come. I like looking that the pictures, but I don't find anything particularly helpful.

Atomic Ranch, I worship and keep. Glad to make that renewal. And Atomic Ranch editors and readers were superbly helpful to me in finding more information on my light swithes and switchplates.

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  • 2 years later...

Informative article, esp for wet behind the ears interns like myself. Are you currently friends with Mr. Lundy?

I was esp interested in this paragraph:

"Despite his current low profile, Lundy, who is credited with creating the first architecturally designed air buildings, experimented with and redefined modernism in the

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