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Testers Needed For Haif_bar


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In the continuing quest to make HAIF more useful and relevant to the forumers here, I present HAIF_Bar.

What is HAIF_Bar? It's a little utility bar that Windows users can jam into their Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers. If you're familiar with the Google toolbar or the Yahoo toolbar, then you're ahead of the game. It's much like those programs, but with a few Houston-centric features.


First, and most important, is the HAIF button. This links you directly to HAIF. What could be better?


This. This could be better. It's a New HAIF button that automatically takes you to a page listing all of the HAIF posts you haven't read yet.


But you don't have to stop what you're doing to keep up with HAIF. There's a HAIF feed button that shows you the latest 20 posts in a drop-down menu, so you can take a peek, and keep on working. It updates every hour.


Then there's the privacy and annoyance blocking button. This blocks many pop-up and pop-under ads. It also allows you to clear your browser cache and your browser history. It also lets you delete your cookies, but I don't recommend this because you'll have to re-log in to HAIF all the time.


There's a Google search built right in to the toolbar. No more having to go all the way to Google's web site to search the internet. Just type your query into the space and press ENTER. There's also a bunch of other Google services available from a drop-down menu.


And just like the HAIF feed button, you can stay up-to-date with the latest Houston news without interrupting your browsing. The drop-down menus for the Houston Chronicle and KTRK television update each hour.

Future plans include the current Houston weather and severe weather alerts.

So, I need people to download the HAIF_Bar and try it out. Let me know what you think. What features or links would you like to be added or removed? The company that coded the toolbar for us swears up and down there is no spyware, no search redirection or any other nastyness in the program. They make their money by occasionally putting a wee ad in the bar.

Let's hope this all works out and the HAIF_Bar becomes a useful tool for the regulars around here.

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