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no parking signs?


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where do I start?


so there is a entry to my neighborhood that people continue to park within 30 feet of the stop sign, which is a no parking area. it is a dangerous corner, I've almost been in a few accidents at the intersection because of cars parking too close to the stop sign, oncoming traffic comes into the oncoming lane, and you can't see them when you turn onto the street.


I've asked 311 to take care of it by putting in a sign, but they opened/closed the ticket immediately with no feedback as to why.


I tweet @houparking every time I turn here and see someone illegally parked too close.


who do I reach out to for this? I am not trying to stop people parking where they are legally allowed to, but I do want to make sure the signage is clear and people aren't parking in an unsafe location.

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Over the years I've had quite a bit of success with this very issue by using 311. I almost always submit a photo. With that said, I believe there are periods when cases get shoved under the rug--likely they are short-staffed, etc. I usually just wait a few weeks and submit the issue again--

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It is hard to believe a service request will be close without an explaination. Submit a request at houstontx.gov/311 and follow your case updates at https://mycity.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=bcf8678c5bb7434aa8f1ec47fd8258e7
It shows cases open and closed within the last 7 days, with case references. You can bring the case number to the department.

Edited by WakeUpHouston
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