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Governor Abbott Calling For Statewide Takeover Of HISD

Blue Dogs

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In case you've been living under a rock during the Christmas holiday break, TX Governor Greg Abbott (R), in a scathing tweet on Twitter, put Houston ISD's failed leadership on full-blast. He also slammed the district's leaders for "self-centered ineptitude" & rallied for the State on taking over the school district's Board of Trustees. I believe that Abbott's right on this one for obvious reasons: the recent ugly racially-polarized battle over the demotion of Houston ISD Interim Superintendent Dr. Grenita Latham in favor of former Houston ISD Superintendent Abe Saavedra from a few months ago(who recently left San Antonio ISD & refused to return to his old job in Houston due to the backlash) which spiraled out of control following racial divisions between the African American & Latino Houston ISD School Board members: later the Board of Trustees voted to keep Latham as the Interim Superintendent.


State Senator Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston) is pushing legislation which could eliminate single-member district in favor of At-Large Districts including other measures.


Like to know your thoughts on Abbott calling out Houston ISD & calling for statewide takeover of the State's largest school district ?






A.) Love It


B.) Hate It




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