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I've always heard that people shouldn't discuss religion and/or politics. It can turn good friends into enemies because everybody thinks that his/her religious and political beliefs are the only right ones and that everyone else's are wrong.

I personally believe that there is some good in all religions, whether Christian or non-Christian. I'm 47 years old and I've never belonged to any one religion because, like I said, those who belong to a certain church or religion think that their beliefs are correct and that the beliefs of other religions are wrong. It turns me off when I hear people talk bad about others.

For example, when I was in college, I attended a church that claimed to be "non-denomiational." One day a Sunday School teacher came right out and said "The Mormons are going to Hell!" I said to him: "Hey, that's a pretty strong statement!" He replied: "It's true! The Bible says that you're not supposed to add to or to take away from the Word of God. The Mormons are doing exactly that with their Book of Mormon!"

Like I said, regardless of if that is true or not, talk like that simply turns me off.

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Sometimes, I think that certain faithes mirror muslim and islam.

In the Bible, it says that god's name is jealous. "For he is a jealous god." Infact, I got a little booklet when I decided to take the guys trick or treating (big mistake). I was going threw there candy, making sure there were no heroine needles... When I stubled apon a little book with a checkered flag saying "May I ask you a question?"

"The BAD news is something about YOU."

"The GOOD news is something about GOD."

"Bad news #1 : You are a sinner."

"When the Bible says, "All have sinned and fall short," means that we have all come short of God's standard of perfection."

(Ok hitler...)

"Bad news #2 : The Penalty of sin is death."

"The Bible says that by sinning we have earned death. That means we deserve to die and be separated from God forever."

"Good News #1 : Christ died for you."

(Bold letters) "You must trust in Jesus Christ alone, and God will give you eternal life as a gift!"

("There is only one god, and he is Allah, and Muhhamad is his prophet.")

©1996 EvanTell, Inc.

What I'm getting at, there trying to tell little kids that they will Die if they don't believe in jesus christ. Isn't that a little bit extreme? I don't tell you god doesn't exsist, but don't shove religion down my throat!

And I hate those churches that tell you to donate and what not to the church or your going to hell.

Religion is not suppose to be full of hypocrites...

I agree, that stuff, turns me off!

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Sometimes, I think that certain faithes mirror muslim and islam.

In the Bible, it says that god's name is jealous. "For he is a jealous god." Infact, I got a little booklet when I decided to take the guys trick or treating (big mistake). I was going threw there candy, making sure there were no heroine needles... When I stubled apon a little book with a checkered flag saying "May I ask you a question?"

"The BAD news is something about YOU."

"The GOOD news is something about GOD."

"Bad news #1 : You are a sinner."

"When the Bible says, "All have sinned and fall short," means that we have all come short of God's standard of perfection."

(Ok hitler...)

"Bad news #2 : The Penalty of sin is death."

"The Bible says that by sinning we have earned death. That means we deserve to die and be separated from God forever."

"Good News #1 : Christ died for you."

I remember that time that Oral Roberts announced that he would die if he couldn't raise $8 million.

(Bold letters) "You must trust in Jesus Christ alone, and God will give you eternal life as a gift!"

("There is only one god, and he is Allah, and Muhhamad is his prophet.")

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  • 5 months later...
Don't worry about it. It sounds like you're going to Hell anyway. :lol:

I have two alter-egos: Norman Bates and The Marquis de Sade. I agree with this quote from the latter:

"To be truly happy in this world a man ought not merely fling himself into every vice, but should never permit himself one virtue, and that it is not simply a matter of always doing evil, but also and above all of never doing good".

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  • 7 months later...
I have two alter-egos: Norman Bates and The Marquis de Sade. I agree with this quote from the latter:

"To be truly happy in this world a man ought not merely fling himself into every vice, but should never permit himself one virtue, and that it is not simply a matter of always doing evil, but also and above all of never doing good".

"The Love of God will not let you pass to the other side without catching you."--found it on an end stage COPD group page. Just liked it even though I don't belong to any particular main stream religion; I am however trying to incorporate Buddhist spirituality into my life =)

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