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What's Up With The Great Houston Weather?!?


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Actually I would say this is pretty typical for October in terms of temps ( maybe it has been a degree or two warmer than normal). I would expect a major cold front either the second or third week in November to REALLY cool things off, where we are talking highs in the 50's-60's average.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Actually I would say this is pretty typical for October in terms of temps ( maybe it has been a degree or two warmer than normal). I would expect a major cold front either the second or third week in November to REALLY cool things off, where we are talking highs in the 50's-60's average.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

when i moved back home last year (in september) we must have been having some aberrant weather then? it was routinely warm (can't say 90s, but certainly mid-to-upper 80s) right up through christmas season.

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I've always considered October to be the beginning of humane period of living in Houston. I've always considered it to be quite tolerable now through May, and this is coming from someone who despises the heat.

(By the way, I have just discovered your blog bruce and am enjoying it.)

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I've always considered October to be the beginning of humane period of living in Houston. I've always considered it to be quite tolerable now through May, and this is coming from someone who despises the heat.

(By the way, I have just discovered your blog bruce and am enjoying it.)

yeah, october through march (for me) make living here bearable.

glad you enjoy the blog. it's basically ramblings about ... nothing. and everything.

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this is definitely my favorite time of year...

it always seems like during the hottest times of year, i forget what it's like when it's not hot here, and when october rolls around, i'm like "WOW, this is so great and new..."


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Our summers are so long and ungodly that I think we all forget how nice it is during the other 6 months of the year :lol:

amen. i guess october - march isn't so bad. actually the summers are not bad either. just that it is ALWAYS hot. i think if it substantially cooled off at night we wouldn't gripe so much, but it is always hot ...even at night.

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I always explain our summers as being Houston's version of a nasty winter somewhere else. The kind of weather where you just don't want to do anything except be inside, whereas elsewhere it would be so cold and miserable you just want to be inside. I agree that October - about early May is really pretty nice. Even 40's in December is pretty pleasant. The snow we had this year was about the most ideal snow you could ever have. Falls enough to cover and have fun in, gone by the next day. I don't find the weather here that bad, but I do agree I wish the summers were a little cooler at night at least.

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I always explain our summers as being Houston's version of a nasty winter somewhere else. The kind of weather where you just don't want to do anything except be inside, whereas elsewhere it would be so cold and miserable you just want to be inside. I agree that October - about early May is really pretty nice. Even 40's in December is pretty pleasant. The snow we had this year was about the most ideal snow you could ever have. Falls enough to cover and have fun in, gone by the next day. I don't find the weather here that bad, but I do agree I wish the summers were a little cooler at night at least.

that's a good way of putting it.

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