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Superdome Ii

Guest Plastic

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Guest Plastic

As you know the SUperdome has been damaged. My question is what do you think to do with it?

They say they just might have to tear it down. I just sya repair the roof. It would be extremely costly to build a whole new domed stadium.

Either way whil they're at it I think they should make the roof see through like at the Astrodome. No since of having a stadium if you can't see outside light.

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As you know the SUperdome has been damaged. My question is what do you think to do with it?

They say they just might have to tear it down. I just sya repair the roof. It would be extremely costly to build a whole new domed stadium.

Either way whil they're at it I think they should make the roof see through like at the Astrodome. No since of having a stadium if you can't see outside light.

The Astrodomes windows ain't exactly "see through" my friend. I seem to recall either they glazed over after about 4 years, and were too costly to replace, or they were glazed over purposely for energy costs or something. I read an article years ago in the 80's about the weird trivia on the Dome. One of the weirdest was about how it would "rain" inside the dome if one of those windows at the top were to open. B)

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They were glazed over because the baseball players complained about the light hurting their eyes when the have to look up to catch a ball.

The superdome, although a wonderful structure from engineering standpoint, is old. I can see the NFL and particularly the saints trying to get a new stadium. With all the money that will be flying around for rebuild, I would be surprised if the corrupt Louisiana gov't siphoning some off for a new stadium.

I think the dome could stay and the new stadium could be built on the delapidated housing (now destroyed from the floods) just to the north. It must stay near downtown and not on the lakefront like the picture in the link above (my opinion).

For the most, I don't thing too many people are concerned with this issue right now.

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Why y'all talking about this here? This should be in New Orleans, not here.

Please ignore the troll.

Only $110 million ? 35 year old structure, It's top came off like a prom dress, tons of water spills inside, what do you think the mold remedeation is gonna be on that ? If it is gonna cost a 1/3 of what a new stadium is gonna cost, why not go ahead and build the new one and get it over with ? :rolleyes:

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Mold remediation is much easier on concrete. The carpet in the halls will need to be replaced anyway. The air ducts will be cleaned. The rip in the roof was on about 25% of the roof surface. The volume of water entering the dome wasn't that great either. New Orleans rainfall totals was much lower since it was on the west side of the eye of Katrina

The superdome has been through many multimillion dollar renovations. It's one of the reasons it's still being used so much. The NFL still considers it a good stadium. Although older, it is quite capable. The dome can still hold it's own against some of the newer stadiums.

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Guest Plastic

I don't see why New Orleans had to have th elargest dome anyway.

We had the largest dome for awhile. I think they should build it superbig so the sits will be large enough for heavier people.

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It is possible to repair the superdome, but too many people have associated it with the chaos which ensued around New Orleans. The emotions associated with it may be too much for some to overcome. The saint's won't want to play there, and I don't think it is wise for Federal tax dollars to be spent on rebuilding it. If New Orleaneans want a football team then, after their city is rebuilt, they can foot the tab.

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The Superdome will be rebuilt. It is too important to the city's convention and tourism industry. It will happen whether the Saints return or not. The Saints play there only 8 times a year, which is a small percentage of the total events that occur there on a yearly basis. Also, if I'm not mistaken, most of the atrocities originally reported to have occured at the Superdome were later found to be inflated.

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