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Prayer Against Storm


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God of heaven and earth, God who carries our lives and the lives of our whole community in your hands, be with us in the peril of this day/night. Help us to release our anxieties and fears into those same caring hands, knowing in faith that your will for us is life and everlasting good. Send your holy angels to watch over us and guard us. May they spread their holy wings to give us shelter against the storm. For you alone, O God, are all good, all life, all love, and that love is for us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Lord, please be with the rescue workers and keep them safe as they make heroic efforts in dangerous situations to rescue those in trouble.

Lord, please be with everyone waiting to be rescued, keep them safe, and bring help to them soon.

God, bless each and every person affected by this storm and surround them with Your love, protection, and angels. Let them know there are millions of us out here praying for them and their loved ones.

We give You all the praise and glory forever, Lord, and know that even in the darkest hours, You are always with us.

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a friend of mine sent an a very new age e-mail to me about sending positive energy and pink light into the center of rita (saying to be very careful not to divert to someone else but send it love so it would dissipate). when i later e-mailed saying that i was staying in houston with a line that said, "hurricanes are jerks, don't let them get the best of you", she wrote back pretty irritated with me. glad i did not bring the storm down on everyone... jeez!

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a friend of mine sent an a very new age e-mail to me about sending positive energy and pink light into the center of rita (saying to be very careful not to divert to someone else but send it love so it would dissipate). when i later e-mailed saying that i was staying in houston with a line that said, "hurricanes are jerks, don't let them get the best of you", she wrote back pretty irritated with me. glad i did not bring the storm down on everyone... jeez!

All I can say is WHAT?!?! Where does the pink light emanate from? SO did your email divert the hurricane rather than dissipate it?

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All I can say is WHAT?!?! Where does the pink light emanate from? SO did your email divert the hurricane rather than dissipate it?

i was just amazed that she took it so seriously. i'm not sure where the light comes from... some sort of new age thiga-majig. i was just surprised to get an email saying -- look you're being negative now the storm's gonna get us! if i thought i could personally attract or divert a hurricane, i'd be pretty awesome or pretty nuts...

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maybe it's man's fault we have thse storms like these back to back. global warming.That isn't God's doing. It's ours.

Hurricanes happen back-to-back all season every year. In this case, however, they weren't even back-to-back. There were seven between Katrina and Rita. It's just happenstance that they both ended up on the Gulf coast. Last year five hurricanes slammed into Florida. This year, except for the Keys, none. It's just luck.

Also, while the notion of "global warming" has taken root in the lexicon of popular culture, there is no scientific proof that the phenomenon we're going through is anything more than the usual temperature cycle the Earth goes through. According to the long-term historical record, we're actually cooler than we were in the past. I have a number of friends who are meteorologists and other kinds of Earth scientists. Only two or three buy into global warming. The rest think it's bunk dreamed up by environmental groups hoping to stay relavant and make a buck.

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I have a number of friends who are meteorologists and other kinds of Earth scientists. Only two or three buy into global warming. The rest think it's bunk dreamed up by environmental groups hoping to stay relavant and make a buck.

Boy, THAT was a scientific poll. BTW, your friends don't happen to work for companies trying to stay relevant and make a buck, do they?

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It's not meant to be a poll. Making decisions based on popular opinion isn't always the best method. I 've listened to the arguments they've presented on both sides.

Personally, I'm leaning toward the side that says it IS happening, but I'm not entirely convinced, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.

The point of my post was to illustrate that global warming is still a theory, not a fact.

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Here's an interesting page from the National Hurricane Center.

It shows that the 1940's were much worse for the U.S. for hurricanes than the 1990's. Almost double the number of hurricanes hit the U.S. in the 40's than in the 90's. And it doesn't appear to be just one goofy decade because there were more in every decade from 1850 to 1960. So it looks like we're actually in a quiet period right now.

However, this chart only accounts for hurricanes that hit the U.S. I haven't been able to find authoritative information that includes hurricanes that spin themselves to death out at sea or that hit Central America. I'm not sure those records would be very accurate since we've only had a few decades of satellite weather observation.

I think people think there are more hurricanes now because when they do come ashore they kill more people and do more damage, which is only common sense as there are more people living on the coasts and more development of coastal cities than there was in the past.

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