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Auckland, Sydney, & Gold Coast

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Got hitched and went on a adventurous honeymoon. Hold the applause.




Super clean, a little chilly & wet. New Zealand is definitely a place of natural beauty and an outdoor lifestyle. Friendly locals, but very 9-5. The city practically shut down after 9pm.


Driving was scary outside of the city. Narrow, winding roads. Probably the narrowest paved roads I've ever been on.








The Weather was extremely bipolar. No, totally schizophrenic. The above two images are within a minute of each other on the same beach.










The food was amazing, but too seafoody for my taste. Like the U.K. It's best to stick to wine or beer. 

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Gold Coast? Cold Coast! Budum tiss!!


Awesome beaches, cool buildings, great restaurants, but the water was freezing.



Super laid back, some cheesy tourist spots but that's to be expected.


Had a last night back to Auckland with the direct flight. It was kind of cool seeing 4 Emirates planes at the tiny airport. Anyways had a blast and need to go to the South Island next time. Being over there made me appreciate our roads & interstate system, our dining options & restaurant sizes, and that our bars close at 2. It's beyond me how people can start drinking at 5pm, through dinner, and all night. I mean I guess because they serve way smaller amounts of liquor? I've tried and have failed.



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